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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Turning wooden pepper mills.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #19 Mar-Apr 1991 pg. 36

Pepper mills and saltshakers. Jigs and techniques for producing multiples of wooden salt-and-pepper sets.
FINE WOODWORKING #73 Nov-Dec 1988 pg. 88

Custom-turned salt shaker and pepper mill set on a wooden base with carrying handle which store toothpicks.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #455 Apr 1966 (v.62) pg. 108

The ABC's of turning layered veneers. Glue up turning blocks from sample packs of veneer. Plans for a salt shaker and pepper mill shown.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #526 Mar 1972 (v.68) pg. 132

Salt shaker and pepper mill are made from wood and have a hexagon shape.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1982 (v.157#1) pg. 158

A turned peppermill that is 9" tall.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #95 Mar 1997 (v.17#1) pg. 40

Turned pepper mill and salt shaker.
WOOD MAGAZINE #99 Oct 1997 (v.14#6) pg. 33

Turn a peppermill. Part 1.
WOODWORKER #1046 Jan 1981 (v.85) pg. 8

Turn a peppermill. Part 2.
WOODWORKER #1048 Mar 1981 (v.85) pg. 136

Peppermills shaped like giant chess pieces.
WOODWORKER Apr 1987 (v.91#4) pg. 316

Salt shaker and pepper mill are lathe turned from spalted wood. Each measures 6" tall, 2" diameter.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1984 (v.8#5) pg. 42
Added Info WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1985 (v.9#2) pg. 6