Added Info BOATING WORLD #81 Oct-Nov 1991 pg. 11
Boater's five most important knots (square, bowline, clove hitch, double half hitch, and the sheet bend).
BOATING WORLD #127 Mar 1997 pg. 95
Mastering the four basic boating knots (bowline, cleat hitch, clove hitch, and sheet bend).
BOATING WORLD Mar 2002 (v.23#3) pg. 40
Knots used for decoration.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1964 (v.54#6) pg. 54
Chinese lanyards feature decorative knot tying.
BOYS' LIFE Aug 1964 (v.54#8) pg. 35
Decorative knots, known as mats.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 1966 (v.56#1) pg. 51
Three decorative knots, the Chinese button, toggle and frog loop.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1966 (v.56#11) pg. 76
How to tie six basic knots: square knot, clove hitch, sheet bend, two half hitches, bowline and tautline hitch.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 1975 (v.65#2) pg. 48
Four-knot tying competitions.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1975 (v.65#6) pg. 36
Challenge games for Scout patrol teams. (1) "Hot" isotope transport. (2) Kick bridge. (3) "Far Out" clove hitch.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1976 (v.66#6) pg. 53
How to make a knot board.
BOYS' LIFE Sep 1976 (v.66#9) pg. 50
A review of how to tie a square knot, sheet bend, clove hitch, taut-line hitch, and bowline.
BOYS' LIFE May 1978 (v.68#5) pg. 72
How to tie prussick knots, the type that can be slid up and down a climbing rope by hand and yet will not slip if you apply pressure and step in a loop.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1978 (v.68#12) pg. 46
Diagrams illustrate 5 "emergency" knots. (1) Sheetbend (2) square (3) bowline (4) bowline on a bight and (5) chain.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1981 (v.71#11) pg. 46
How to tell which knot is the best to tie in a given situation. Knot selection table rates 17 knots on their strength, security, speed of tying and untying.
BOYS' LIFE Jul 1986 (v.76#7) pg. 56
Tie the bowline, one of the best knots to know for mountain-climbing, fire and water rescues.
BOYS' LIFE Jul 1988 (v.78#7) pg. 61
Square lashing and shear lashing techniques illustrated.
BOYS' LIFE Jul 1989 (v.79#7) pg. 36
The do-everything power cinch hitch knot.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1991 (v.81#4) pg. 71
Knots and lashings. Basic informatiopn on rope, end whipping, and lashing. Diagrams show how to tie a clove hitch, round turn with two half hitches, bowline knot, reef or square knot, tautline hitch, bowline on a bight, and a running bowline.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Feb 1993 (v.16#5) pg. 15
Correction CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jun 1993 (v.16#9) pg. 6
Thirty-two useful, easy-to-tie knots are illustrated.
COUNTRYSIDE Nov 1984 (v.68#11) pg. 28
How to tie a Scotsman's knot, traditionally used to join ends of bailing twine.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jan 1986 (v.70#1) pg. 34
How to use knots. Diagrams show how to tie five of the most useful knots (bowline, trucker's hitch, tautline, sheet bend, and constrictor).
FAMILY HANDYMAN #335 Feb 1993 (v.43#2) pg. 63
Hauling lumber home. How to do it safety. Includes information on car roof racks. Sketches show how to tie a "Trucker's Hitch", an ideal knot for tying down a load.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #370 Jul-Aug 1996 (v.46#7) pg. 68
Instructions for tying a surgeon's knot, useful when bundling branches.
FINE GARDENING #52 Nov-Dec 1996 pg. 12
Tip shows how to tie a weaver's knot that works without slipping.
HANDWOVEN May-Jun 1991 (v.12#3) pg. 8
Tip shows an alternative to a weaver's knot to use when joining a short length of warp to new warp ends.
HANDWOVEN Jan-Feb 1993 (v.14#1) pg. 32
Knots made easy. Drawings show how to tie a timber hitch, clove hitch, fisherman's hitch, figure eight, fisherman's bend and bowline knot.
HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #129 Aug 1996 (v.21) pg. 20
How to tie knots you can use. Make plant holders, bottle and glass wraps, rope clamps for use when gluing irregular objects, etc.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #3 Fall 1976 (v.1#3) pg. 10
A 2 page reference guide on ropes and knots.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jul-Aug 1980 (v.5#4) pg. 77
How to tie a half hitch knot.
HORTICULTURE Jun-Jul 1997 (v.94#6) pg. 16
How to tie the sheet bend knot.
HORTICULTURE Aug-Sep 1997 (v.94#7) pg. 18
How to tie a weaver's knot and an improved weaver's knot.
INTERWEAVE Summer 1980 (v.5#3) pg. 63
Two ways of tying the "bridling knot" used to join a kite's bridle line to the flying line.
KITE LINES Winter 1990-91 (v.8#2) pg. 27
Tip suggests carrying a dentist's tool to use when untying knots.
KITE LINES Winter 1997-98 (v.12#4) pg. 55
How to tie the "Turks Head" or pineapple knot. This rawhide braiding technique is used to cover the handle of a tool, make braided buttons, etc.
LEATHER CRAFTSMAN Jan-Feb 1990 (v.6#1) pg. 53
Four photos illustrate how to tie a bowline knot.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #466 Mar 1967 (v.63) pg. 93
Basic knots for boatmen, including the half hitch, bowline, clove hitch and square knot.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #601 Jun 1978 (v.74) pg. 146
How to tie the ten most useful knots.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #57 May-Jun 1979 pg. 80
How to tie a Zeppelin knot.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #61 Jan-Feb 1980 pg. 70
How to tie the dutchman's knot.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #68 Mar-Apr 1981 pg. 37
Three ways to tie the bowline, the king of knots.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #146 Oct-Nov 1994 pg. 28
Added Info MOTHER EARTH NEWS #148 Feb-Mar 1995 pg. 6
Chinese knot belt.
NEEDLE & CRAFT Aug 1989 (v.12#4) pg. 13
How to tie the U.L. (Underwriters' Laboratories) knot to provide strain relief for electrical cords.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1990 (v.7#10) pg. 24
How to tie a bowline knot.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Oct 1986 (v.1#2) pg. 96
A physics analysis of the "hitch", a knot intended to secure a line to another line or to a fixture. This analysis looks at the degree of friction needed to insure the hitch will not fail.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1983 (v.249#2) pg. 120
Mysteries of the bowline. Three methods for tying this knot.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #48 Apr-May 1986 pg. 23
Bowline in a bight knot.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #49 Jun-Jul 1986 pg. 19
The sheet bend knot. Three methods of tying shown.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #50 Aug-Sep 1986 pg. 19
The clove hitch knot.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #51 Oct-Nov 1986 pg. 16
Dangers of using a square knot in "severe service" conditions.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #52 Dec 1986-Jan 1987 pg. 17
The carrick bend. How and when to use this knot.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #53 Feb-Mar 1987 pg. 23
Added Info SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #62 Aug-Sep 1988 pg. 8
The zeppelin bend. How and when to tie this knot.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #54 Apr-May 1987 pg. 19
Blood knots. How and when to use this family of knots.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #57 Oct-Nov 1987 pg. 15
The buntline hitch, the best knot for attaching a halyard or sheet to a shackle.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #59 Feb-Mar 1988 pg. 23
Added Info SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #61 Jun-Jul 1988 pg. 6
Correction SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #65 Feb-Mar 1989 pg. 7
The marlinespike (a ropeworker's tool) and the marlinespike hitch.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #61 Jun-Jul 1988 pg. 23
Unique way of tying a bowline uses the mnemonic "over, under, around, and through."
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #61 Jun-Jul 1988 pg. 82
The anchor bend. When and how to tie this knot.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #62 Aug-Sep 1988 pg. 65
True-lover's knot. When and how to tie this knot.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #63 Oct-Nov 1988 pg. 65
The constrictor knot. Tying the single, double, and slipped constructor.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #64 Dec 1988-Jan 1989 pg. 34
The monkey's fist knot is one way of getting a weight onto the end of a line for tossing.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #67 Jun-Jul 1989 pg. 20
Heaving line knot does a good job of putting mass and weight on the end of a line so it can be thrown a longer distance.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #68 Aug-Sep 1989 pg. 14
Tack knot. How to take the loose strands of a laid line and work them into one of the many "knob" knots that are used to create a bulky mass at the end of a line.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #71 Feb-Mar 1990 pg. 18
How to tie the "Constrictor" knot.
SPIN-OFF Winter 1985 (v.9#4) pg. 56
Knots for tree-tenders. Used to pull branches, straighten trunks, etc. Looks at bowline, slipknot and half-hitches.
SUNSET Nov 1990 (v.185#5) pg. 160
How to tie a long-lasting knot in handsewing.
THREADS #76 Apr-May 1998 pg. 18
How to adorn a stanchion, cylinder, handle, etc. with decorative hitching. Two patterns shown: (1) St.Mary's hitching. (2) Moku hitching.
WOODENBOAT #39 Mar-Apr 1981 pg. 102
Hitching. (1) How to form the three-legged Turk's head hitch at the intersection of a rim and spoke or of a rail and stanchion. (2) How to tie 3 examples of ringbolt hitching.
WOODENBOAT #40 May-Jun 1981 pg. 92
Seven bends. 7 ways to tie two lines together.
WOODENBOAT #53 Jul-Aug 1983 pg. 96
Binds that tie. A good knot is versatile. Learn only the good ones and you will only need to learn a few.
WOODENBOAT #72 Sep-Oct 1986 pg. 40
Added Info WOODENBOAT #89 Jul-Aug 1989 pg. 5
Tugboat hitch is a handy knot for use when towing any boat (provided that a towing bitt is available).
WOODENBOAT #142 May-Jun 1998 pg. 76