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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   LATCH

Tip shows how to recycle old pop tops as picture frame or shelf hangers.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1997 (v.21#3) pg. 12

Homemade guard prevents a small child from opening a hook-and-eye latch.
FINE GARDENING #17 Jan-Feb 1991 pg. 8

Tip: Use the two-jawed chuck on your brace to install cuphooks and screweyes.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #30 Dec 1985-Jan 1986 pg. 10

Tip: Use a variable-speed drill and an eyebolt to drive screw hooks.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #55 Aug-Sep 1989 pg. 26

Simple "wrench" for installing large screw hooks.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #85 Dec 1993-Jan 1994 pg. 32

Slotted dowel for driving hook screws or eyescrews.
FINE WOODWORKING #131 Jul-Aug 1998 pg. 16

Tip: Make a special bit to drive screw eyes with your electric drill.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1980 (v.153#5) pg. 34

Tip on using a pop-top tab as a wall hanger to attach to the back of a picture frame or small project.
WOOD MAGAZINE #85 Jan 1996 (v.13#1) pg. 16

Socket adapter in cordless drill makes short work of installing eyescrews.
WOOD MAGAZINE #97 Jun 1997 (v.14#4) pg. 14

Tip shows how to make a screw eye starter and driver.
WOODSMITH #109 Feb 1997 (v.19) pg. 4

Special chuck for installing a large quantity of L-hooks.
WOODWORKER Sep 1991 (v.95#9) pg. 944