Added Info ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Jul 1997 (v.14#7) pg. 4
Differences between turpentine and odorless thinner described along with tips on safe conditions and handling.
ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Oct 1997 (v.14#10) pg. 72
Solvent school 101. Part 1. An introduction to the various thinners and what each of them does.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Mar 1998 (v.21#6) pg. 22
Solvent school 101. Part 2. Rules for handling solvents. Use of less-risky reducers.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1998 (v.21#7) pg. 20
A look at 11 common solvents that remove stains and spots from clothes, art tools, and your skin. Gives tips on how and what to use for common craft project clean-up jobs.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Jan-Feb 1977 (v.8#1) pg. 12
Fourteen tips for working safely with paints, varnishes and thinners used in decorative painting.
DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Jan-Feb 1990 (v.17#1) pg. 31
How to choose and use solvents for paint, stains, wood fillers, etc.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #216 Feb 1981 (v.31#2) pg. 88
Tip: Use a paint additive (such as Penetrol) as a substitute for paint thinner.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #275 Jan 1987 (v.37#1) pg. 80
Differences between turpentine and mineral spirits are noted.
FINE WOODWORKING #63 Mar-Apr 1987 pg. 14
Tip on reusing mineral spirits after letting paint sludge settle out.
FINE WOODWORKING #79 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 16
Workshop solvents. Selecting the right chemicals and using them safely.
FINE WOODWORKING #92 Jan-Feb 1992 pg. 80
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #94 May-Jun 1992 pg. 8
Tip on the proper solvent for oil-based varnishes.
FINE WOODWORKING #136 May-Jun 1999 pg. 92
Hazardous chemicals in the workshop. Tips on identifying and dealing with solvent hazards.
FINE WOODWORKING #136 May-Jun 1999 pg. 117
Tip: An old coffee urn serves to store paint brush cleaning fluid. Sediment settles out below the spout.
HOMEOWNER Dec 1983 (v.8#7) pg. 58
Painting materials. What materials to use to paint or finish any surface. Chart includes information on solvents for thinning and cleanup, information on application techniques, drying time, and coverage.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO May-Jun 1979 (v.4#3) pg. 71
Liquids and chemicals in the workshop. Tips on using water, baking soda, mineral spirits, glycerine, green soap, petroleum jelly, trisodium phosphate, isopropyl alcohol, naval jelly, handwarmer fluid, acetone, and MEK (methyl ethyl ketone).
MODEL AVIATION Sep 1994 (v.20#9) pg. 23
Added Info MODEL AVIATION Nov 1994 (v.20#11) pg. 6
Added Info MODEL AVIATION Dec 1994 (v.20#12) pg. 172
Tips on recycling paint thinner by using a container to allow wastes to settle so solvent on top can be reused.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1989 (v.17#6) pg. 16
The right way to choose and use solvents.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1982 (v.158#5) pg. 116
Technique for collecting and recycling lacquer thinner that is used to clean a spray gun.
SHOPNOTES #41 Sep 1998 (v.7) pg. 4
Improvised solvent soak tank and drip pan.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #176 Mar 1991 (v.15#8) pg. 19
Three versions of settling tanks for recycling used solvents.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #200 Mar 1993 (v.17#8) pg. 31
Tips on a choice of thinners for artist's oil paints.
TOLE WORLD #107 Nov-Dec 1990 (v.14#6) pg. 61
Solvents, which ones to use and how to deal with them in finishing woodworking projects. Information on countermeasures to possible effects of toxic materials. Sketch shows a shop-built basement ventilator.
WOOD MAGAZINE #102 Winter 1997 (v.14#9) pg. 81
Solvents. A look at the six basic solvents used in painting, wood finishing, etc. How to safely dispose of used solvents.
WOODSMITH #53 Oct 1987 pg. 20, 23
Added Info WOODSMITH #54 Dec 1987 pg. 23
Understanding the relationship between solvents, the weather, and finishes can help overcome many common finish failures when working with lacquer, shellac, varnish, and water-borne finishes.
WOODWORK #9 Spring 1991 pg. 45
Finishing pollution. Ecologically correct ways to clean paint brush and spray gun, and to recycle the solvents.
WOODWORK #16 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 68
Tip on filtering and recycling used paint thinner.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1990 (v.46#5) pg. 72
Pick the right solvent. A guide to the confusing array of solvents used for thinning finishes and cleaning brushes.
WORKBENCH Dec 1992-Jan 1993 (v.48#6) pg. 16