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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to make a home weather center. A look at the equipment you will need, most of which you can make, including a wind vane, hygrometer, sling psychrometer, and a rain gauge. Includes a Beaufort scale wind velocity chart and a wet and dry bulb hygrometer humidity chart.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1975 (v.65#3) pg. 52

Make a simple weather predictor from a glass jar, a plastic lid, a human hair, and paper.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1980 (v.70#6) pg. 56

Build your own temperature-humidity meter.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jul 1972 (v.15#4) pg. 86

Simple gauge will give you a general idea of the relative humidity and illustrate how wood expands and contracts with changes in moisture.
FINE WOODWORKING #77 Jul-Aug 1989 pg. 16

Building a wooden hygrometer. A laminated strip of two different woods shows the dramatic effect that humidity has on wood.
FINE WOODWORKING #81 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 68
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #83 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 8

Humidity yardstick (sections of end grain glued together) helps to judge seasonal changes in wood movewment.
FINE WOODWORKING #129 Mar-Apr 1998 pg. 28

Circuit for a meter which measures the electrical conductivity of air as barometric pressure or humidity changes. Est. cost: $9.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1978 (v.1#5) pg. 54

Relative-humidity meter. This solid-state instrument measures the relative percentage of moisture in the air and displays it in bargraph or analog meter format.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1989 (v.6#8) pg. 44
Added Info MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1989 (v.6#10) pg. 7

Electro-chemical hygrometer. Low-cost unit measures ambient relative humidity.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1972 (v.2#4) pg. 33

Build an electronic relative-humidity gauge with a digital display.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1994 (v.11#1) pg. 62

Make a psychrometer from two wall thermometers.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1963 (v.120#6) pg. 158

Homemade remote sensors for your home weather station. Includes anemometor, wind vane, rain gauge and hygrometer.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1981 (v.52#11) pg. 78

Electronic circuit for measuring relative humidity.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1982 (v.53#12) pg. 90

Build this electronic humidity monitor which measures relative humidity from 0% to 100% with a 5% accuracy. Est. cost: $50.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1986 (v.57#2) pg. 61, 91

Weather station includes barometer, anemometer, windvane and hygrometer. Est. cost: $6.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Aug 1964 (v.35#8) pg. 57

Build a hygrometer to measure relative humidity. A single human hair (which responds well to changes in humidity) rotates a tiny mirror, which then reflects a shaft of laser light onto a scale.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1998 (v.278#6) pg. 92

Shop-built moisture meter utilizes the movement of wood to measure relative humidity.
WOODWORKER Jun 1991 (v.95#6) pg. 594
Added Info WOODWORKER Aug 1991 (v.95#8) pg. 789 (Alternative designs)
Added Info WOODWORKER Nov 1991 (v.95#11) pg. 1105

Old world weather forecaster. Changes in humidity cause a gut string to twist and small wooden figures to move in and out of the doorways of this house-shaped forecaster.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1983 (v.7#4) pg. 41

Meter reads humidity.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1964 (v.20#5) pg. 52