Crocheted edgings worked in variegated cottons are all variations of the traditional shell pattern. Use them to decorate towels, bed clothes, table linens, etc. FAMILY CIRCLE Aug 11 1981 (v.94#11) pg. 84, 122, 124
Luxurious hand-crocheted edgings for towels. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING NEEDLECRAFT Spring-Summer 1981 pg. 96, 151
Crocheted or knitted seam treatments and edge bindings for felted cloth. HANDWOVEN Jan-Feb 1992 (v.13#1) pg. 69
Lace edging to crochet for towels and bed linens. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Fall 1980 (v.25#3) pg. 104, 166
Crocheted keepsakes. (1) Three different pillowcase edgings. (2) A handkerchief edging. (3) Padded hangers with crocheted coverings. (4) Sachet balls. (5) Tie-on collar in filet crochet. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Dec 1987 (v.32#6) pg. 60, 10, 38, 42, 44, 90
Four crocheted edgings for plain handkerchiefs. NEEDLE & CRAFT Jun 1989 (v.12#3) pg. 49, 37
Two crocheted pillowcase edgings. NEEDLE & CRAFT Aug 1989 (v.12#4) pg. 53, 38
A crocheted edging for a woman's handkerchief. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Jan-Feb 1982 (v.5#1) pg. 4
Filet crochet towel edging. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY May-Jun 1985 (v.8#3) pg. 14, 30, 45
Tip: A technique for non-bulky crocheted edgings on wovens. THREADS #11 Jun-Jul 1987 pg. 6
Tip on correcting uneven crocheted edges. THREADS #45 Feb-Mar 1993 pg. 10
Shell lace edging to crochet. WORKBASKET Jan 1986 (v.51#3) pg. 59
Trailing vine edging in filet crochet. WORKBASKET Feb 1986 (v.51#4) pg. 36
Three filet crochet edgings to decorate plain bedroom linens. WORKBASKET Mar 1990 (v.55#5) pg. 22