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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Tatted covers for glass ball ornaments.
CRAFTS Nov 1997 (v.20#11) pg. 22

Make tatted and crocheted snowflake ornaments.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Dec 1982 (v.13#10) pg. 6

Tatted six-pointed snowflake motif to decorate a Christmas tree or gift package.
FLOWER & GARDEN [CRAFTS EDITION] Oct-Dec 1996 (v.40#5) pg. 29

Tatted Yule ornaments: an angel, a candy cane and a wreath.
McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Dec 1986 (v.31#6) pg. 62, 78

Tatted snowflake and Christmas tree.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1979 (v.45#2) pg. 18

Two snowflake ornaments to tat.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1981 (v.47#2) pg. 62

Three styles of tatted snowflakes using white and metallic thread for a sparkling look.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1981 (v.47#2) pg. 64

Two-color candy cane ornament for advanced tatters.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1982 (v.48#2) pg. 20

Tatted bell decoration.
WORKBASKET Jun-Jul 1983 (v.48#8) pg. 48

Tatted wreath may be used a Christmas tree ornament, package decoration, pin, etc.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1985 (v.51#2) pg. 42

Tatting for Christmas ornaments, lapel pin or applique. (1) Wreath. (2) Christmas tree.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1986 (v.52#2) pg. 30

Tatted snowflake Christmas tree ornament.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1986 (v.52#2) pg. 77

Tatted medallion for a Christmas tree.
WORKBASKET Jun-Jul 1987 (v.52#8) pg. 26

Tatted Christmas tree ornament.
WORKBASKET Oct 1987 (v.53#1) pg. 16

Tatted Christmas bell ornament.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1987 (v.53#2) pg. 16

Tatted wreath for an ornament or pin.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1987 (v.53#2) pg. 60

Tatted Christmas tree ornaments. Tatting covers a satin ball.
WORKBASKET Jun-Jul 1988 (v.53#8) pg. 13

Three tatted designs to glue on satin balls.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1988 (v.54#2) pg. 22

Tatted snowflake motif. Can be used as a Christmas tree ornament or as a "captain's wheel" motif for applique on sailing-related objects.
WORKBASKET Aug 1989 (v.54#9) pg. 15

Tatted star-shaped ornament.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1989 (v.55#2) pg. 62

Tatted "icicle" tree ornaments are worked in metallic thread.
WORKBASKET Jun-Jul 1990 (v.55#8) pg. 21

Tatted candle-shaped decoration.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1990 (v.56#2) pg. 28

Holiday tatting. Use small tatted Christmas trees to decorate cards, packages, table linens or clothing.
WORKBASKET Nov-Dec 1990 (v.56#2) pg. 30

Tatted wreath and star Christmas tree ornaments. A variation affixes two wreaths or two stars to top and bottom of a clear ball. Bead accents and bands of cross-stitch with wreath, holly and heart motifs, wrap around the centers.
WORKBASKET Oct-Nov 1992 (v.58#1) pg. 44

Holiday star Christmas ornament to tat.
WORKBASKET Jun-Jul 1993 (v.58#5) pg. 54