Make copper ball ornaments. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Dec 1985 (v.63#12) pg. 75, 168
Feliz navidad. Christmas trimmings inspired by traditions of Mexico. (1) Tin ornaments, gift tags and wax catcher. (2) Tin angel tree topper. (3) Rickrack tree skirt. (4) Cascadores. (5) Tin star wreath. (6) Tin can luminaries. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Dec 1999 (v.77#12) pg. 207, 96
Tincicle ornaments are snipped from sheets of tin or aluminum flashing. A ribbon is tied to the top of the ornament. CRAFTS Nov 1998 (v.21#11) pg. 104
How to make Christmas ornaments from brass sheet metal and brass wire. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Nov 1977 (v.8#9) pg. 40, 70
Punched-tin ornaments made from canning jar lids edged with ruffled ribbon. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Dec 1980 (v.11#10) pg. 15
Christmas angel ornaments made from tin can lids. HANDY ANDY Dec 1978 (v.3#3) pg. 27
A sterling silver Christmas ornament consists of two circles of silver with a snowflake patterm cut out and joined at right angles to each other. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #566 Dec 1984 pg. 59
(1) Copper wire and glass beads combine to make "snowflake" decorations. (2) Embroidered cloth glued around a foam ball and suspended from a ribbon. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Sep-Oct 1982 (v.27#5) pg. 74, 103, 107
"Mexican" angel ornaments of painted tin. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Dec 1988 (v.33#8) pg. 46, 62
Five lacy ornaments made using metal rings and gold thread. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Nov-Dec 1981 (v.4#6) pg. 9
Yule ornaments to make from throwaways. (1) Chimes made from tin can lids. (2) Plastic caps from spray cans are decorated with self-adhesive seals. (3) Chain of bells is made from egg-shaped hosiery containers. SUNSET Dec 1979 (v.163#6) pg. 126
Star-shaped ornaments are woven from 16- and 28-gauge brass wire. SUNSET Dec 1985 (v.175#6) pg. 84
Metalic christmas tree ornaments are made by tracing pictures onto "shim stock" of copper, brass or aluminum. SUNSET Dec 1986 (v.177#6) pg. 114
Convert aluminum mesh screening into ornaments, placemats, napkin rings and other items. The mesh is painted and trimmed with squeeze-bottle paint. SUNSET Dec 1991 (v.187#6) pg. 120
Tree treasures from Taos. Star, snowflake and flower ornaments to cut from aluminum flashing. SUNSET Dec 1994 (v.193#6) pg. 108
Cut tin doves with metal snips to mount on a wreath. WOMAN'S DAY Dec 11 1984 (v.48#4) pg. 129, 224
Cut out a tin angel as a wall decoration. WOMAN'S DAY Dec 11 1984 (v.48#4) pg. 131, 226
Ornaments made from tin and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch stuffed angel ornaments, two appliques for angel tree skirt, padded tree ornaments, punched tin ornaments (heart, tree, and star), and silvery balls with painted motifs, beads and ribbons. WOMAN'S DAY Dec 11 1984 (v.48#4) pg. 137, 181, 185
Five Rangoli Yule tree ornaments. A heart, house, gingerbread man, rocking horse and basket shapes are cut from recycled aluminum tins and punched with details. WORKBASKET Dec 1991-Jan 1992 (v.57#2) pg. 50
Make cookie cutters in various shapes from metal strips cut from tin cans. Also use as Christmas tree ornaments. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1983 (v.39#6) pg. 90