A simple running-time meter. Convert a battery-powered quartz alarm clock into an inexpensive 12-hour meter to log how long an electrical device is operated. AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1989 [Oct 1989] (v.20#4) pg. 47
How to understand and keep tabs on your electric bill. Tips on checking the bill, reading the meter and charges for extra services. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Oct 1974 (v.52#10) pg. J4 (144+)
How to read home gas and electric meters and how to compute the amount of energy consumed during any given period. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1977 (v.67#8) pg. 15
POWER, a program written in North Star BASIC which will help analyze your usage of electrical power. The program calculates the cost per month and per hour of operating specific electrical appliances, based on their electrical specifications (amperage and voltage). BYTE Oct 1979 (v.4#10) pg. 48
Electrical-energy measurement with the Apple II. Hardware and software to perform data-logging functions on a wind-driven generator or bank of solar cells. BYTE Jul 1981 (v.6#7) pg. 294
Build the AC power monitor. Use your computer to measure electrical power consumption. Handles from 30 to 1800 Watts of 120 volt AC current. BYTE Sep 1984 (v.9#10) pg. 107
Energy consumption monitor can display the accumulated cost (in cents) for any home appliance connected to the monitor. Can also be used as a power meter by connecting a DMM and interpreting the output voltage as wattage. Est. cost: $60 (kit). ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1993 pg. 59
Simple circuit to estimate the power consumed by a 120-volt AC appliance. ELECTRONICS NOW Nov 1995 (v.66#11) pg. 9
Ultra-simple and inexpensive elapsed time meter can be used to measure how long electrical devices are drawing current. Built around a 555-type IC. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1975 (v.15#1) pg. 47
Energy sentry. Ten LED's give an indication of the power consumption of any appliance drawing up to 1500 watts. Estimated cost: $25. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1980 (v.20#5) pg. 37
On-time recorder measures the amount of time that current flows through an electric-power cord. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1986 (v.3#5) pg. 54
Understanding how to read your electric meter and electric bill. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1982 (v.7#2) pg. 86
The Energy Saver program. A BASIC program which will calculate the electric operating cost for a number of devices found around a home. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Oct 1982 (v.71#7) pg. 24
Electric bill watchdog. A BASIC program which will figure your electric bill and help conserve energy by forcasting your next bill and your annual cost. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #36 Dec 1979 pg. 32
Electric bill computer program analyzes your electric consumption month by month. Written in basic for a PET computer. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #43 Jul 1980 pg. 112
All-purpose appliance tester measures actual operating power comsumption. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #441 Feb 1965 (v.61) pg. 118
Two energy-related programs. (1) Computes the miles per gallon you can get on your automobile. (2) Computes the average cost of each kilowatt-hour of electricity. Written in BASIC. MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1978 (v.1#4) pg. 42
Energy auditor. A digital electronic device to keep tabs on the amount of electricity any appliance uses. May be used with appliances such as water heaters, air conditioners, etc. which draw large amounts of current. Est. cost: $40. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] May 1986 (v.3#5) pg. 20
The Watt Watcher. Inductive-pickup meter monitors AC power usage so that you can manage energy consumption. Displays actual power usage in kilowatts from moment-to-moment without ambiguity. Any change in the load immediately registers on the meter. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1991 (v.8#1) pg. 32
Less electricity, same good life. How to assess an appliances consumption of electricity and modify their usage to reduce electric bills. NEW SHELTER Feb 1980 (v.1#1) pg. 45
How to read an electric meter. NEW SHELTER Feb 1980 (v.1#1) pg. 49
Build the time-on recorder. Tells you at a glance how long an appliance or TV receiver has been operating. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1982 (v.20#2) pg. 64
Power meter keeps track of how much electricity an appliance uses. Handles appliances between 15 and 1100 watts. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1982 (v.20#8) pg. 54
Build an in-line AC wattmeter to show the power consumption of your major appliances. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1989 (v.6#10) pg. 67
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1990 (v.7#1) pg. 4, 5
Heater monitor will light an LED whenever a heat cable (or some other AC electrical device) is drawing current. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1989 (v.6#11) pg. 23
Circuit for an energy-use monitor. Use it to clock how long a particular appliance operates. Then you can calculate how much electricity it has consumed. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1984 (v.55#8) pg. 20
Energy consumption monitor. Find out how much it costs to run your household applicances. Can also be used as a power meter by connecting a DMM to the voltage output of the monitor. Est. cost: $60 (kit). RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1991 (v.62#12) pg. 31
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1992 (v.63#4) pg. 22
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1992 (v.63#5) pg. 16
How to install and use energy cost indicators (power monitors) which continuously display the cost of electrical power being consumed (at the current rate). SCIENCE & MECHANICS Summer 1980 pg. 79
Home energy sentry uses ten LED's to indicate if the appliance being operated costs 1,2,...10-cents per hour to operate. Will handle appliances up to 1500 watts. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Winter 1980 pg. 92
A look at the energy consumption of power tools. WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1975 (v.31#1) pg. 10
How to reduce your electric bill by managing electric energy demand. WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1984 (v.40#4) pg. 26