Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #28 May-Jun 1981 pg. 26
How to make a Swedish "Sloyd" knife for carving and how to carve a traditional Swedish wooden spoon.
FINE WOODWORKING #38 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 84
Carving wooden spoons. Instructions for the beginning woodcarver.
FINE WOODWORKING #79 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 94
For rockhound ladies. Part 1. Demitasse silver spoons have small polished gemstones set into the end of the handle.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #530 Dec 1981 pg. 10
For rockhound ladies. Part 3. Berry spoon made from 24 gauge sterling silver.
Spoons for the jewelry maker. How to cast and forge sterling silver spoons.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #572 Jul 1985 pg. 44
How to hand carve wooden spoons
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #54 Nov-Dec 1978 pg. 132
How to carve a Swedish Happiness Spoon. Start with a wooden mixing spoon, carve the handle to look like rope, then carve the names and marriage date of the couple into the bowl of the spoon.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW May 1977 (v.8#2) pg. 21
Welsh spoon carving. A look at the tools and techniques used to carve wooden spoons and ladles.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Aug 1977 (v.8#3) pg. 22
Design for a Norwegian Love Spoon connected by a wooden chain to a second love spoon.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring-Summer 1978 (v.9#2) pg. 16
How to make wood spoons. Includes patterns for spoon, strainer and ladle.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1989 (v.166#12) pg. 84
Wedding spoons. Two ornately carved wooden spoons connected together with a wooden chain. Used in Norway as a wedding gift to symbolize that two people are joined for life.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1967 (v.190#1) pg. 142
Giraffe spoons. How to turn add-on wooden handles for metal teaspoons. The resulting long spoons are ideal for tall instant coffee jars.
WOODTURNING #41 Apr 1996 pg. 37
The return of the wooden spoon. Tips on carving your own spoons, scoops, ladles, etc.
WOODWORKER #1064 Jul 1982 (v.86) pg. 482
How to carve a wooden spoon using just a few simple tools.
WOODWORKER May 1988 (v.92#5) pg. 454
Hand carved knife and ladle.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1964 (v.20#3) pg. 28
Kitchen utensils carved from wood. (1) Spaghetti lifter. (2) Spoon & fork. (3) Rolling pin. (4) Meat hammer. (5) Egg lifter. (6) Strainer spoon. (7) Soup taster. (8) Potato masher.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1982 (v.38#1) pg. 32