An introduction to carving. Part 2. Getting the edge. The sequence of steps (grinding, honing, and stropping) for sharpening carving tools are described and illustrated. AMERICAN WOODWORKER May-Jun 1989 (v.5#3) pg. 22
Sharpening gouges (curved carving chisels) freehand using oilstones. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #28 Sep-Oct 1992 pg. 28
Tip describes using unpolished marble for honing a carving knife. CHIP CHATS Sep-Oct 1991 (v.38#5) pg. 40
Advice on sharpening a knife for chip carving. CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1992 (v.39#2) pg. 7
Understanding how to achieve the correct angles (vectoring angles) when sharpening carving tools. CHIP CHATS May-Jun 1994 (v.41#3) pg. 132
Tool steel hardness and its relationship to tool sharpening. Includes a tip on sharpening a knife with a slightly longer radius to facilitate carving flowers. CHIP CHATS Jul-Aug 1994 (v.41#4) pg. 61
How to determine how much angle to put on the inside of a carving gouge to make the tool track or stay in the cut more easily. CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1995 (v.42#2) pg. 73
Tips: (1) Grinding gouges on a 1"x42" band sander. (2) Honing a carving gouge. CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1995 (v.42#2) pg. 111
Shop-built carving-tool sharpening machine features a 1/3 h.p. motor turning a shaft which contains several leather-covered or cotton-covered wheels of different shapes and sizes. Detailed plans available. CHIP CHATS Jul-Aug 1995 (v.42#4) pg. 119
Woodcarver's separate grinding and buffing stations are made from two old 1725 RPM motors. CHIP CHATS Nov-Dec 1995 (v.42#6) pg. 80
Introduction to the theory of "vectoring angles" when sharpening carving tools. CHIP CHATS Nov-Dec 1995 (v.42#6) pg. 88
Importance of honing when sharpening carving tools. Tips on strops and techniques. CHIP CHATS Nov-Dec 1995 (v.42#6) pg. 93
Time to sharpen. More information on "vectoring angle" and its implication when sharpening carving tools. CHIP CHATS Jan-Feb 1996 (v.43#1) pg. 62
Time to sharpen. Similarities and differences in sharpening various wood-cutting tools. CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1996 (v.43#2) pg. 108
Sharpening variations of carving tools (skewed, nosed, winged or squared). CHIP CHATS May-Jun 1996 (v.43#3) pg. 91
Time to sharpen. Using power tools to sharpen carving tools. Tips on using soft wheel and grit wheel. CHIP CHATS Jul-Aug 1996 (v.43#4) pg. 9
General shapes of carving tools and their uses. Looks at straight, skew, gouge, veiner and "V" tool shapes and tips on sharpening. CHIP CHATS Jul-Aug 1996 (v.43#4) pg. 98
Time to sharpen. How to correct a knife with a large, long radius on the edge. CHIP CHATS Sep-Oct 1996 (v.43#5) pg. 89
Time to sharpen. Abrasive compounds to use on strope or wheels. CHIP CHATS Nov-Dec 1996 (v.43#6) pg. 55
Time to sharpen. Advice on keeping it simple. Looks at various myths surrounding sharpening angle, hones, machines, strops, etc. CHIP CHATS Jul-Aug 1997 (v.44#4) pg. 89
Time to sharpen. How to sharpen carving gouges. CHIP CHATS Sep-Oct 1997 (v.44#5) pg. 103
Profiling and sharpening chip-carving blades. CHIP CHATS Jan-Feb 1998 (v.45#1) pg. 72
Basic knife sharpening techniques for carvers. CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1998 (v.45#2) pg. 98
Sharpening curved knife blades. CHIP CHATS May-Jun 1998 (v.45#3) pg. 138
Time to sharpen. More advice looks at need for flat sides on sharp knives, cause and cure for radius on the knife edge, wetting the hone with oil or water, and checking the blade after sharpening. CHIP CHATS Sep-Oct 1998 (v.45#5) pg. 78
General advice on sharpening carving tools on a belt sander or bench grinder. CHIP CHATS Jan-Feb 1999 (v.46#1) pg. 110
Stropping a chip carving knife. CHIP CHATS May-Jun 2000 (v.47#3) pg. 87
Tips on sharpening a V-parting tool used in carving. FINE WOODWORKING #18 Sep-Oct 1979 pg. 29
Tip: How to regrind the inside face of a veiner carving tool. FINE WOODWORKING #24 Sep-Oct 1980 pg. 20
Tip: Maintain sharp cutting tools, like carving chisels, by frequently plunging them into a mixture of beeswax and carborundum powder. FINE WOODWORKING #33 Mar-Apr 1982 pg. 18
Recipe for razor-sharp carving tools involves the use of a strop and smooth-cutting abrasive. FINE WOODWORKING #55 Nov-Dec 1985 pg. 10
Kerbschnitzen. Two-knife Swiss chip carving. Includes instructions for sharpening chip carving knives. FINE WOODWORKING #55 Nov-Dec 1985 pg. 65
Sharpening carving tools. The essential steps for a keen edge. Includes instructions for making a multi-wheel sharpening system of plywood discs, cloth buffing wheels and grindstones. FINE WOODWORKING #66 Sep-Oct 1987 pg. 48
Carving tool tune-up. How to sharpen and hone chisels, gouges, and V-parting tools. FINE WOODWORKING #133 Nov-Dec 1998 pg. 64
Woodcarving tools and their care. How to select and sharpen chisels, parting tools and gouges used in woodcarving. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Feb 1977 (v.8#1) pg. 17
How to sharpen woodcarving tools. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW May 1977 (v.8#2) pg. 26
Ramblings of a patternmaker. (1) Sharpening carving tools. (2) How cutting tools react to different woods. (3) The numbering schemes applied to the various shapes of carving tools. SCALE WOODCRAFT #3 Winter 1985-86 pg. 28
How to grind sides and tip of a carving knife to thin it. WOOD MAGAZINE #44 Aug 1991 (v.8#5) pg. 13
How to sharpen turning and carving tools. WOOD MAGAZINE #52 Jun 1992 (v.9#4) pg. 36
Tips on sharpening carving knives with handles using a bench stone or whetstone. WOOD MAGAZINE #73 Oct 1994 (v.11#7) pg. 18
Improving your carving skills. Advice from a carving instructor includes an easy way to judge tool sharpness, five steps to sharp tools, workpiece height and clamping, carving plans, etc. WOOD MAGAZINE #126 Sep 2000 (v.17#6) pg. 64
Selecting mechanical sharpening. An appraisal of sharpening and honing carving tools using machines. WOODCARVING #5 Sep-Oct 1993 pg. 63
Added Info WOODCARVING #8 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 5
Tip on making a leather buffing wheel for sharpening the inside of V-tools, veiners or any other small radius gouges. WOODCARVING #7 Jan-Feb 1994 pg. 6
The vital edge. Part 1. General principles of sharpness and sharpening materials. WOODCARVING #11 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 50
The vital edge. Part 2. Sharpening carving tools. WOODCARVING #12 Nov-Dec 1994 pg. 48
The vital edge. Part 3. Pros and cons of sharpening by machine. Both commercial and shop-built setups are shown. WOODCARVING #13 Jan-Feb 1995 pg. 52
The cutting edge, a series on tool sharpening. Part 1. How to recognize a blunt tool and restore it to razor sharpness. WOODCARVING #21 Nov 1995 pg. 69
The cutting edge, a series on tool sharpening. Part 2. How to tackle bent gouges, skews, and scrapers. WOODCARVING #22 Dec 1995 pg. 30
The cutting edge, a series on tool sharpening. Part 3. How to re-grind badly worn or damaged tools. WOODCARVING #23 Jan-Feb 1996 pg. 70
Tip suggests gringing off the corners of a flat gouge to stop it from catching or leaving lines on the wood. WOODCARVING #24 Mar 1996 pg. 5
A discussion of the benefits of vertical and horizontal grinders and which grindstones are good for sharpening woodcarving tools. WOODCARVING #31 Nov 1996 pg. 50
Homemade sharpening machine for woodcarving tools features three wooden wheels (wrapped with 100-grit sandpaper, 180-grit sandpaper, and leather) and a cloth buffing wheel all mounted on the same rotating shaft. WOODCARVING #40 Mar-Apr 1998 pg. 52
V tool values. A step-by-step guide to selecting, sharpening, and using a V tool. Part 1. Sharpening. WOODCARVING #44 Oct 1998 pg. 27
Tips on altering the shape of the cut made by a gouge. WOODCARVING #44 Oct 1998 pg. 59
Tip on sharpening V tool bevels so they cut cleanly. WOODCARVING #51 Nov-Dec 1999 pg. 57
Tip on making a simple gauge to quickly check the angle (sharpness) of carving tools. WOODCARVING #51 Nov-Dec 1999 pg. 57
Sharpening a V-parting chisel (carving chisel). WOODSMITH #96 Dec 1994 (v.16) pg. 16
Carving on turning. Part 2. How to sharpen carving tools to keep them in top condition. WOODTURNING #16 Oct 1993 pg. 60
Tip on sharpening gouges and other shaped edges without changing the profile. This method places the slurry from a Japanese water stone into a groove cut in a piece of wood by the gouge being sharpened. WOODWORK #10 Summer 1991 pg. 16
Sharpening edge tools (straight edge, turning and carving gouges). WOODWORK #37 Feb 1996 pg. 52
Tips on sharpening carving tools (chisels and gouges). WOODWORKER #1022 Jan 1979 (v.83) pg. 24 (+8)
Sharpening carving tools. Part 1. Japanese water stones and how to use them in conjunction with slipstones and strops. WOODWORKER Jun 1991 (v.95#6) pg. 586
Sharpening carving tools. Part 2. How to achieve the finest edge on V-tool, No.1 chisel, and front-bent chisel. WOODWORKER Jul 1991 (v.95#7) pg. 704
Sharpening carving tools. Part 3. Re-grinding blades and preventing overheating. WOODWORKER Sep 1991 (v.95#9) pg. 908
Sharpening carving tools. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1993 (v.17#1) pg. 24
Tips on selecting and sharpening chip carving knives. WOODWORKING INTERNATIONAL #14 Dec 1989-Jan 1990 pg. 47
Alternative method for sharpening carving tools uses an abrasive rubber wheel and a cloth dolly wheel. WOODWORKING TODAY #24 Sep 1991 pg. 46
Correction WOODWORKING TODAY #26 Nov 1991 pg. 11