Tips on keeping tiny hedges of santolina and lavender from growing lanky and flopping open from the center. FINE GARDENING #7 May-Jun 1989 pg. 8
Lavender in the landscape, its use in hedges, drifts and incorporated with other plants. Suggestions on growing lavender, mound planting, irrigation and pruning. Chart includes details on 16 cultivars. FINE GARDENING #10 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 20
The sweet scent of lavender. Ways to preserve it in sachets, bath bags, sleep pillows and lavender bottles. Includes tips on growing lavender. FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1993 (v.37#4) pg. 38
Tips on growing and drying lavender. HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #133 Apr 1997 (v.21) pg. 10
Ways of rooting cuttings from perennial herbs. Includes special treatment information for scented geraniums, lemon verbena and lavender. HERB COMPANION Oct-Nov 1989 (v.2#1) pg. 36
Tender lavenders. Identification, propagation and cultivation of some of the cold-sensitive species. HERB COMPANION Feb-Mar 1991 (v.3#3) pg. 52
Eight indispensable herbs, the ones a beginner might need. Includes recommendations for specific varieties of rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, dill, basil, sage and lavender. HERB COMPANION Feb-Mar 1992 (v.4#3) pg. 38
How to make a lavender wand. HERB COMPANION Apr-May 1992 (v.4#4) pg. 88
Added Info HERB COMPANION Aug-Sep 1992 (v.4#6) pg. 24
How to use lavendar lavishly in a garden. Includes guidelines for site selection and information on spring pruning. HERB COMPANION Feb-Mar 1994 (v.6#3) pg. 21
Added Info HERB COMPANION Jun-Jul 1994 (v.6#5) pg. 10
Added Info HERB COMPANION Jun-Jul 1994 (v.6#5) pg. 12
Added Info HERB COMPANION Oct-Nov 1994 (v.7#1) pg. 8
An introduction to "Lady", a new aromatic variety of lavender that blooms its first year from seed. Includes a description of one grower's experience. HERB COMPANION Feb-Mar 1994 (v.6#3) pg. 30
How to make a lavender wand from lavender stems bound with ribbon. Used as a closet freshener. HERB COMPANION Aug-Sep 1997 (v.9#6) pg. 89
Best of the lavenders. A guide to species, hybrids and varieties desirable for their fragrance, winter hardiness, tolerance of heat and humidity, or intriguing flavor. HERB COMPANION Apr-May 1998 (v.10#4) pg. 20
A soothing eye pillow sewn from sheer fabric and filled with lavender. HERB COMPANION Dec 1998-Jan 1999 (v.11#2) pg. 50
Lavenders for all seasons. Recommendation on the best varieties for fragrance and flower, ones to incorporate in the landscape as hedge or border planting, and lavenders to raise in pots. Advice on growing and harvesting lavender. HERB COMPANION Apr-May 1999 (v.11#4) pg. 47
Advice on how to cut back lavender and sage in the spring. HORTICULTURE May 1996 (v.74#5) pg. 8
A lavender for every garden. Six cultivars are recommended. Advice for propagating them from stem cuttings and raising them in both the garden and in containers. KITCHEN GARDENER #21 Jun-Jul 1999 pg. 12
Raising and harvesting lavender. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #64 Jul-Aug 1980 pg. 93
Lavender in the landscape. Growing basics and how to dry it. ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1998 (v.45#4) pg. 48
Added Info ORGANIC GARDENING Jul-Aug 1998 (v.45#6) pg. 9
Fiber fun for kids. How to weave a lavender bunch or bottle which consists of lavender stems interwoven with ribbon. SHUTTLE, SPINDLE & DYEPOT #110 Spring 1997 (v.28#2) pg. 47
A guide to raising three species of lavender and tips on drying the blossoms. SUNSET Jul 1981 (v.167#1) pg. 166
Selecting and growing lavender. SUNSET May 1990 (v.184#5) pg. 118
How to dry hydrangea and lavender for long-lasting arrangements. SUNSET Sep 1996 (v.197#3) pg. 60
How to raise lavender. WORKBASKET Jan 1978 (v.43#4) pg. 39
Tips on uses for lavender flowers. WORKBASKET Jan 1986 (v.51#3) pg. 65
How to make lavendar bottles (wands) in which stems are bent back around a cluster of flower heads and then woven with ribbon. WORKBASKET Aug-Sep 1993 (v.58#6) pg. 26