Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #67 Aug 1998 pg. 14
Tip suggests making a sheath for a bow saw blade from a length of garden hose.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1998 (v.88#4) pg. 15
Build a bowsaw with the help of an inexpensive kit.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jun 1988 (v.11#9) pg. 26
Shop-built bow saw is made mostly from wood.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Oct 1996 (v.20#1) pg. 14
How to construct your own bowsaw, how to keep it sharp and how to use it properly.
FINE WOODWORKING #8 Fall 1977 pg. 56
Shop made bowsaw. Tailor its size to suit the job.
FINE WOODWORKING #51 Mar-Apr 1985 pg. 52
Make a bow saw from an old bicycle tire rim and scrap wood.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #18 Nov 1972 pg. 17
Make a folding camp saw (bow saw) and folding field pruning saw.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1984 (v.161#4) pg. 111
Making a crosscut bow saw with a wooden frame. Also includes information on the scroll bow saw (turning saw).
POPULAR WOODWORKING #73 Jul 1993 (v.13#1) pg. 62, Insert
Tip on making a bow-saw blade from a band saw blade.
WOODCARVING #25 Apr 1996 pg. 5
Bowsaw you can make. This version can be taken apart by removing two wing nuts. The sides then fold over to protect the saw blade. Sides (handles) and stretcher are made from any hardwood.
WOODSMITH #5 Sep 1979 pg. 5
Light-duty bow saw frame is made from a piece of 1/2" PVC pipe.
WOODWORK #8 Winter 1990 pg. 22
Make a bowsaw. Features wood sides and spreader, a cord tourniquet for tightening, and wood and brass handles. Built to accept blades of 200, 250, or 300mm length.
WOODWORKER #1028 Jul 1979 (v.83) pg. 384 (+2)
Sawing from scratch. Make 4 useful items for every woodworker's kit. (1) Bow saw. (2) Bench-hook. (3) Saw horse. (4) Adjustable mount for a metal saw vise.
WOODWORKER #1090 Sep 1984 (v.88) pg. 581
Shop-built bow saw features a maple frame. Accepts standard 12" blades.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1986 (v.10#1) pg. 52
Make your own bow saw, a traditional handsaw with many applications in the modern shop.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1983 (v.39#4) pg. 4
Correction WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1983 (v.39#5) pg. 18