How to restore the tambour top of an old rolltop desk. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #57 Feb 1997 pg. 16
Traditional roll-top desk is built from pine and plywood. Dimensions: 44" tall, 53" wide, 30" deep. Nine drawers in the base. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Nov 1984 (v.8#2) pg. 23, 28
Correction CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1984 (v.8#3) pg. 6
Contemporary rolltop desk. Build this sleek modern version of a golden oak classic. FAMILY HANDYMAN #281 Sep 1987 (v.37#7) pg. 84
Building a roll-top desk. Interlocking slats form an all-wood tambour. FINE WOODWORKING #79 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 48
Correction FINE WOODWORKING #82 May-Jun 1990 pg. 30
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #83 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 98
Student desks. High school shop class builds roll-top desks. Includes design and construction tips for curved pedestals. FINE WOODWORKING #81 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 62
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #83 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 6
A roll-top desk you can build. Plans must be ordered for the desk, but instructions are showm for making the tambour. HOME MECHANIX #714 Oct 1987 (v.83) pg. 38
Contemporary roll-top desk is built from plywood and covered with laminate. It has one large drawer beneath the desk top and four smaller drawers and four pigeon holes behind the tambour top. HOMEOWNER Oct 1985 (v.10#8) pg. 24, 61
Tips on building a turn-of-the-century rolltop desk from a Heath furniture kit. Other pieces available from same source are noted. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1981 (v.6#2) pg. 66
Modern version of the roll-top desk. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #477 Feb 1968 (v.64) pg. 90
False rolltop desk made of mahogany, walnut or cherry is an elegant piece. Features pull-out writing surface, 8 pigeon holes, 3 small drawers and a large drawer. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #535 Dec 1972 (v.68) pg. 92
Hepplewhite rolltop desk is 37" wide, 21" deep and stands 36" tall. Writing board pulls forward to expand top surface. Rolltop covers recessed desk top and pigeonholes. Two drawers are suspended below writing surface. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #540 May 1973 (v.69) pg. 70
Two desks you can build for your home office. 1: A contemporary rolltop. 2: A well planned computer desk. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #669 Feb 1984 (v.80) pg. 66
Added Info MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #672 May 1984 (v.80) pg. 8
A rolltop desk you can build. Twin pedestal unit features 3 drawers in each pedestal, a center drawer, small drawers and pigeon holes at the rear of the desk top. Rolltop and base are seperate units. Built of cherry with colonial styling. Est. cost: $380. POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1976 (v.145#1) pg. 81
Building a classic roll-top desk. Part 1. The desk (base) portion. POPULAR WOODWORKING #67 Jul 1992 (v.12#1) pg. 68
Building a classic roll-top desk. Part 2. The tambour top. POPULAR WOODWORKING #68 Sep 1992 (v.12#2) pg. 85, Insert
Correction POPULAR WOODWORKING #70 Jan 1993 (v.12#4) pg. 7
Plan and bill of materials for a roll-top desk. The desk measures 43" high, 50" wide and 28" deep. There are seven drawers and lots of pigeon holes. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Summer 1978 pg. 88
Tambour-topped writing desk. This handsome, less-massive alternative to the rolltop desk features tapered legs, 6 box jointed drawers, and smooth-sliding tambour curtain. Writing surface is 25"x44". WOOD MAGAZINE #32 Dec 1989 (v.6#6) pg. 44
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #33 Feb 1990 (v.7#1) pg. 14
Roll-top desk (24"x43"x40" high). Writing table with tapered legs is topped with classic double curved roll-top with tambour door. Organizer is built separately and slides in after desk is completed. WOODSMITH #103 Feb 1996 (v.18) pg. 6, 14
Correction WOODSMITH #104 Apr 1996 (v.18) pg. Insert
Roll-top desk design which combines both traditional and modern attitudes in its general shape. Features a veneered writing surface. WOODWORKER #1078 Sep 1983 (v.87) pg. 539
Tips on making tambours for roll-top desks. WOODWORKER Apr 1987 (v.91#4) pg. 321
A unique, modern, tambour-top desk features extensive use of stringing and inlay for decoration. Part 1. WOODWORKER Mar 1992 (v.96#3) pg. 58
A unique, modern, tambour-top desk features extensive use of stringing and inlay for decoration. Part 2. WOODWORKER Apr 1992 (v.96#4) pg. 16
A classic roll-top desk. Part 1. Features decorative raised panels on the sides and back, 8 storage drawers, pull out writing boards, etc. Desk top is 48"x29". WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1979 (v.3#1) pg. 8
Correction WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1979 (v.3#3) pg. 14
A classic roll-top desk. Part 2. The tambour and the pigeon-hole case. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1979 (v.3#2) pg. 6
Added Info WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1980 (v.4#3) pg. 2
Tambour desk. Contemporary style desk top is divided into 3 sections. The two outer sections, each 18" wide, feature tambour doors to conceal the contents. Center section features pigeon holes. Dimensions: 63" wide, 27" deep, 29" tall. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1982 (v.6#3) pg. 32
Desk with tambour top. A small rolltop secretary desk sits on top of four turned legs. This results in a much less "massive" appearance than a traditional rolltop desk with drawer pedestals. Overall dimensions: 36" wide, 48" tall, 22" deep. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1986 (v.10#5) pg. 32
Added Info WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1988 (v.12#1) pg. 7
Horizontal roll-top cabinet with pigeon holes and drawers to sit on top of an existing flat-top desk. Rolling doors made from "cloverleaf" molding glued to canvas backing. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1966 (v.22#6) pg. 34
Roll-top desk in two styles. Scaled down full-size and a student version featuring legs instead of drawer pedestals. WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1969 (v.25#1) pg. 28
Contemporary rolltop desk with five drawers, a pigeonhole and writing surface inside the rolltop. Desk, 40" wide and 30" deep, is mounted between two A-line legs and can be adjusted for height. WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1971 (v.27#1) pg. 38
How to build a compact roll top desk. Pedestal base resembles oak desks of 50 years ago. Desk is 48" wide, 24" deep, and 42" tall. WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1977 (v.33#2) pg. 64
Compact rolltop desk for small rooms. Single pedestal unit measures 46" tall, 40" wide, 25" deep. The rolltop conceals 16 pigeon holes and 4 small drawers. WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1984 (v.40#4) pg. 4