Correction ASTRONOMY Aug 1985 (v.13#8) pg. 33
Observing prospects for Comet Halley.
ASTRONOMY Jun 1985 (v.13#6) pg. 35
How to find Halley's comet between Aug and Oct 31, 1985.
ASTRONOMY Aug 1985 (v.13#8) pg. 35
Special issue on observing Halley's Comet.
ASTRONOMY Oct 1985 (v.13#10) pg. 6
Halley at its best. Suggestions for getting the best possible view of Halley's Comet.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1986 (v.14#3) pg. 46
Observing Halley's Comet using color filters attached to any optical instrument (binoculars, telescope, etc.).
ASTRONOMY Mar 1986 (v.14#3) pg. 63
How to discover a comet. Getting started in comet hunting. Search patterns, record keeping, etc.
ASTRONOMY Dec 1987 (v.15#12) pg. 74
A puzzling comet. Observing tips for the Comet Machholz.
ASTRONOMY Aug 1991 (v.19#8) pg. 69
Comets for the big dobs. Observing comets with 12" or larger telescopes.
ASTRONOMY Apr 1992 (v.20#4) pg. 85
Watching Halley's debris. Observing the meteor showers caused by debris from the tail of Comet Halley.
ASTRONOMY May 1992 (v.20#5) pg. 78
Comet Encke observing techniques.
ASTRONOMY Jan 1994 (v.22#1) pg. 87
Jupiter's magnificent show. Getting acquainted with the features of Jupiter so you can appreciate the effects of the impacts with Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. How to see fine detail. How to sketch the features you observe.
ASTRONOMY Apr 1994 (v.22#4) pg. 74
The end of the line. Observing techniques to improve your chances of seeing the results of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 slamming into Jupiter.
ASTRONOMY Aug 1994 (v.22#8) pg. 73
Tracking a distant comet world. Observing the enigmatic, burned-out comet "Chiron".
ASTRONOMY Feb 1996 (v.24#2) pg. 80
The comet seekers. Advice from 10 veteran comet hunters on how to spot and report a comet.
ASTRONOMY Jan 2003 (v.31#1) pg. 74
How to look for Haley's comet.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1985 (v.75#10) pg. 26
The amateur scientist. How best to view Halley's comet. Diagrams illustrate the comet's path both through the solar system and from a viewpoint in the Northern hemisphere.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Nov 1985 (v.253#5) pg. 170
Catch a comet by its tail. Observing techniques for the comet Hale-Bopp. Includes instructions for making and using a large bow-shaped angular scale to record features of the comet's tail to about 0.1 degree of arc.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1997 (v.276#1) pg. 102
Comets and how to hunt them. Suggestions on equipment and techniques.
SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1981 (v.61#2) pg. 123
How to observe comets. Becoming familiar with cometary nomenclature and learning what information to record are important first steps described here.
SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1981 (v.61#3) pg. 210
Looking for Halley's comet. Excerpts from a free booklet gives tips on viewing Halley's comet.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1981 (v.61#6) pg. 500
Astronomical computing. BASIC program calculates how many days a comet can remain inside the Earth's orbit.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1984 (v.68#1) pg. 62
Backyard astronomy. Part 11. Comet-watching tips.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1985 (v.70#1) pg. 20
A grab-bag of ideas for viewing Halley's comet. Includes ideas for building a Poncet mounting.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1985 (v.70#5) pg. 487
Astronomical computing. Computing a comet ephemeris using this program written in BASIC.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1985 (v.70#6) pg. 590
Tracking a comet with a motor-driven equatorial mount by deliberately throwing the polar axis out of alignment.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1986 (v.71#5) pg. 514
Astronomical computing. Computer program calculates the daily ephemeris of a comet by interpolation. Written in BASIC.
SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1987 (v.73#2) pg. 196
Astronomical computing. More on Kepler's equation. BASIC program calculates a comet's location in near-parabolic orbits.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1987 (v.73#5) pg. 535
What to do if you discover a comet. Includes the preferred way to report a comet discovery to the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1987 (v.74#4) pg. 420
Comet orbits by origami. Computer program, written in BASIC, is used to create 3D paper models showing the orbits of several famous comets.
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1990 (v.79#4) pg. 424
An observer's guide to great comets. An introduction to some of the distinctive features of a "Great Comet".
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1990 (v.79#5) pg. 491
Comet Hale-Bopp is coming. Tips on observing this 10th-magnitude comet which will be most visible early in 1997.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1995 (v.90#5) pg. 20
High-power comet observing. Knowing what to look for and how to use your telescope and eyepieces most effectively when observing comets.
SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1997 (v.93#2) pg. 100
Five widely recognized methods used by amateurs to estimate a comet's integrated brightness.
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1997 (v.93#4) pg. 31