Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #42 Dec 1994 pg. 4
Tip on cutting mitered segments to glue up for bowl turning.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #53 Aug 1996 pg. 20
Harvest your own wood for bowl turning. How to select, store and turn bowls from green wood.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #54 Oct 1996 pg. 44
Turning antler. Photos show how to turn a small natural-edge bowl from an elk burr.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #65 Apr 1998 pg. 52
How to turn and finish a salad bowl in one day.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #68 Oct 1998 pg. 74
Turning wooden bowls with no sign of having ever been mounted on a lathe by using the reverse mounting technique.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #74 Aug 1999 pg. 24
Plywood disc (faceplate) with profiled jaws is used to grab almost any wooden bowl so that the bottom can be easily turned.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #79 Apr 2000 pg. 22
Sculptured wood slat bowl is made from pine slats. Est. cost: $5.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1978 (v.56#7) pg. 74, 84
Wooden fruit-shaped bowls cut from pine. Est. cost: $13.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1979 (v.57#7) pg. 91, 172
Salad bowl is made from concentric wooden rings. Salad servers are made from dowels and wooden blocks. Est. cost: $26.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1989 (v.67#7) pg. 22, 28
Faux-redware bowl is created by painting a purchased wooden bowl.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Sep 1989 (v.67#9) pg. 93, 101
Wooden bowl and serving tray are turned on a lathe from a blank consisting of laminated wood in various colors.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1980 (v.3#7) pg. 34
How to turn a large bowl from a small amount of wood. Involves drawing concentric circles, band sawing them at a 45-degree angle, and laminating the circles of wood into a bowl which is finished on a lathe.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1982 (v.5#4) pg. 8
Use your lathe to turn a patterned fruit bowl from a glued-up, six-sided box.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Aug 1984 (v.7#11) pg. 10, 38
Tip on mounting a wood bowl for inside and outside turning.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1986 (v.9#4) pg. 67
Green-wood bowl turning.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Mar 1986 (v.9#6) pg. 13
Finish turning a roughed out bowl.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1986 (v.9#8) pg. 16
Turning bowls from burls.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Aug 1986 (v.9#11) pg. 14
How to cut bowl blanks from a log.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1986 (v.10#3) pg. 15
Segmented bowl turning involves gluing together various shapes and sizes of different woods. Each layer is added and turned before the next layer is added. This makes it easier to hollow out a wooden vessel (vase) and makes for more interesting and uniform layers.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Oct 1987 (v.11#1) pg. 14
Wood turning a hollow burl to make a large bowl. Part 1.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1988 (v.11#4) pg. 12
Wood turning a burl to form a bowl with an uneven decorative edge.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Mar 1988 (v.11#6) pg. 14
Wood turning a hollow burl to make a large bowl. Part 2.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Sep 1988 (v.11#12) pg. 14
A new approach to turning large bowls out of green wood. Involves roughing out the piece and allowing the blank to dry before finishing.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Nov 1989 (v.13#2) pg. 12
Reincarnating hockey sticks. Create beautiful projects using old hockey sticks and a little imagination. Includes patterns for turning a peanut bowl and a "curling rock" bowl.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1990 (v.13#4) pg. 28
Turning a bowl from the burl section of a grey gum eucalyptus tree, a native of Australia. The outside of the bowl is left in the natural shape of the burl.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Feb 1990 (v.13#5) pg. 8
Thin-walled wooden bowl turned from English yew. The edge follows the natural shape of the blank from which it was made.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1990 (v.13#7) pg. 6
Large wooden harvest bowl is turned on a lathe. After turning, cracks are sawn open with a coping saw to become part of the design and to relieve stresses along the edge of the bowl.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Nov 1990 (v.14#2) pg. 8
Turning hollow. Part 1. A solid block of walnut is roughed out to shape, divided into two, and the base hollowed out.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Feb 1991 (v.14#5) pg. 9
Turning hollow. Part 2. Top is hollowed out, base and top are joined and bowl is textured in the center area.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Mar 1991 (v.14#6) pg. 11
Polychromatic turning. Part 1. Step-by-step instructions for laminating a stacked blank and rough-turning it to make a bowl.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Aug 1991 (v.14#11) pg. 7
Polychromatic turning. Part 2. Round picture frame and bowl are turned from the multicolored blank.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Sep 1991 (v.14#12) pg. 7
Speckled grass-tree root is turned into a shallow bowl with a natural edge.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Nov 1991 (v.15#2) pg. 8
Turning a shallow fruit bowl.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1991 (v.15#3) pg. 8
Large wooden salad bowl is turned on a lathe from a 6"-deep x 12" diameter piece of burl.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Oct 1995 (v.19#1) pg. 41
A look at early American treenware (objects carved from a single piece of wood). Article includes instructions for carving a treenware bowl.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Jul-Aug 1976 (v.6#9) pg. 66
Making a wooden doughbowl. Hand-hewn bowl is made from a section of tulip popular.
EARLY AMERICAN LIFE Jun 1982 (v.13#3) pg. 28
Beginners guide to bowl turning from green wood.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #317 Apr 1991 (v.41#4) pg. 88
Gluing up and turning bowls which resemble Indian baskets and pottery when completed. A 14" diameter bowl, 4" deep, has a top ring of walnut, a middle ring of alternating "checkers" of walnut and teak, and a bottom of teak. Cutting and gluing of blank and turning of finished piece are illustrated. Est. cost: $10
FINE WOODWORKING #1 Winter 1975 pg. 16
Green bowls. Wooden bowls are easier to make and the supply of wood more plentiful, if you turn green (unseasoned) wood, dry it yourself, then finish the bowl by turning again. Tips on locating sources of wood, turning and drying.
FINE WOODWORKING #3 Summer 1976 pg. 37
A master wood turner discusses the use of exotic woods in making bowls and trays.
FINE WOODWORKING #4 Fall 1976 pg. 28
The bowl gouge. Tips on selecting and using the long-and-strong "bowl gouge" to turn the outside of wooden bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #5 Winter 1976 pg. 55
How to turn the inside of wooden bowls on a lathe with a minimum of problem. Covers the correct use of tools and correct pattern of cut.
FINE WOODWORKING #7 Summer 1977 pg. 41
A test of the water resistance of various nontoxic finishes applied to wooden bowls. The finishes include both urethane and natural types.
FINE WOODWORKING #9 Winter 1977 pg. 17
Other tips for finishing wooden salad bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #9 Winter 1977 pg. 26
Laminated turnings. How to lathe turn bowls from laminated rings or wedges. How to turn bottles from tall laminated staves.
FINE WOODWORKING #10 Spring 1978 pg. 70
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #11 Summer 1978 pg. 4
How to prepare laminated blocks of various contrasting woods as the first step in turning decorative bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #13 Nov 1978 pg. 48
Tip: Rough out wood bowls by standing with your back to the lathe and cutting from small to large diameter.
FINE WOODWORKING #14 Jan-Feb 1979 pg. 15
Harvesting green wood for use in turning wooden bowls. Where to find the most interesting wood, how to prepare it and tips on seasoning the wood after green-turning.
FINE WOODWORKING #16 May-Jun 1979 pg. 48
Turning hollow bowls requires total concentration and some of the special bent tools and techniques described in this article. Includes tips on turning rotten wood to produce bowls with decorative openings incurred in the block of rotten wood.
FINE WOODWORKING #16 May-Jun 1979 pg. 62
Tip: Using double-sided tape to hold bowls on a wood lathe faceplate.
FINE WOODWORKING #20 Jan-Feb 1980 pg. 14
Tip: How to laminate 6-sided blanks for turning wooden bowls. The individual sides are themselves made up of laminated wood to produce a multi-color, repeating pattern effect in the finished bowl.
FINE WOODWORKING #20 Jan-Feb 1980 pg. 14
Photos illustrate the techniques and man-powered lathe used by an Ethiopian bowlmaker.
FINE WOODWORKING #21 Mar-Apr 1980 pg. 54
Turning full circle. How to cut apart circular turnings and reassemble them into new shapes. Offers a technique for achieving unique designs in bowls, sculpture, etc.
FINE WOODWORKING #21 Mar-Apr 1980 pg. 56
The legacy of Harry Nohr. How to lathe turn very thin wooden bowls and finish them with epoxy to impart strength and flexibility.
FINE WOODWORKING #23 Jul-Aug 1980 pg. 58, 60
A tool rest and turning tactics for outboard turning of very thin wooden bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #23 Jul-Aug 1980 pg. 61
Tip: Use a curved cabinet scraper for the final shaping of bowls and other faceplate turnings.
FINE WOODWORKING #26 Jan-Feb 1981 pg. 26
Tips for attaching bowls to faceplates in order to minimize the effort involved in finishing the base.
FINE WOODWORKING #26 Jan-Feb 1981 pg. 28
Tips for minimizing tear-out problems when turning bowl blanks made from laminated segments.
FINE WOODWORKING #29 Jul-Aug 1981 pg. 22
Tip: How to clean up the bottom of bowls turned on a lathe faceplate.
FINE WOODWORKING #30 Sep-Oct 1981 pg. 8
Tips on finishes to use on wooden salad bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #30 Sep-Oct 1981 pg. 24
Turning for figure. Some design considerations when making wooden bowls. Considerations which should be given to the grain and figure of the wood being worked.
FINE WOODWORKING #31 Nov-Dec 1981 pg. 75
The turned bowl. A brief look at the history of turned wooden bowls along with several examples of todays trends in bowl turning.
FINE WOODWORKING #32 Jan-Feb 1982 pg. 54
Dough trays. The Southern tradition of making and using handmade wooden bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #35 Jul-Aug 1982 pg. 80
Turning a matched set of bowls. How to use patternmakers' tricks for consistent shapes.
FINE WOODWORKING #38 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 70
Walnut-oil finish is safe for food.
FINE WOODWORKING #38 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 71
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #40 May-Jun 1983 pg. 4
Wooden bowls are formed from single, flat boards that are band sawn into tapered concentric rings and glued together. Final shaping is done with abrasive disks. Bowls need not be round.
FINE WOODWORKING #39 Mar-Apr 1983 pg. 82
Turning giant bowls (up to 40" diameter). Ed Moulthrop's tools and techniques. Includes details of homebuilt lathes specifically for large faceplate turning.
FINE WOODWORKING #41 Jul-Aug 1983 pg. 48
Tip: Eliminate checking on green bowl blanks by storing them in your freezer.
FINE WOODWORKING #43 Nov-Dec 1983 pg. 12
Disk sander sculpts turnings. A way to cut spirals on the outside of bowls without an ornamental lathe. Uses freehand-carving on the edge of a disc sander.
FINE WOODWORKING #43 Nov-Dec 1983 pg. 66
The bottom line for turned bowls. How to turn wooden bowls using the versatile chucking plug. This allows you to turn a bowl bottom of any shape without leaving a clue as to how it was attached to the lathe.
FINE WOODWORKING #45 Mar-Apr 1984 pg. 64
A shop made adjustable chuck for finishing the bottom of a wooden bowl.
FINE WOODWORKING #48 Sep-Oct 1984 pg. 10
Tip: Use a foam covered faceplate to grip the rim of a wooden bowl when turning the foot of the bowl.
FINE WOODWORKING #48 Sep-Oct 1984 pg. 10
Use a "Universal Chuck" with an expanding collet to hold the circular blank when turning wooden bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #50 Jan-Feb 1985 pg. 10
Decorative turning. Router jig attaches to a wood lathe. The router swings in a pivoting cradle to cut designs into the outside of a wooden bowl.
FINE WOODWORKING #50 Jan-Feb 1985 pg. 44
Tip: Use double-sided tape to clamp wood to faceplate when turning bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #53 Jul-Aug 1985 pg. 8
Segmented turning. Redefining an old technique. How to make a turned, segmented, hollow wooden bowl is illustrated step-by-step.
FINE WOODWORKING #54 Sep-Oct 1985 pg. 64
Description of a hand-operated "fluting engine" for carving the inside of decorative wooden bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #54 Sep-Oct 1985 pg. 126
Tip on laying out and carving spiral flutes on the outside of wooden bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #59 Jul-Aug 1986 pg. 14
Bricklaid bowls. Turning large bowls. The laminated turning blank is made by stacking rings of various diameters. The rings (polygons) are made from small straight wooden segments which have been mitered and glued together. Also includes instructions for making turning blanks using the "tapered stave" technique.
FINE WOODWORKING #64 May-Jun 1987 pg. 48
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #70 May-Jun 1988 pg. 16
Carved bowls. Flutes and other textures are carved on turned wooden bowls to enhance the basic shape.
FINE WOODWORKING #66 Sep-Oct 1987 pg. 44
Carved handles and feet for wooden bowls. Some tips.
FINE WOODWORKING #66 Sep-Oct 1987 pg. 47
A boatbuilder's bowls and vases are inspired by shells picked up on the beach. After turning, the bowls are slit, boiled in hot water, and formed into unique shapes.
FINE WOODWORKING #70 May-Jun 1988 pg. 64
Tips on bleaching green maple and elm bowls to a bone-white patina.
FINE WOODWORKING #70 May-Jun 1988 pg. 110
Segmented turning. Create unique, swirling patterns in turned bowls by cutting wooden wedges and assembling them into circular blanks. The circles are cut into rings and assembled to form the turning blank.
FINE WOODWORKING #76 May-Jun 1989 pg. 72
Natural-edge wooden bowls are turned from blanks cut from a section of log. The bark is left attached to form the "natural-edge" of the resulting oval-shaped bowl.
FINE WOODWORKING #78 Sep-Oct 1989 pg. 58
Turning bottoms of wooden bowls. How to tape a finished bowl to a faceplate (jig) and turn the bottom to follow the bowl's inside contour.
FINE WOODWORKING #78 Sep-Oct 1989 pg. 61
Multiple-segment turnings. Designing with structure and color. How to layout and assemble segmented bowl turning blanks that combine wood of various color, shape, thickness, etc.
FINE WOODWORKING #83 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 46
Method for ripping short logs on a band saw to make bowl blanks.
FINE WOODWORKING #92 Jan-Feb 1992 pg. 18
Bowl turning with a glue block. Using fast-setting glue and a stub tenon to secure a work piece for faceplate turning.
FINE WOODWORKING #94 May-Jun 1992 pg. 70
Tip on finishing the outside (bottoms) of turned wooden bowls by using hot-melt glue to attach the bowl to a plywood faceplate.
FINE WOODWORKING #96 Sep-Oct 1992 pg. 14
Tip on trimming down and flattening the base of a turned wooden bowl using a router bit chucked in a drill press.
FINE WOODWORKING #116 Jan-Feb 1996 pg. 14
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #118 May-Jun 1996 pg. 8
Turning rotted wood into elegant bowls.
FINE WOODWORKING #118 May-Jun 1996 pg. 58
Bowl-turning basics. You don't have to be a master on the lathe to turn a useful, handsome bowl. Step-by-step instructions.
FINE WOODWORKING #136 May-Jun 1999 pg. 68
How to make a Popsicle stick fruit bowl.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Jul 1978 (v.187#1) pg. 140, 201
How to carve a hollow sphere cherrywood bowl using only wood chisels.
HANDMADE Spring 1982 (v.2#1) pg. 90
Correction HANDMADE Summer 1982 (v.2#2) pg. 114
Decorative wooden bowls are fabricated from blocks where dark wood has been laminated to a core of light wood prior to turning on a lathe.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Apr 1980 (v.69#4) pg. 36
Turned bowl. Graceful and delicate pattern for a lathe-turned wooden bowl which features thin walls.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Apr 1982 (v.71#4) pg. 31
Turned with flair. Martin Hultquist's process for coaxing delicately designed yet sturdy bowls from quartz, jade, and other gem materials.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1990 (v.43#11) pg. 92
Inlaid wood fruit bowl turned on a lathe.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #434 Jul 1964 (v.60) pg. 124
Set of six wooden salad bowls turned on a lathe from six different woods.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #476 Jan 1968 (v.64) pg. 78
3 ways to make wooden bowls. (1) Traditional lathe-turned. (2) Layered bowls made of rings cut from boards. (3) Turning bowls with a router.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #666 Nov 1983 (v.79) pg. 50
Treening, the crafting of wooden kitchenware. Includes salad bowl, tool caddy, cutting board, utensils and utensil rack.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #667 Dec 1983 (v.79) pg. 40
Wood turning lesson. Part 6. How to get more wood for your money. Instead of discarding the corners of bowl blocks, make candle holders. Do a rough cutout of the inside of the bowl with plug cutters and save the plugs for other uses. Use laminated blanks for bowls, instead of solid ones.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW May 1977 (v.8#2) pg. 31
Tips on finishing wooden salad bowls with mineral or olive oil.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Fall 1978 (v.9#3) pg. 4
Tip: How to make an oval shaped wooden bowl by laminating together oval shaped "rings" about 1/2" thick which have been preshaped with a jigsaw (both inside and out).
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Fall-Winter 1978 (v.9#4) pg. 4
Oblong or "boat-shaped" wooden serving bowl has two compartments. It is carved from a decorative wood, like mahogany, and features simple designs carved on the outside edge. Overall dimensions are 15" long, 7" wide and 2 1/2" deep.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Fall-Winter 1978 (v.9#4) pg. 14
How to carve a nut bowl. The bowl is shaped like a giant walnut with a section "broken" out of the upper half of the shell. The bowl is 9" long, 7" wide and 4" deep. Carved from basswood.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring-Summer 1979 (v.10#2) pg. 16
Templates and techniques for laminating and turning church collection plates or wooden bowls which will stack (nest) one on top of another.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring 1980 (v.11#1) pg. 31
Oval shaped wooden serving bowl measures 8"x14"x1" deep. On the rim are carved the German words: "Give us this day our daily bread".
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Summer-Fall 1980 (v.11#2) pg. 24
Chinese four-seasons wooden bowl for experienced woodworker.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1964 (v.121#1) pg. 152
Bamboo fruit bowl.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1968 (v.129#3) pg. 137
Turn a decorative wooden bowl, on a short pedestal, then install an inlaid wood picture on the outside of the bowl.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1975 (v.143#2) pg. 116
Hollow out the concave cavity in a wooden bowl using a table saw and this simple jig.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1976 (v.146#2) pg. 95
Wooden bowl turned from a light-and-dark wood laminated blank.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1976 (v.146#5) pg. 124
Wooden bowl making techniques. (1) Carved bowl. (2) Band-sawn bowl. (3) Stacked-ring bowl. (4) Telescoping-ring bowl. (5) Laminated and turned bowl.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1991 (v.168#2) pg. 45
Illustrations and instructions for turning bowls, candlesticks, vases and a gavel set from irridiated wood, called Novawood.
POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1968 (v.192#3) pg. 166
Turning bowls on a table saw by combining coving-cuts across the blade and a pair of jigs to undercut the work and make outside cuts.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1970 (v.197#1) pg. 116
Weird bowls. How to create turning blanks from laminated buildups of contrasting colors of wood. Unique shape of finished bowl involves cutting a conventional turning in half and reassembling into another shape.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #43 Jun 1988 (v.8#1) pg. 32
Turned and carved wooden bowl (12" diameter) is divided into four equal segments and can be turned from solid wood or from glued-up disks.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #59 Mar 1991 (v.10#5) pg. 78, Insert
Split-ring bowls. (1) Using the split-ring technique for making bowl turning blanks to economize on wood. (2) Turning the bowl. (3) Making a lid.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #62 Sep 1991 (v.11#2) pg. 70
A slick trick for turned bowls. Use stacked rings to cut down on turning time and wasted wood.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #82 Jan 1995 (v.14#4) pg. 70
Working wet wood. How to find, dry and turn wet wood. Includes tips on recognizing good wood and on selecting characteristics. Describes how a log moves as it dries, how to minimize splitting and a guide to safe thicknesses for drying various woods. Photos show step-by-step how to turn a wet wood bowl.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #90 May 1996 (v.16#2) pg. 54
Added Info POPULAR WOODWORKING #91 Jul 1996 (v.16#3) pg. 11
How to make bowl blanks from flat wood using a band saw and a spiral cutting pattern.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #99 Nov 1997 (v.17#5) pg. 16
Low-profile wooden bowl with a top (5" diameter, 4" tall) can be turned from spalted maple, burls, striped laminations, etc.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #3 May 1988 (v.1#3) pg. 22
Wooden bowl (7" diameter) on a short pedestal base is filled with wooden "eggs". Turning instructions are included for both bowl and eggs.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #11 Sep 1989 (v.2#5) pg. 22
A single laminated block of cherry and walnut (11"x11") is used to form the outside of three turned bowls by cutting out three concentric circles. A wooden bottom is added to complete each turning blank.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #23 Sep 1991 (v.4#5) pg. 26
Tic-tac-toe turned bowl. Laminated wood blank for a wooden bowl results in a pattern of crossed lines that are offset from the center.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #32 Mar 1993 (v.6#2) pg. 10
Laminated bowl faceplate-turning project.
WOOD MAGAZINE #14 Dec 1986 (v.3#6) pg. 44
Mahogany candy caddy (bowl) with a matching top. A faceplate-turning project.
WOOD MAGAZINE #14 Dec 1986 (v.3#6) pg. 46
Bowl blanks and burls for wood turners. Tips on what is available and how it's sold.
WOOD MAGAZINE #14 Dec 1986 (v.3#6) pg. 56
How to harvest your own bowl blanks from fallen trees and stumps.
WOOD MAGAZINE #20 Dec 1987 (v.4#6) pg. 44
Basic stave-bowl construction. Create beautifully figured bowls with this centuries-old technique. How to fabricate the blank and turn the bowl on a lathe.
WOOD MAGAZINE #23 Jun 1988 (v.5#3) pg. 30
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 10
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #29 Jun 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 12
A gallery-quality quilted maple bowl uses stave-bowl construction.
WOOD MAGAZINE #23 Jun 1988 (v.5#3) pg. 36
Fruit bowl made from sassafras wood using stave-bowl construction. Results in a wooden bowl with distinctively patterned sides.
WOOD MAGAZINE #23 Jun 1988 (v.5#3) pg. 38
Technique for making stack-laminated bowls.
WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 26
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #31 Oct 1989 (v.6#5) pg. 12
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #38 Oct 1990 (v.7#6) pg. 15
A Southwest-inspired wooden bowl is turned using stack-laminated techniques.
WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 32
A surefire technique for pleasing bowl design. How to adapt pleasing-to-the-eye pottery shapes to turned wooden bowls. Profiles of 13 bowl shapes included.
WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 54
Tip: Reinforce the lip of a thin wooden bowl with a strip of masking tape before hollowing out the interior.
WOOD MAGAZINE #30 Aug 1989 (v.6#4) pg. 22
Drying green-turned bowls in a microwave oven.
WOOD MAGAZINE #33 Feb 1990 (v.7#1) pg. 46
Tip: Use a tennis ball as a sanding block when sanding the inside of a turned bowl.
WOOD MAGAZINE #36 Aug 1990 (v.7#4) pg. 16
Turning a pewter-topped potpourri bowl (3" deep, 6" diameter).
WOOD MAGAZINE #52 Jun 1992 (v.9#4) pg. 42
How to make a sanding stick for working on the inside of a turned bowl or vase.
WOOD MAGAZINE #53 Aug 1992 (v.9#5) pg. 22
An eight-step method for turning a bowl without an expensive chuck.
WOOD MAGAZINE #57 Dec 1992 (v.9#9) pg. 77
Turned bowl made from 14-piece blank laminated from three different kinds of wood.
WOOD MAGAZINE #60 Apr 1993 (v.10#3) pg. 46
Gluing jig helps keep edges aligned as you build a laminated bowl turning blank.
WOOD MAGAZINE #60 Apr 1993 (v.10#3) pg. 48
A bird-in-the-hand ale bowl to carve replicates those used by Vikings a thousand years ago.
WOOD MAGAZINE #60 Apr 1993 (v.10#3) pg. 50
Waste-wood wonders. How one wood turner makes elegent turning blanks for wooden bowls from scrap wood.
WOOD MAGAZINE #68 Feb 1994 (v.11#2) pg. 25
Run rings around plain bowls. Get double duty from one bowl blank by cutting rings of wood out of the waste area and using those rings as decorative inlays in other bowls.
WOOD MAGAZINE #68 Feb 1994 (v.11#2) pg. 40
Waterproof glue recommendations for stacked, turned wooden bowls.
WOOD MAGAZINE #71 Aug 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 17
Tips on preparing laminated turning blanks for stave bowls to avoid joint-failure problems.
WOOD MAGAZINE #71 Aug 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 19
Stacked-ring wood vessels (bowls, vases, urns, ...) are made using a saber saw, electric drill and a few sanding accessories. No lathe is required. Complete instructions provided.
WOOD MAGAZINE #71 Aug 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 38
Reinforcing the bottoms of wooden bowls which have been formed by gluing up triangular segments.
WOOD MAGAZINE #73 Oct 1994 (v.11#7) pg. 16
Tour-de-force tureen. Lovely lidded turned bowl (9.5" diameter) begins by making a staved blank from redwood burl and maple veneer.
WOOD MAGAZINE #73 Oct 1994 (v.11#7) pg. 74
A treasure trove of tiny turnings (Southwest-style hollow vessels). Step-by-step instructions.
WOOD MAGAZINE #74 Nov 1994 (v.11#8) pg. 52
Decorate turned wooden bowls by inlaying sterling silver wire or chain.
WOOD MAGAZINE #79 Jun 1995 (v.12#4) pg. 46
How to turn a set of salad bowls with dovetail rims.
WOOD MAGAZINE #110 Dec 1998 (v.15#8) pg. 74
Lathe artistry. How to make the blank and turn beautiful segmented bowls.
WOOD MAGAZINE #112 Feb 1999 (v.16#1) pg. 81, Insert
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #115 Jun 1999 (v.16#4) pg. 6
Technique to support a turned bowl when parting it from the faceplate.
WOOD MAGAZINE #127 Oct 2000 (v.17#7) pg. 41
Segmented bowls from Sedona. Tools and techniques of a professional bowl turner.
WOOD MAGAZINE #127 Oct 2000 (v.17#7) pg. 49
One well-composed compote. A turned wooden bowl on a short pedestal base for serving fruit or candy.
WOOD MAGAZINE #128 Nov 2000 (v.17#8) pg. 60
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #132 Apr 2001 (v.18#3) pg. 8
Hollowing out turned wooden bowls using a large Forstner bit.
WOOD MAGAZINE #136 Oct 2001 (v.18#7) pg. 40
How to make a turned fruit bowl on a short pedestal base. The bowl is 11" in diameter and 3" deep. The pedestal is 2.5" tall.
WOODSMITH #21 May 1982 pg. 18
Popcorn bowl. Make a large (10" diameter) wooden bowl with a wooden top. The bowl is turned on a lathe using a staved-contructed blank. This technique minimizes the amount of expensive wood needed for large, cylindrical-shape bowls.
WOODSMITH #25 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 24
Bowls by the nest. How to make a nest of wooden bowls from a single blank in order to save valuable wood. A look at available tools and techniques for this special task.
WOODTURNING #17 Nov 1993 pg. 38
Keeping the core. How to turn hollow wooden vessels (bowls) which retain pith as a major design element.
WOODTURNING #18 Dec 1993-Jan 1994 pg. 50
Turning green wood into bowls. Advice on preparing the blank, turning, drying, finishing, etc.
WOODTURNING #19 Feb 1994 pg. 50
Simple support for trimming bowl blanks using a small chainsaw.
WOODTURNING #24 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 72
Zest for zigzags. How to fabricate bowl turning blocks that include zigzag patterns of contrasting wood. The technique for cutting the zigzags in the pieces to be laminated is more involved than it appears.
WOODTURNING #26 Oct 1994 pg. 7
Elliptical wooden bowl is shaped by lathe-turning a cup with a profile of half an ellipse, splitting it longitudinally, and joining together the ends of the "cup".
WOODTURNING #31 Apr 1995 pg. 75
Forager's feast. Tips on turning wooden bowls from scrounged (often spalted) off-cuts found at a lumber mill.
WOODTURNING #32 May 1995 pg. 7
How to make a pattern block of different woods when fabricating segmented turning blocks for bowls or vases.
WOODTURNING #35 Sep 1995 pg. 72
How to make a bowl segment cutting jig to speed up bowl blank fabrication.
WOODTURNING #40 Mar 1996 pg. 77
Squaring up. How to turn a thin, sculptural, square-edged bowl.
WOODTURNING #41 Apr 1996 pg. 52
Tip recommends wrapping layers of cling film around a completed bowl exterior to protect bark intrusion while hollowing the inside.
WOODTURNING #41 Apr 1996 pg. 77
Getting started in wood turning. Part 11. Getting started in turning bowls. Instruction for beginning turners.
WOODTURNING #44 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 65
How to turn a decent foot on a bowl.
WOODTURNING #45 Sep 1996 pg. 37
How to turn a medieval-looking bowl and age it with a blow-torch to make it look as though it was made in 1396.
WOODTURNING #50 Mar 1997 pg. 31
How to turn small wooden bowls.
WOODTURNING #52 May 1997 pg. 51
How to turn burr bowls where the outside is left natural.
WOODTURNING #53 Jun 1997 pg. 23
How to turn wane-edged bowls. How to turn a bowl where both inner and outer surfaces are turned and only the upper edge or rim remains natural or wane-edged.
WOODTURNING #54 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 23
Plywood panache. How to make turning blanks for bowls and vases from stacked plywood rings. Tips on turning plywood blanks.
WOODTURNING #54 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 46
Going square. How to turn technically challenging and aesthetically pleasing square-lidded pots, bowls, goblets, etc.
WOODTURNING #55 Sep 1997 pg. 40
Tip on holding log billets securely while chain-sawing them into bowl blanks.
WOODTURNING #57 Nov 1997 pg. 76
Tool truths. Part 12. End grain hollowing techniques. Experiment by making a small salt or sugar bowl and scoop.
WOODTURNING #58 Dec 1997 pg. 59
Tool truths. Part 13. Better bowls. Using the bowl gouge.
WOODTURNING #59 Jan 1998 pg. 57
Tool truths. Part 14. Better bowls (continued). Shaping the outside.
WOODTURNING #60 Feb 1998 pg. 63
Tool truths. Part 15. Better bowls (continued). How to hollow them out.
WOODTURNING #61 Mar 1998 pg. 63
Round the block. New series on blockwork (laminating wood to form a turning blank). Part 5. (1) Vertical press for clamping segmented rings together to form a turning blank. (2) Turning a ring bowl and miniature vase with bolection ring.
WOODTURNING #62 Apr 1998 pg. 39
Waney-edged work. How to turn a large, open, wane-edged bowl from green wood. Part 1.
WOODTURNING #62 Apr 1998 pg. 69
Put a handle on it. How to cut handle openings directly into the rim of wooden bowls.
WOODTURNING #63 May 1998 pg. 52
Tool truths. Part 17. Better bowls (continued). Improve your bowl turning by using a ground back gouge.
WOODTURNING #63 May 1998 pg. 68
Waney-edged work. How to turn a large, open, wane-edged bowl from green wood. Part 2.
WOODTURNING #63 May 1998 pg. 73
Round the block. New series on blockwork (laminating wood to form a turning blank). Part 7. How to make a bowl from 16 segments.
WOODTURNING #64 Jun 1998 pg. 47
Tool truths. Part 18. Better bowls (continued). Enhance your bowl turning by texturing.
WOODTURNING #64 Jun 1998 pg. 68
Tips on turning a large bowl supported by a skirt of interlocking sycamore leaves.
WOODTURNING #66 Aug 1998 pg. 43
How to make a wooden bowl which is supported by a pedestal and three legs. Bowl is 12" diameter, base is 9" diameter and pedestal is 8" long.
WOODTURNING #67 Sep 1998 pg. 57
Tool truths. Part 21. How to re-turn and true-up a dried wooden bowl that was originally roughed out while wet.
WOODTURNING #67 Sep 1998 pg. 67
Tool truths. Part 25. A shallow wooden bowl. A first turning project for beginners.
WOODTURNING #71 Jan 1999 pg. 71
Tip on conditioning bowl blanks that are cut from green logs.
WOODTURNING #72 Feb 1999 pg. 82
Big bowls for beginners. A cheap and easy way to turn a large farmhouse bowl on a medium-sized lathe.
WOODTURNING #75 May 1999 pg. 18
Antler for turning. Selecting and turning antler material from various animals (elk, deer, moose, ...). Part 2. Turning a natural-edge antler bowl.
WOODTURNING #77 Jul 1999 pg. 50
Turning a simple fruit bowl (11" diameter) from a piece of English cherry.
WOODTURNING #78 Aug 1999 pg. 47
How to turn a burr bowl from a walnut burl.
WOODTURNING #82 Dec 1999 pg. 67
Tip: Speed up the smoothing of end grain when turning wooden bowls by applying sanding sealer before making the final cuts.
WOODWORK #4 Winter 1989 pg. 26
Technique for attaching a lathe faceplate to the bottom of a wooden bowl so that it can be easily shifted to center the bowl.
WOODWORK #8 Winter 1990 pg. 28
Segmented turning. How to fabricate segmented rings of various woods and then stack the rings to form a turning blank for a large bowl.
WOODWORK #10 Summer 1991 pg. 43
Turning mesquite to create natural-topped bowls with a rim of color.
WOODWORK #17 Sep-Oct 1992 pg. 48
Turning defective wood. A challenging way to use rejects is to turn bowls or vases which have natural openings in the sides caused by rot, insects, etc.
WOODWORK #21 May-Jun 1993 pg. 54
Turning bowls from green stock. Some tips.
WOODWORK #28 Aug 1994 pg. 36
The steps in turning a wooden bowl are illustrated in photos.
WOODWORK #44 Apr 1997 pg. 32
Bowlturning. Part 1. The first in a series of wood turning articles, starting with a look at the necessary tools. Includes instructions on sharpening gouges and scrapers.
WOODWORKER #1021 Dec 1978 (v.82) pg. 571
Bowlturning. Part 2. Step-by-step through the actual turning process is illustrated in pictures.
WOODWORKER #1022 Jan 1979 (v.83) pg. 10
Turning wooden bowls on a lathe. Tips on selecting and using bowl gouges.
WOODWORKER #1050 May 1981 (v.85) pg. 303
How to turn wooden bowls. Includes: (1) Face powder bowl with a lid, (2) open bowls, and (3) candle holders.
WOODWORKER #1081 Dec 1983 (v.87) pg. 778
Coopering on the lathe. How to turn wooden bowls, vases, etc. from blanks which are coopered (made up barrel-fashion from beveled pieces).
WOODWORKER #1091 Oct 1984 (v.88) pg. 668
The sympathetic wood turner. Turning a burr-elm bowl requires a highly refined technique.
WOODWORKER #1093 Dec 1984 (v.88) pg. 833
The bowl of the tree. Excerpt from the book "Wood turning and Design" looks at making elegant bowls from a section of cherry log.
WOODWORKER #1102 Sep 1985 (v.89) pg. 669
How to produce beautiful natural-edge bowls by turning green wood.
WOODWORKER #1113 Aug 1986 (v.90#8) pg. 680
Correction WOODWORKER #1114 Sep 1986 (v.90#9) pg. 706
Suggestions on alternative, less-expensive sources for wood blanks suitable for turning large bowls.
WOODWORKER #1117 Dec 1986 (v.90#12) pg. 1070
Joined turning blanks. Making up wood turning blanks from inexpensive wood, such as pine, and turning distinctive bowls from them.
WOODWORKER Apr 1988 (v.92#4) pg. 314
Angled poise. Alternatives to traditional wooden bowl-making techniques uses angular shapes, gouging out the center, and decorating with dye or paint.
WOODWORKER Apr 1988 (v.92#4) pg. 356
Tip on seasoning freshly cut hardwood blocks for bowl turning.
WOODWORKER May 1988 (v.92#5) pg. 401
Prize-winning "gallery bowl" (12" diameter) is turned from wood. The rim of the bowl is separated from the base and then reattached with 24 unique spindles turned using offset centers.
WOODWORKER Feb 1989 (v.93#2) pg. 160
Pourri pot. How to turn this attractive wooden container with a lid for storing sweet-scented dried flowers (potpourri).
WOODWORKER Jun 1989 (v.93#6) pg. 506
Tip on using a glue gun to join bowl-turning blanks to a scrap piece of wood.
WOODWORKER Aug 1989 (v.93#8) pg. 740
Four-jaw chucking. Part 1. Using this versatile chuck for bowl-turning.
WOODWORKER Sep 1989 (v.93#9) pg. 776
Using superglue to aid in turning. Part 1. History of superglues, brand recommendations, and using superglue to aid in turning small wooden bowls.
WOODWORKER Jul 1990 (v.94#7) pg. 694
Star turn. Turned wooden bowl is shaped like a "flying saucer" spacecraft and features a removable dome-shaped top.
WOODWORKER Sep 1990 (v.94#9) pg. 890
Production turning tips for making small runs of "petit" bowls.
WOODWORKER Dec 1990 (v.94#12) pg. T6
Spreading one's wings. Turning a winged sphere from a whole green log. Once the outside has been shaped and the inside removed, what will remain is an "open" sphere (a bowl with wings).
WOODWORKER Dec 1990 (v.94#12) pg. T10
The slice is right. How to fabricate segmented turning blanks for bowls and round boxes. Includes a special jig for cutting a compound angle on the segments.
WOODWORKER Feb 1992 (v.96#2) pg. 50
Laminated bowls. Making a bowl-turning blank by laminating small pieces of wood. Turning the bowls on a router faceplate lathe.
WOODWORKER Sep 1993 (v.97#9) pg. 59
Woodworker's jigs. A bowl making jig. Make a contemporary wooden salad bowl from only one board foot of any kind of wood, (or combination of woods). The bowl measures nearly 12" in diameter at the top and is 5" deep. This band saw jig is used to cut concentric rings which are stacked and glued to form the bowl. The bowl is then trued up on a lathe or with a sanding machine.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1978 (v.2#4) pg. 14
Turn a "basket weave" pattern bowl or flowerpot. Blank is made by stacking and laminating octagonal frames and then turning on a faceplate.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1980 (v.4#4) pg. 9
Turned bowl. The turning block is made up of six octagonal layers, each a different diameter. The eight segments in each octagon are separated by veneer spacers which add a visual highlight to the finished bowl.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1983 (v.7#5) pg. 48
Classic-style turned wooden bowl features a pedestal base. Overall dimensions: 8" diameter, 4" tall.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1988 (v.12#4) pg. 48
Building the blank and turning a bricklaid bowl.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1993 (v.17#6) pg. 32
Start turning. Part 8. Basics of bowl turning.
WOODWORKING #21 Feb-Mar 1991 pg. 62
Start turning. Part 9. Turning natural topped vessels (turnings with irregular edges formed by the bark and outside perimeter of a tree branch or log).
WOODWORKING #22 May 1991 pg. 60
Quick drying method for preturned wooden bowls involves boiling them in water.
WOODWORKING INTERNATIONAL #14 Dec 1989-Jan 1990 pg. 56
Start turning. Part 10. Using reverse chucking to achieve a clean finish on the outside of a turned bowl.
WOODWORKING TODAY #23 Jul 1991 pg. 62
Start turning. Part 11. Turning large bowls with natural edges or from spalted wood.
WOODWORKING TODAY #24 Sep 1991 pg. 62
Danish-inspired set of candlesticks and pigeon-shaped bowl. Each piece is worked from a single block of close-grained wood.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1965 (v.21#5) pg. 17
Wooden wheelbarrow bowl.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1965 (v.21#5) pg. 55
Early American whatnot bowl turned from maple with a hinged lid and a handle.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1966 (v.22#6) pg. 44
Bowls from scrap wood and PEG (polyethylene glycol 1000). PEG is used to stabilize low grade wood to prevent splitting and checking after lathe turning.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1967 (v.23#4) pg. 56
Turned gift set. Wooden salad bowl, wooden salad dressing server that holds three kinds of dressing in glass cups, and a wooden candlestick.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1967 (v.23#6) pg. 34
Twin candlesticks and a flower bowl are wood lathe projects using maple and mahogany.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1968 (v.24#6) pg. 49
Early American serving set consists of napkin holder, sugar bowl and scoop, toothpick holder, and butter dish. All are made from wood.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1971 (v.27#3) pg. 12
How to finish salad bowls, chopping blocks and wooden items that will be used in contact with food.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1972 (v.28#1) pg. 26
Wooden compote set on top of a pedestal and base is a fine project for the lathe craftsman.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1973 (v.29#3) pg. 63
Three tier serving tray is made up of three turned bowls each separated by a turned column. Bowl diameters are 8", 7", and 6". Unit stands 17" high.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1973 (v.29#5) pg. 28
How to create blanks for bowls from wood scraps glued to size. Bottom is cut as a 6, 8 or 10-sided blank and sides are glued on. Includes two graphs, one for calculating single side length in inches vs. the total diameter, and the other to compute wedge angle vs. number of sides. Bowls are finished by turning them on a lathe.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1974 (v.30#3) pg. 50
Correction WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1974 (v.30#6) pg. 4
How to carve an intertwined, three-legged stand for a bowl.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1974 (v.30#4) pg. 62
An assortment of useful lathe projects, including lamps, bowls, plates and candlesticks.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1979 (v.35#3) pg. 4
Simple hand-carved bowl in the shape of a smooth leaf.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1979 (v.35#5) pg. 46
Eight piece wooden salad set consists of a large serving bowl, six individual salad bowls, and a scissor-fork serving tool. Requires lathe work. The lathe blanks are laminated up from small pieces of hardwood.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1979 (v.35#5) pg. 80
Three-legged stand holds a large wooden salad bowl when you have a table full of guests.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1980 (v.36#1) pg. 100
Colonial knitting bowl stand. A large wooden bowl is mounted on a pedestal supported on four turned legs. Designed to hold yarn and accessories, it also can be used to hold popcorn, fruit, nuts, etc.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1986 (v.42#2) pg. 68
Turned maple salad bowl is 10" in diameter and 4" deep. Accompanying "salad rakes" are made from scrap wood and dowels.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1988 (v.44#5) pg. 58
Candy dish (7" diameter) is turned from a solid piece of walnut. Step-by-step photos show the process.
WORKBENCH Apr-May 1992 (v.48#2) pg. 62
Making segmented bowls. Create advanced geometric-mosiac turnings by making stacked-ring turning blanks using segmented-circle rings.
WORKBENCH Dec 1994-Jan 1995 (v.50#6) pg. 48