Tips for vegetable gardeners. (1) Making a bird spooker. (2) Building a planter box for the lettuce. (3) Screening seedlings with perforated plastic plant flats. (4) Protecting a row of seedlings with nylon mesh supported by 1x1s. (5) Making a zucchini cage. (6) Growing pole beans on a patio up a wire support to form a screen, and (7) Making a cabbage mat. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Mar 1978 (v.56#3) pg. 108
Vegetable garden season stretchers. A look at a variety of simple greenhouses, cloches, and cold frames which you can build or buy. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Apr 1982 (v.60#4) pg. 50
PVC pipe frames and sheet plastic make an easy way to protect plants from frost. FAMILY HANDYMAN #398 May 1999 (v.49#5) pg. 122
Tip: Simple A-frame garden sunscreen built from wood that folds flat for storage. FINE GARDENING #7 May-Jun 1989 pg. 8
Tip: Winter shelter for broad-leaved evergreens is made from burlap over a wire structure. FINE GARDENING #10 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 8
How to convert a 2-liter plastic soda bottle into a mini-greenhouse or cover for a flower pot. FINE GARDENING #11 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 6
Use brown-paper grocery sacks as in-ground plant containers. They provide transplants with temporary relief from competition and shelter from wind. FINE GARDENING #13 May-Jun 1990 pg. 10
More uses for row covers. Speed germination of corn, protect strawberries during the winter, etc. FINE GARDENING #13 May-Jun 1990 pg. 10
A winter shelter for plants. Easy-to-build winter planthouse protects young and half-hardy plants from expreme cold. Unlike a greenhouse, this plastic-covered shelter faces away from low winter sun to minimize solar heating. FINE GARDENING #15 Sep-Oct 1990 pg. 48
Seedling transplant protector is made from a paper milk carton. FINE GARDENING #19 May-Jun 1991 pg. 12
Tip suggests using plastic mesh strawberry containers as shade covers for newly transplanted seedlings. FINE GARDENING #25 May-Jun 1992 pg. 10
How to overwinter marginally hardy plants using polystyrene picnic coolers. FINE GARDENING #33 Sep-Oct 1993 pg. 10
Advice on using "Reemay" for hardening off seedlings. FINE GARDENING #33 Sep-Oct 1993 pg. 16
Make cloches from gallon-sized glass jugs by cutting off the bottom. FINE GARDENING #35 Jan-Feb 1994 pg. 16
Tomato cages and old pillowcases form an easily removed cozy for protecting small plants and shrubs from the cold. FINE GARDENING #39 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 10
Tip suggests using green plastic produce baskets to shield new seedlings. FINE GARDENING #48 Mar-Apr 1996 pg. 10
How to shelter plants from winter's worst. Simple seasonal cover-ups to protect young and tender plants. FINE GARDENING #70 Nov-Dec 1999 pg. 46
Tip: Plastic milk jug, with bottom cut off, is used to protect seedlings, but may be raised up for "hardening off". FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1982 (v.26#2) pg. 90
A-frame shrub protector. Guard foundation plantings from rooftop snow avalanches with these simple slatted panels. FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1991 (v.35#5) pg. 83
Techniques for extending the growing season in spring and fall through use of cold frames, cloches, and other devices. FLOWER & GARDEN Dec 1993-Jan 1994 (v.37#6) pg. 16
Tip on using the top of a 2 liter or 3 liter plastic bottle as a miniature greenhouse. GARDEN GATE #1 Feb-Mar 1995 pg. 5
Create a metal arch-shaped cloche (trellis) from wire-mesh fencing. Use climbing plants to cover the arch. Then place shade-loving plants inside the arch. GARDEN GATE #3 Jun-Jul 1995 pg. 5
Tip on using clay pots (with bottoms removed) to surround and protect young vines or other plants. GARDEN GATE #5 Oct-Nov 1995 pg. 4
Tips on frost protection for plants in north central Florida. GARDEN GATE #18 Dec 1997 pg. 39
Tip suggests a large tomato cage lined with layers of newspaper as a short-term protection from cold, snow or sleet. GARDEN GATE #19 Feb 1998 pg. 6
Advice on using cloches (mini-greenhouses for individual plants) and how to adapt jars, jugs and other things as cloches. GARDEN GATE #24 Dec 1998 pg. 38
Tip on storing plant covers from plastic milk jugs with their bottoms cut off. GARDEN GATE #28 Aug 1999 pg. 4
Simple and inexpensive way to plant an outdoor garden just after the frost has left the ground. Relies on covering high ridges of soil with a canopy of clear plastic to warm the soil. HARROWSMITH #115 Apr-May 1994 (v.18#7) pg. 25
That's a wrap. Techniques to help garden plants survive the winter. HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #137 Nov-Dec 1997 (v.21) pg. 80
Tip: Use synthetic netting to form a windbreak for your garden. HOME MECHANIX #721 May 1988 (v.84) pg. 70
Temporary shade ideas for vegetables. HORTICULTURE Jul 1990 (v.68#7) pg. 16
Tip on using plastic 2-liter bottles as mini greenhouses for young plants. HORTICULTURE Jan 1997 (v.94#1) pg. 10
Salads in the snow. How to grow fresh greens in the winter by using polyester row cover, cold frames and a movable hoop house. HORTICULTURE Feb 1998 (v.95#2) pg. 44
How to build a shade frame for a garden. Est. cost: $3. HORTICULTURE Apr 1998 (v.95#4) pg. 16
Tip shows how to use cedar shingles to protect fragile seedlings from strong winds. KITCHEN GARDEN #1 Feb-Mar 1996 pg. 8
Tip shows how to make a season-extender by draping clear plastic over garden plants. KITCHEN GARDEN #1 Feb-Mar 1996 pg. 10
How to make versatile cages for the garden from vinyl-coated wire mesh. Can be used as a planting guide, plant support, season extender. KITCHEN GARDEN #3 Jun-Jul 1996 pg. 10
Tip on a row cover to protect newly germinated corn from being eaten by crows. KITCHEN GARDEN #3 Jun-Jul 1996 pg. 12
Protecting transplants with a tunnel made from wire hoops and row cover fabric. KITCHEN GARDEN #6 Dec 1996-Jan 1997 pg. 56
How to anchor a milk jug used as a seedling protector. KITCHEN GARDENER #22 Aug-Sep 1999 pg. 8
Getting the jump on spring. Start your row crops earlier in the spring by covering the row with this "caterpillar-style" greenhouse made from 4-ft wide plastic film and semi-circular hoops stuck in ground to support plastic. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #633 Feb 1981 (v.77) pg. 26
Tips on building a "cloche" for your garden. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #89 Sep-Oct 1984 pg. 110
How to build and maintain a cold frame and a tunnel cloche. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #95 Sep-Oct 1985 pg. 44
Garden uses of nylon netting include insect screens, transplant container, etc. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #110 Mar-Apr 1988 pg. 16
Benefits and drawbacks of the major types of row covers. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #110 Mar-Apr 1988 pg. 46
Net workings. Protect summer crops from scorching sun and scavenging birds by covering them with shade netting or bird netting. Some tips. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #112 Jul-Aug 1988 pg. 106
American intensive solar gardening. A description and construction details for passive solar pods and cones that are used with portable "drop frame" bases. Includes recommendations on layout and size of vegetable growing areas. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #148 Feb-Mar 1995 pg. 32
Tip describes how to build solar cones for earlier starting of plants outdoors. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #157 Aug-Sep 1996 pg. 10
How to make plastic tunnels to protect early crops. ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1977 (v.24#12) pg. 172
How to fold cone "hats" to keep frost off small plants. ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1978 (v.25#8) pg. 22
Tip: Protect seedlings from frost by surrounding them with a water-filled inner tube. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1980 (v.27#3) pg. 26
A portable A-frame to build to protect tomatoes. ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1980 (v.27#4) pg. 76
Shading devices to keep heat-sensitive plants healthy all summer. ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1980 (v.27#8) pg. 36
How to make hot caps from large glass jugs. ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1981 (v.28#2) pg. 158
Tip: Use plastic cocktail glasses for hot caps. ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1981 (v.28#6) pg. 4
Tip: Hold down for plastic "frost protectors" made from wood or plastic pipe. ORGANIC GARDENING Sep 1982 (v.29#9) pg. 22
Tips on using cloches as season extenders. ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1984 (v.31#1) pg. 80
An inexpensive and easy-to-build row cover (large tunnel cloche). ORGANIC GARDENING Sep 1984 (v.31#9) pg. 62
Cloche frame made from willow poles and 1x2's. ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1985 (v.32#1) pg. 22
Tomato cages which double as tunnel cloches and compost containers. ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1985 (v.32#8) pg. 22
Water-filled plastic jugs protect potted plants from frost. ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1985 (v.32#8) pg. 23
Nylon netting protects plants from insects and intense summer sunlight. ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1985 (v.32#11) pg. 21
Using spunbonded floating row covers. ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1985 (v.32#12) pg. 82
Milkshake cups with nylon-curtain caps make multiuse cloches to protect brassicas from frost, rabbits, cutworms and other pests. ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1986 (v.33#6) pg. 19
Tunnel cloche is made from concrete-reinforcing wire covered with plastic sheeting. ORGANIC GARDENING Oct 1986 (v.33#10) pg. 18
Tip: Make inexpensive cloches from plastic ice cream buckets. ORGANIC GARDENING May 1988 (v.35#5) pg. 93
Tip: Colonial-style wood-and-paper cloche for protecting tender plants. ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1989 (v.36#11) pg. 62
Tip on using bale beds (rectangular enclosures made from bales of hay) to protect vegetables against wind and sun. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1990 (v.37#3) pg. 90
Cloche system combines a plastic tent with 5-gallon containers of heat-absorbing water. ORGANIC GARDENING Sep-Oct 1990 (v.37#7) pg. 82
How to make cloches to extend your growing season for both frost-sensitive and cool-season crops. ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1991 (v.38#8) pg. 58
How to make a cloche from wire fencing covered with plastic and netting. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1992 (v.39#3) pg. 106
Tip describes how to make roll-up row covers. ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1992 (v.39#4) pg. 82
Tip describes covering brassica crops with row cover made from electrical conduit and nylon netting. ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1992 (v.39#8) pg. 74
Tip shows how to anchor plastic milk jugs when using them as plant covers. ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1992 (v.39#8) pg. 74
Tip shows how to make a portable 4'x4' dome-shaped frame that can be covered with plastic or shade cloth. ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1994 (v.41#2) pg. 70
Tip on making a portable cover from a frame of PVC pipe covered with screening to protect plants from hail. ORGANIC GARDENING Jul-Aug 1994 (v.41#6) pg. 74
Plant with early season extenders. A guide to hot caps, walls o'water, grow domes, cold frames, plastic tunnels and row covers. ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1996 (v.43#2) pg. 67
Homemade frost protectors are made from 2-liter plastic soda bottles fastened together with hot glue. ORGANIC GARDENING May-Jun 1996 (v.43#5) pg. 80
How to make a mini-greenhouse from 2.5-gal rectangular plastic jugs. ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1997 (v.44#1) pg. 66
Tip shares an easier way to fill water-filled plant protectors. ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1997 (v.44#2) pg. 71
Tip on using sheer nylon or polyester curtains as row cover. ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1997 (v.44#4) pg. 78
Tip on how to make anchors to hold down plant and row covers and plastic mulches. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1998 (v.45#3) pg. 67
Critter-proof garden beds. Domes to keep small animals out of gardens are made from PVC pipe frames covered with poultry fencing. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar-Apr 1999 (v.46#2) pg. 66
How to make a cold frame, a hot bed and a cloche to get your seeds started early. Units use translucent corrugated fiberglass instead of glass. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1978 (v.149#3) pg. 152
Three gardening aids you can build. (1) Potting bench. (2) Lettuce shader. (3) Caterpillar cloche. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1983 (v.159#3) pg. 105
How to make a shadecloth tent to cover garden plants sensitive to heat. SUNSET May 1980 (v.164#5) pg. 268
Plastic-covered lath pyramids hold heat in seedbeds for faster germination and growth during cool weather. SUNSET Mar 1983 (v.170#3) pg. 238
Ways to protect your plants if your growing season is only 60 days. SUNSET May 1984 (v.172#5) pg. 254
Tips on how to provide temporary shade for tender transplants. SUNSET Sep 1986 (v.177#3) pg. 186
A look at "floating" row covers in five materials and what they will offer the gardener. Includes tips on watering, fighting weeds and preventing heat damage. SUNSET Feb 1987 (v.178#2) pg. 86
Tip: Use lattice as shade to keep cool-season leaf crops from bolting. SUNSET Jun 1989 (v.182#6) pg. 224
Salad cloche. Frost protection structure to extend the growing season of leafy vegetables is built from plastic sheeting over arched sections of PCV pipe. SUNSET Sep 1994 (v.193#3) pg. 50