Added Info ASTRONOMY Aug 2001 (v.29#8) pg. 12
Selecting a solar filter for a telescope.
ASTRONOMY Sep 2003 (v.31#9) pg. 106
Advice on equipment and safety procedures for observing a solar eclipse. Plans included for a special telescope for viewing the sun safely.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1972 (v.226#5) pg. 118
Sunspots and how to observe them safely. Making a home-built solar observatory.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1990 (v.262#6) pg. 130
A novel telescope of 21" aperture features a mirror costing only $1. The mirror is aluminized plastic, stretched over a bicycle wheel rim and held in shape by a vacuum cleaner during use. The telescope is used as a flux collector for infrared observations of the sun.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1979 (v.57#5) pg. 489
A white-light solar telescope. A 6" unsilvered mirror, placed in a 12" tube, forms the basis for a direct view solar telescope. A permanent outdoor mounting tracks the sun across the sky. The scope removes for storage.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1980 (v.60#3) pg. 245
Safe solar filters. What is available in homemade and commercial filters which are suitable for direct viewing (or photographing) of the sun.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1981 (v.62#2) pg. 119
An amateur solar telescope/heliostat is described and illustrated.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1983 (v.65#1) pg. 81
A portable solar telescope is designed around a 1-angstrom "DayStar" filter.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1984 (v.68#1) pg. 74
Photographs and illustrations of a Swiss solar telescope (heliostat).
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1985 (v.70#1) pg. 71
How to build a coronagraph, a type of telescope used to study the Sun's inner corona without waiting for a total solar eclipse.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1985 (v.70#6) pg. 607
Dobsonian sun telescope uses a slanting one-way mirror as both a full-aperture filter and a Newtonian diagonal. This 6" f/8.9 telescope also features a "shadow finder" for aiming the telescope at the sun. Includes information on using welder's glass to stop dangerous radiation.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1989 (v.78#2) pg. 207
A purely solar telescope. Revival of a 19th-century idea for an unusual reflector that is designed to view the Sun and nothing else. Uses three uncoated mirrors and cross-polarization instead of expensive filers.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1993 (v.85#6) pg. 89
A simple heliostat design utilizes a small equatorial mount that has been reversed.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1996 (v.92#1) pg. 88
A "magic box" solar telescope. Combine a 60mm refractor with a projection box to provide a completely safe method of viewing the sun. Both a flat screen and a three-dimensional (hemispherical) screen may be used for viewing.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 2000 (v.99#1) pg. 141
Safe solar filtration. What is available in filter materials for use with telescopes to directly view (and photograph) the sun.
TELESCOPE MAKING #10 Winter 1980-81 pg. 14
How a 2-inch refractor was equipped with a hydrogen-alpha filter for use in direct viewing of the sun.
TELESCOPE MAKING #13 Fall 1981 pg. 10
A precise finder for sun telescopes relies on a series of 5 disks, each with a different size hole in them.
TELESCOPE MAKING #13 Fall 1981 pg. 34
Solar Newtonian telescope. Includes instructions on removing the aluminum coating on old mirrors using hydrochloric acid.
TELESCOPE MAKING #39 Winter 1989-90 pg. 21