Small covered sewing box turning project is a variation on a goblet, bowl or lidded box. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Sep 1990 (v.5#1) pg. 12
Using contrasting wood to add interest to turned wooden goblets. Some tips. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Sep 1990 (v.5#1) pg. 14
Comments on designing a goblet to be turned. Items to consider about the three major elements (cup, stem and base), wood selection and finish. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Jun 1991 (v.6#2) pg. 8
Turning cork oak goblets with a naturalistic form. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Jun 1991 (v.6#2) pg. 10
Turning goblets from orange citrus wood. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Jun 1991 (v.6#2) pg. 14
Turning tipsy, whimsical goblets from madrone wood. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Jun 1991 (v.6#2) pg. 15
Turning a natural-top, thin-stemmed goblet from American hornbeam or Dogwood. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Jun 1991 (v.6#2) pg. 16
Tiny turning. Pushing the limits of size on a regular wood lathe. Selecting the wood, chucking small pieces, turning speed, turning tools, etc. Includes instructions for turning a small rosewood goblet. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #27 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 16
Wood turning either a scoop or a goblet using the same basic techniques. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1989 (v.12#4) pg. 14
Turning goblets. Tips on shaping the outside to a template, drilling out the inside, shop made scraping tool, stub-tenon mounting, and steadying the blank as turning progresses. FINE WOODWORKING #38 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 72
Alcohol-resistant finish for wooden wine goblets. FINE WOODWORKING #67 Nov-Dec 1987 pg. 16
Use of PEG (polyethylene glycol) as a stabilizer/finish for wooden goblets is discussed. FINE WOODWORKING #73 Nov-Dec 1988 pg. 14
Turning tool for making loose rings on the stem of a goblet. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring-Summer 1979 (v.10#2) pg. 9
Wood turning lesson. Part 15. Turning chalices, egg cups, and goblets. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Fall 1979 (v.10#3) pg. 36
Decorative wine goblet is lathe turned from selected wood grain stock, such as a walnut burl. The foot of the goblet is octagonal in shape. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Fall 1979 (v.10#3) pg. 38
Turning a wooden goblet. WOOD MAGAZINE #80 Aug 1995 (v.12#5) pg. 50
How to turn wooden goblets on a lathe. Two patterns given. WOODSMITH #23 Sep 1982 pg. 4
How to turn miniature goblets from boxwood and bone. WOODTURNING #44 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 42
Turned minaret pot. Goblet-like base is topped with a domed lid featuring a long, slender finial. WOODTURNING #51 Apr 1997 pg. 21
Going square. How to turn technically challenging and aesthetically pleasing square-lidded pots, bowls, goblets, etc. WOODTURNING #55 Sep 1997 pg. 40
Wet and wild. Part 1. Achieve interesting goblet effects by turning wet wood, possible piercing the shape with an unusual design, and spraying it with cellulose paint from a can. WOODTURNING #63 May 1998 pg. 13
Wet and wild. Part 2. Turning techniques, including the use of lamplight to gauge the thickness of a thin-walled translucent goblet. WOODTURNING #64 Jun 1998 pg. 22
Wet and wild. Part 3. Coloring and pyrography. WOODTURNING #65 Jul 1998 pg. 30
Graceful goblets. An organized step-by-step approach to turning elegant wooden goblets with tall, narrow stems. WOODTURNING #76 Jun 1999 pg. 19
How to turn wooden goblets on a lathe, including tips on waterproofing the goblets. WOODWORKER #1016 Jul 1978 (v.82) pg. 300
Project turning: hollow ware. Details for turning an eggcup, a vase and a goblet to sharpen your skills. WOODWORKER #1086 May 1984 (v.88) pg. 308
Step-by-step goblet turning project explores the satisfaction and sorrows of turning exotic wood. WOODWORKER #1092 Nov 1984 (v.88) pg. 744
How to turn beautiful showpiece wooden goblets. WOODWORKER #1105 Dec 1985 (v.89) pg. 929
Technique for mounting end-grain timber when turning goblets from soft wood. WOODWORKER Mar 1990 (v.94#3) pg. 277
Lathe jig facilitates the making of ornamental goblets with captive rings on slim stems. WOODWORKER Aug 1995 (v.99#8) pg. 83
Start turning. Part 7. Hollowing out egg cups, goblets and boxes. WOODWORKING #20 Dec 1990-Jan 1991 pg. 64
How to turn a goblet from a piece of tree branch. The base and lip of the goblet are left with a natural bark edge. The stem is ultra-thin. WOODWORKING #21 Feb-Mar 1991 pg. 43