A furnace watchdog. Homebuilt 8080A microcomputer monitors a gas furnace to determine burner cycles on a continuous basis. BYTE Jan 1980 (v.5#1) pg. 74
A heating and cooling management system. Use remote temperature sensors and a computer to manage your heating and cooling needs. BYTE Feb 1981 (v.6#2) pg. 326
Electrical-energy measurement with the Apple II. Hardware and software to perform data-logging functions on a wind-driven generator or bank of solar cells. BYTE Jul 1981 (v.6#7) pg. 294
Full performance. Keeping an eye on your furnace's seasonal and steady-state efficiency can save you money. Stack temperature charts for both oil and gas furnaces included. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1988 (v.12#3) pg. 19
Solid-state home temperature controller senses both outdoor and indoor air temperature and matches indoor temperature to predetermined "comfort curve" within 1/10 of a degree. ELECTRONICS WORLD Jun 1966 (v.75#6) pg. 80
A look at what's available in space age energy savers. Some of the devices reviewed include personal computers, computerized system for saving fuel with hot water systems, automatic thermostat control devices, motorized flue dampers, thermostatic radiator valves and a device to vary furnace flame-on intervals. FAMILY HANDYMAN #184 Oct 1977 (v.27#7) pg. 24
Cut your heat bills in half. Tips on reducing or eliminating heat in rooms which are seldom used. FAMILY HANDYMAN #223 Nov 1981 (v.31#9) pg. 58
An easy way to measure your home's heat loss. Evaluate your home's heating and cooling systems using two thermometers and a ready-to-use chart. FAMILY HANDYMAN #252 Oct 1984 (v.34#8) pg. 122
Natural cooling and air conditioning. How to cool a house using a cupola, whole house fan, opening skylight, and shade. FAMILY HANDYMAN #311 Sep 1990 (v.40#8) pg. 30
The blower door test, a way to measure the air leakage rate of a house. FAMILY HANDYMAN #322 Oct 1991 (v.41#9) pg. 20
Making energy efficiency work. How a house wastes energy and suggestions on how to make improvements. FAMILY HANDYMAN #342 Oct 1993 (v.43#9) pg. 16
Eight ways to save energy by making a home more energy efficient. FAMILY HANDYMAN #342 Oct 1993 (v.43#9) pg. 60
Cooling with shade. Advice on using trees, vines, shades, awnings and other techniques to supplement or eliminate air conditioning. FAMILY HANDYMAN #389 Jun 1998 (v.48#6) pg. 96
Eight ways to save energy. Tips for heating, cooling, lighting, and water conservation. FAMILY HANDYMAN #392 Oct 1998 (v.48#9) pg. 60
Energy-saving details. A demonstration house in Canada shows new approaches to energy-efficient, environmentally sensitive construction. FINE HOMEBUILDING #92 Dec 1994-Jan 1995 pg. 62
Made in the shade. A primer on landscaping for energy conservation. GARBAGE Jun-Jul 1993 (v.5#3) pg. 44
Landscaping tips for comfort and fuel savings. HOME MECHANIX #794 Apr 1995 (v.91) pg. 26
Computerized climate control. Using the RCA COSMAC Elf Microcomputer to control the multiple thermostats used in a zoned electrically heated house. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #26 Feb 1979 pg. 38
Build a "fuel miser" for use on either gas or oil heating systems. This electronic cycling device will automatically regulate your furnace with digital precision. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1984 (v.1#1) pg. 72
Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1984 (v.1#3) pg. 4
Electronic heat control. How electronics provides more efficient utilization of available energy resources and some controller circuit examples. Limited to management of electrical heating systems in which temperature control up to 150-degrees Celsius is required. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1988 (v.5#2) pg. 22
Reduce heating costs with the Fuel Miser, a solid-state, optically isolated, duty-cycle furnace controller. Works with gas, oil or electric furnaces. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1993 (v.10#3) pg. 35
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1993 (v.10#5) pg. 3
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1993 (v.10#7) pg. 3
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1993 (v.10#11) pg. 3
Energy management 101. An introduction to various money-saving methods. POPULAR HOME AUTOMATION Nov 1999 (v.4#6) pg. 43
Electronic control monitors outdoor temperature to prevent overheating rooms during the more moderate autumn and spring heating seasons. Works with hot-air or hot-water systems. POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1969 (v.195#3) pg. 184
Build an energy saving home thermostat (environmental control center) which determines whether inside or outside air would best serve the heating or cooling needs of the house. Controls fans and louvers to divert airflow. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1980 (v.51#7) pg. 43
Boiler control circuit. Purpose is to control the water temperature in a hot-water heating system by lowering the boiler temperature as the outside air temperature increases. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1981 (v.52#7) pg. 73
Build this energy controller for your furnace to cut fuel costs and increase efficiency. The outdoor temperature and the water temperature in an oil-fired hot-water heating system are both measured. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1982 (v.53#8) pg. 65
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1982 (v.53#10) pg. 26
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1983 (v.54#1) pg. 20
How to shrink your energy bills. TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #818 Sep 1997 (v.93) pg. 59