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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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Photography in astronomy. Photographing the sun. Includes tips on cameras, filters, film, exposure guides, etc.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1980 (v.8#3) pg. 39

How to photograph the sun using a hydrogen-alpha filter. How to prepare your equipment, which filter to use, choosing and processing the film, adding color and masking the filtergram.
ASTRONOMY Jul 1983 (v.11#7) pg. 34

Tip: Photograph shows how a partial solar eclipse was photographed by projecting a binocular image onto white paper and photographing that image.
ASTRONOMY Jul 1983 (v.11#7) pg. 46

How to observe and photograph the annualar solar eclipse.
ASTRONOMY May 1984 (v.12#5) pg. 50
Correction ASTRONOMY Aug 1984 (v.12#8) pg. 33

Photographing our nearest star (the Sun). Covers both filtered solar photography and solar eclipse photography.
ASTRONOMY May 1987 (v.15#5) pg. 38

How to photograph a solar eclipse.
ASTRONOMY Apr 1991 (v.19#4) pg. 68

When worlds align. Preparing for observing a solar eclipse. Related topics include: (1) Solar filters. What is safe and what isn't. (2) Photographic exposure guide. (3) Solar projection device for safe viewing.
ASTRONOMY Jul 1991 (v.19#7) pg. 62

Tips on photographing a solar eclipse.
ASTRONOMY May 1994 (v.22#5) pg. 94

Discover the daytime star. Observing and photographing our Sun.
ASTRONOMY Feb 1995 (v.23#2) pg. 66

Photographing a solar eclipse is easy when you use the right combination of lenses and film.
ASTRONOMY Oct 1995 (v.23#10) pg. 81

Sunsational photography. Astrophotographers discover the many pleasures of monochromatic light thanks to hydrogen-alpha filters. Tips from an experience solar photographer.
ASTRONOMY Jan 2001 (v.29#1) pg. 90

Solar photographer shares his secrets to creating sensational pictures of the Sun using an "H alpha" filter which pass only the light emitted by hydrogen.
ASTRONOMY Jun 2003 (v.31#6) pg. 78

How to safely view and photograph an eclipse of the sun.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1978 (v.68#12) pg. 60

Computers and eclipses. Tips on photographing a solar eclipse. Includes a description of the problem of changing shutter speeds during various intervals of the eclipse, and a possible solution by letting a home computer control a 35mm camera equipped with a motor drive.
BYTE Jul 1979 (v.4#7) pg. 8

Hunting the computerized eclipse. Interfacing a Nikon camera equipped with the MD-2 motor drive to an Apple II computer.
BYTE Mar 1980 (v.5#3) pg. 6

Computer controlled viewing of the 1980 eclipse of the sun. Includes the final version of the PASCAL program used in the Apple II computer to control the motorized Nikon camera.
BYTE May 1980 (v.5#5) pg. 6

How to produce a composite Cibachrome print (from color slides) which shows coronal details of a solar eclipse.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Dec 1981 (v.2#4) pg. 18

How to photograph an eclipse of the sun.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #422 Jul 1963 (v.59) pg. 131

Photographing solar eclipses. Includes a chart giving approximate exposure speeds for various ASA ratings at various times during the eclipse. Covers both still and movie cameras.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1979 (v.43#2) pg. 74

Put the sun where you want it. How to calculate the location of the sun at sunset as well as the angle of its approach to the horizon in order to take pictures which include the setting sun that are composed the way you want them.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1979 (v.43#6) pg. 100

Making sun and moon calculations. Means of calculating the position of sun and moon for purposes of choosing a time and place to photograph a sunrise, sunset, or simply the sun or moon at some predetermined position in the sky.
PHOTO ELECTRONIC IMAGING 1995 (v.38#11) pg. 48
Added Info PHOTO ELECTRONIC IMAGING 1996 (v.39#5) pg. 48

Illusions at twilight. Sunset photography. The cause for the sun or moon to appear larger at the horizon are explained.
PHOTO ELECTRONIC IMAGING 1996 (v.39#6) pg. 46

How to take photographs of the sun, how to simulate photographs of the sun and how to make photographs which include the sun in the background.
PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1982 (v.11#1) pg. 76

Photographing a total eclipse of the sun. Advice on lenses, filters, film, exposure, etc.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Jun 1991 (v.20#2) pg. 32

Photographing an annular solar eclipse.
PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1992 (v.21#1) pg. 98

How to photograph a solar eclipse.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1970 (v.66#3) pg. 14

As the sun goes down. Advice on taking great pictures of sunsets.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1992 (v.99#8) pg. 46

How to take photos which include large images of the sun.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1994 (v.58#10) pg. 43

Sun block. The challenge of eclipse photography. Tips on safely taking pictures of a solar eclipse.
SHUTTERBUG #345 Jun 1999 (v.28#8) pg. 36

A simple technique for recording the sun's spectrum on photographic film. Mount a pocket or direct-vision spectroscope onto a lens adapter and then attach it to the front of a telephoto lens. Suitable films also suggested.
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1979 (v.57#4) pg. 395

Exposing the analemma. Description of how a 4x5 sheet film camera was set up and controlled to make a one-year-long photograph of the figure-8 pattern swept out by the sun.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1979 (v.57#6) pg. 536

Make a color photograph of the isophotes of the sun's corona. Take a negative of a solar eclipse and copy it on Kodalith film at different exposures. This will isolate the contours of equal brightness (isophotes). Then rephotograph the sets using colored filters.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1979 (v.58#1) pg. 96

A new way to photograph the sun. Make three black-and-white exposures through filters, convert to positive slides, and then project using three slide projectors equipped with filters. A color composite appears.
SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1980 (v.59#2) pg. 170

Microprocessor control of an eclipse camera. Homebuilt single-board computer controls an automatic camera telling it when and how long to expose a series of solar eclipse photos. Est. cost: $40.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1981 (v.61#5) pg. 448

Safe solar filters. What is available in homemade and commercial filters which are suitable for direct viewing (or photographing) of the sun.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1981 (v.62#2) pg. 119

Quest for high-resolution photography. Film, exposure time and development for making detailed photos of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn using a 10" Newtonian with a modified secondary mirror.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1986 (v.71#6) pg. 610

Two long-term photographic projects described. (1) Retrograde loop of Mars. (2) Solar analemma.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1989 (v.77#6) pg. 676

How to safely view and photograph a partial solar eclipse.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1991 (v.82#1) pg. 79

How to photograph a total solar eclipse.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1991 (v.82#1) pg. 96

Photographing the Sun with a backyard telescope.
SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1992 (v.83#3) pg. 340

Eclipse photography in the digital age. Tips on using home computers and digital processing to extract detailed coronal structure from photos of a solar eclipse.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1998 (v.95#1) pg. 117

Imaging totality. How to photograph an eclipse of the sun. Advice on equipment, film, focusing, etc.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1999 (v.98#1) pg. 136

Photographing the analemma (a year-long record of the Sun's changing position on a single piece of film).
SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 2000 (v.99#3) pg. 135

Safe solar filtration. What is available in filter materials for use with telescopes to directly view (and photograph) the sun.
TELESCOPE MAKING #10 Winter 1980-81 pg. 14