Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #99 Mar-Apr 1993 pg. 26
Tip to reduce the dust that accumulates on plastic face shields.
FINE WOODWORKING #137 Jul-Aug 1999 pg. 16
Storage cabinet for a school shop stores safety glasses and goggles so they are ready to use.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Oct 1978 (v.67#7) pg. 30
Tips for professional photographers on protecting their eyes when on assignment.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY May 1980 (v.29#5) pg. 12
Preventative protection. Tips on using dust masks, eye protection and hearing protectors in your workshop.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1988 (v.165#1) pg. 29
What is available in eye, ear, and face protection for the home craftsman.
POPULAR SCIENCE May 1977 (v.210#5) pg. 136
Warning: Do NOT try to alter the opening of the iris in your eye to improve your telescope view by using any chemical means, even though they are suggested in old telescope books.
TELESCOPE MAKING #2 Winter 1978 pg. 8
Safety goggles recommended when doing certain types of machine sewing.
THREADS #72 Aug-Sep 1997 pg. 14
Keep safety in sight. What is available in safety glasses for use in the home workshop.
WOOD MAGAZINE #24 Aug 1988 (v.5#4) pg. 64
Tip: Prevent sawdust from sticking to plastic shields, goggles or face masks by wiping the plastic with a used sheet of fabric softener or vinyl protectant.
WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 16
Healthy woodworking. What you need to know to protect your sight, hearing and lungs. Choosing the right equipment.
WOOD MAGAZINE #138 Dec 2001 (v.18#9) pg. 62
Tip on mounting a polycarbonate safety screen over a wood lathe.
WOODTURNING #37 Nov 1995 pg. 77
Tip recommends using fabric softener papers to remove the static charge that causes sawdust to cling to safety glasses and shields.
WOODWORK #44 Apr 1997 pg. 8
Eyes and ears: the forgotten risks. Simple protection from workshop hazards.
WOODWORKER #1091 Oct 1984 (v.88) pg. 642
Proper eye protection in the workshop. Some tips.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1981 (v.37#6) pg. 26