Use a magnetized screwdriver bit to pickup steel wool particles from cracks and crevices. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #19 Mar-Apr 1991 pg. 12
Overhead rack out of coffee cans and scrap plywood is made to store various grades of steel wool. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #61 Oct 1997 pg. 34
Flat pad-style holder for steel wool, bronze wool and synthetic-steel wool. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #72 Apr 1999 pg. 24
Tip: Insert a magnet inside a pad of steel wool to collect the particles and keep them out of the air. FAMILY HANDYMAN #275 Jan 1987 (v.37#1) pg. 80
Tip: Use steel wool instead of sandpaper for the final sanding of woodworking projects. Use a hollow rubber ball, cut in two, to form a holder for the steel wool. FINE WOODWORKING #13 Nov 1978 pg. 17
Tip: Make a tight-spot smoothing tool by twisting steel-wool fibers into a length of twine. FINE WOODWORKING #70 May-Jun 1988 pg. 8
Tip on using 3M Scotch-Brite fine-grade pads in place of steel wool. FINE WOODWORKING #80 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 4
A guide to coated abrasives for hand and power sanding, steel wool, nylon web abrasives, and loose abrasive grain material for tumbling, grinding, etc. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jan-Feb 1980 (v.5#1) pg. 97
Tip: Use a magnet to remove steel wool particles before finishing. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jan-Feb 1982 (v.7#1) pg. 93
Tip: How to use a magnet to remove slivers of steel wool that remain on the surface of wood after the steel wool is used to scrape off paint remover. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Oct 1973 (v.1#1) pg. 6
Tip: How to use half of a small rubber ball as a gripper to hold a pad of steel wool as you work. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Mar 1974 (v.2#3) pg. 8
Tip: Use bronze wool instead of steel wool when stripping paint. It lasts longer, leaves fewer splinters and will not rust. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov 1982 (v.10#11) pg. 227
Tip: Use a bristle brush to hold steel wool. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jun 1983 (v.11#5) pg. 111
Tip: An easy technique for picking up steel-wool powder from a surface being finished. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1989 (v.17#2) pg. 16
Tip suggests using a magnet to keep pieces of steel wool together and to pick up shards that got away. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1996 (v.24#2) pg. 20
What you should know about choosing and using abrasives, paper-backed, cloth-backed and steel wool. POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1969 (v.131#4) pg. 186
Tip: An improved steel wool pad offers more control and a larger cutting surface. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1984 (v.161#2) pg. 170
Tip: Make a magnetic "broom" to clean up steel wool dust. POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1987 (v.164#12) pg. 49
Steel wool, the low-cost, do-everything home and shop material. Table of specs and tips on using. POPULAR SCIENCE May 1976 (v.208#5) pg. 124
Tip shows how a magnetized knife blade can capture elusive steel-wool fragments. WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #51 May 1996 (v.9#3) pg. 5
Tip: Use a magnet and cheesecloth to remove steel wool particles during the finishing process. WOODSMITH #42 Nov-Dec 1985 pg. 3
Tips on collecting steel wool fibers and preventing them from sticking to your tools. WOODWORKER Mar 1989 (v.93#3) pg. 255
Tip: Use air conditioner or furnace filter material in place of steel wool to smooth wood finishes. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1983 (v.7#6) pg. 66
A guide to steel wool. Includes application charts for wet and dry uses. WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1972 (v.28#5) pg. 36
Selecting and using steel wool on wood in place of or in addition to sandpaper. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1979 (v.35#6) pg. 14
Tip: Use a cow stomach magnet to remove steel wool particles during furniture refinishing. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1983 (v.39#6) pg. 21