Added Info ASTRONOMY Jun 1989 (v.17#6) pg. 6
Your own piece of the solar system. Get a detailed, close-up perspective of other worlds when you model planetary features using matte board and plaster.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1989 (v.17#3) pg. 73
How to observe planets during the day. With this step-by-step guide to daytime polar alignment, you'll be able to locate planets and stars when the sun is up.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1989 (v.17#3) pg. 86
Observing the moons of the outer planets (Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) with 8" or larger telescopes.
ASTRONOMY Jun 1989 (v.17#6) pg. 74
Hunting the last planet. A complete guide to tracking down the elusive planet Pluto.
ASTRONOMY Apr 1990 (v.18#4) pg. 58
Red planet's return to glory. Advice on observing Mars during the 1990 apparition.
ASTRONOMY Sep 1990 (v.18#9) pg. 74
Mars shows its stuff. A guide to observing the planet Mars with a small telescope.
ASTRONOMY Nov 1990 (v.18#11) pg. 66
Annual guide to locating and observing Pluto.
ASTRONOMY Apr 1991 (v.19#4) pg. 77
Saturn, lord of the rings. Observing tips for the planet Saturn.
ASTRONOMY Aug 1991 (v.19#8) pg. 72
Seeing the most on Jupiter. A guide to what your telescope will show.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1992 (v.20#3) pg. 85
In pursuit of Pluto. Tips on locating and observing.
ASTRONOMY May 1992 (v.20#5) pg. 73
Prime time for Uranus and Neptune. Summer observing tips for two remote worlds and their elusive satellites.
ASTRONOMY Aug 1992 (v.20#8) pg. 56
Observing the planet Mars.
ASTRONOMY Nov 1992 (v.20#11) pg. 74
Observing the winter's evening planets (Venus and Mercury).
ASTRONOMY Feb 1993 (v.21#2) pg. 60
Pluto watch. Observing the elusive planet at the edge of the Sun's domain.
ASTRONOMY May 1993 (v.21#5) pg. 70
Astronomical software written in GW-BASIC for Mars and Jupiter observing. (1) Calculates the central meridian on Mars for any observing time. (2) Calculates the time when the Great Red Spot transits the Jovian disk.
ASTRONOMY Jul 1993 (v.21#7) pg. 64
Jupiter's magnificent show. Getting acquainted with the features of Jupiter so you can appreciate the effects of the impacts with Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. How to see fine detail. How to sketch the features you observe.
ASTRONOMY Apr 1994 (v.22#4) pg. 74
Take the Pluto challenge. Test the limits of your observing skills by locating and viewing the planet Pluto.
ASTRONOMY May 1994 (v.22#5) pg. 88
The end of the line. Observing techniques to improve your chances of seeing the results of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 slamming into Jupiter.
ASTRONOMY Aug 1994 (v.22#8) pg. 73
Discover the red planet. Tools and techniques for observing the planet Mars.
ASTRONOMY Jan 1995 (v.23#1) pg. 72
Jupiter at its best. Observing tips for the planet, its atmosphere and its satellites.
ASTRONOMY May 1995 (v.23#5) pg. 72
The vanishing rings of Saturn. Tips on observing Saturn when the rings are less visible.
ASTRONOMY Jun 1995 (v.23#6) pg. 70
Target, Uranus and Neptune. Observing tips for these two elusive planets of the outer Solar System.
ASTRONOMY Jul 1995 (v.23#7) pg. 74
Spotlight on Saturn's satellites. Tips on observing eclipses and occultations.
ASTRONOMY Sep 1995 (v.23#9) pg. 72
Observing to the edge. Guide to locating the planet Pluto using an 8" or larger telescope.
ASTRONOMY May 1996 (v.24#5) pg. 70
Moonwalking the outer planets. Tips on observing Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and their satellites (moons).
ASTRONOMY Aug 1996 (v.24#8) pg. 72
Your guide to observing Mars.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1997 (v.25#3) pg. 88
Kids' corner. Guide to observing the planut Venus.
ASTRONOMY Feb 1999 (v.27#2) pg. 80
Guide to observing the planet Mars during opposition.
ASTRONOMY Apr 1999 (v.27#4) pg. 89
Guide to observing Jupiter and Saturn during opposition.
ASTRONOMY Oct 1999 (v.27#10) pg. 90
Adrift on the Sun. A guide to observing and photographing the planet Mercury during transit.
ASTRONOMY Nov 1999 (v.27#11) pg. 76
Tip on locating Venus during the daytime using a Dobsonian mount and Venus's right ascension and declination.
ASTRONOMY Feb 2000 (v.28#2) pg. 14
Catch an extrasolar planet. Using CCD photometry to detect a planet orbiting a star.
ASTRONOMY May 2002 (v.30#5) pg. 76
Sketching the solar system. Sketching planets isn't about art. It's about seeing more with your telescope and recording your observations with pencil and paper.
ASTRONOMY Jan 2003 (v.31#1) pg. 88
A guide to observing the planet Mars during its closest approach to earth than at any time in the past 59,540 years.
ASTRONOMY Mar 2003 (v.31#3) pg. 80
Locating and observing the faintest planet, Pluto.
ASTRONOMY Jun 2003 (v.31#6) pg. 76
Gunning for the gas giants. Locating and observing the planets Neptune and Uranus.
ASTRONOMY Jul 2003 (v.31#7) pg. 86
Get ready for Mars. Everything you need to know for observing the Red Planet.
ASTRONOMY Aug 2003 (v.31#8) pg. 80
Filtering the sky. Learn how to use color filters to bring out subtle details when you view planets.
ASTRONOMY Aug 2003 (v.31#8) pg. 86
Tracking the planets with a computer. MBASIC program calculates planetary coordinates.
KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #51 Mar 1981 (v.5#3) pg. 130
Correction KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #55 Jul 1981 (v.5#7) pg. 215
Electronic orrery. Simulate planetary motion in the solar system using high-resolution graphics on the Apple II computer. Program written in BASIC.
KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #55 Jul 1981 (v.5#7) pg. 150
Orrery computer program is written in Apple Pascal. It is used to show the relative positions and motions of the members of the solar system.
KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING Feb 1982 (v.6#2) pg. 72
Project Ganymede. How to measure the speed of light by timing the occultation of Jupiter's moon.
SCIENCE PROBE! Nov 1992 (v.2#4) pg. 109
A graphing technique that allows amateurs to predict planetary alignment (conjunctions and oppositions). Includes a table of planetary motions.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1975 (v.233#2) pg. 116
How to corrulate the size of planets viewed thru a telescope with the size of various craters seen on the moon.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1981 (v.62#2) pg. 174
An observer's guide to Jupiter. Includes tips on making observations.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1984 (v.67#6) pg. 546
Observing the ringed world of Saturn. Includes tips on making drawings.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1984 (v.68#1) pg. 85
Timing eclipses of Jupiter's moons.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1984 (v.68#2) pg. 181
Tips on locating and observing the planet Mercury with a telescope.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1984 (v.68#3) pg. 245
Astronomical computing. A computer program, written in BASIC, solves Kepler's equation. This program overcomes the eccentricity problem which causes other programs to get caught in an endless computational loop.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1985 (v.70#2) pg. 158
Backyard astronomy. The art of planetary observing. Part 1. Telescopes for the moon and planets. Telescope types. Collimation. Training the eye. Magnification.
SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1987 (v.74#4) pg. 370
Backyard astronomy. The art of planetary observing. Part 2. Secrets of the atmosphere. Using filters. Making drawings.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1987 (v.74#6) pg. 603
Selecting and using color filters in observing and astrophotography. Included in an article on exploring Mars.
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1988 (v.75#4) pg. 370
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1988 (v.76#1) pg. 5
Timing transits on Jupiter. Make a sketch of the belts and zones using the standard nomenclature for Jupiter's bright and dark markings. Supplement this drawing with a log of the transit times across the central meridian. This important Jovian weather data is welcomed by the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO).
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1988 (v.76#6) pg. 664
Computer program, written in BASIC, will display the paths of the four bright moons of Jupiter for an eight-day period starting at any desired date.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1989 (v.77#6) pg. 650
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1989 (v.78#3) pg. 299
Correction SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1989 (v.78#6) pg. 641
Computer program, written in BASIC, calculates the longitude of Jupiter's central meridian for any date and time of observation.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1989 (v.78#6) pg. 640
Computer program, written in BASIC, to draw a globe complete with a grid of latitude and longitude lines. The globe image can be tilted to correspond with the observed angle (tilt) of any planet. A transparent copy of this grid is useful when pinpointing features on an astrophoto or sketch.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1990 (v.79#1) pg. 86
Gearing up for Mars. BASIC computer program lists the physical ephemeris of Mars for a specific date and time. The information provided is: Central meridian, P.A. of axis, Decl. of Earth, Angular diameter, Phase, and Magnitude.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1990 (v.80#3) pg. 296
An observer's guide to Mercury. Includes tip on finding the planet in daytime, making sketches, etc.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1990 (v.80#6) pg. 665
Guide to observing Mars in 1992-1993.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1992 (v.84#5) pg. 545
Tips on detecting a dust storm on the planet Mars.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1993 (v.85#1) pg. 104
Experiment uses a photograph of Mars to illustrate how canals might have been perceived to exist by early astronomers.
SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1993 (v.85#2) pg. 100
Rules of thumb for planetary scopes. Quantifying a telescope's performance for observing the planets. Part 1. Contrast performance and central obstructions.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1993 (v.86#1) pg. 91
Rules of thumb for planetary scopes. Part 2. Color effects, scattering, Rayleigh's criterion, wave errors, and refractors vs. reflectors.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1993 (v.86#3) pg. 83
An observer's guide to Saturn.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1993 (v.86#5) pg. 52
Computer program written in BASIC demonstrates resonance between two planets.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1994 (v.88#3) pg. 78
Guide to observing Mars in 1994-1995.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1994 (v.88#6) pg. 72
A personal Martian chronicle. Advice on observing the planet Mars and making drawings of your observations.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1994 (v.88#6) pg. 94
Finding Uranus, Neptune and Pluto,
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1995 (v.89#4) pg. 70
Observing Saturn with the rings turned edge on.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1995 (v.89#5) pg. 68
Astronomical computing. Computer program (written in BASIC) to determine the calculated times of ring plane crossings throughout the telescopic era (1610 to date).
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1995 (v.89#5) pg. 92
Saturn again turns ringless. Information on observing Saturn during ring-plane crossing.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1995 (v.90#2) pg. 72
Drawing the face of Jov. Astronomical artist shares a few simple techniques to improve your watercolor renderings of the planet Jupiter.
SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1996 (v.92#4) pg. 92
Tracking Jupiter's great red spot.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1997 (v.94#3) pg. 90
Guide to observing the moons of Uranus and Neptune.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1998 (v.96#3) pg. 110
Another approach to drawing planets. A professional artist shares his technique for rendering eyepiece views of the planets.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1998 (v.96#6) pg. 127
Guide to making good observations of the planet Mars.
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1999 (v.97#4) pg. 106
Coping with atmospheric dispersion. Adding an extra element (color filter, wedge prism, etc.) to the optical chain (eyepiece) may lead to sharper views of the Moon and planets.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 2003 (v.106#2) pg. 124