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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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Tip: Make a "dribble pot" from a gallon plastic jug.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jun 1984 (v.62#6) pg. 85

The automatic vegetable garden. How a 20x42-ft. garden equipped with drip irrigation and black plastic mulch can produce $700 worth of vegetables for a cost of only $85. Combines raised, wide rows with automatic watering.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #218 Apr 1981 (v.31#4) pg. 42

Installing a drip watering system in a garden.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #366 Mar 1996 (v.46#3) pg. 56

Drip-irrigation basics. A homemade system for a small orchard. Covers system design, installation, maintenance and an irrigation schedule. Detailed drawing of the valve-manifold assembly included.
FINE GARDENING #8 Jul-Aug 1989 pg. 22

Drip tape and microsprinklers. A simple system waters gardens of any size and shape.
FINE GARDENING #12 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 62

How to make a canister that fits on the end of drip irrigation tubing so fertilizer can be delivered to specific plants.
FINE GARDENING #20 Jul-Aug 1991 pg. 10

Low-tech drip irrigation with plastic gallon jugs described.
FINE GARDENING #49 May-Jun 1996 pg. 10

Drip irrigation. A description of snap-together systems. How to determine what to buy and install.
FINE GARDENING #59 Jan-Feb 1998 pg. 52

A look at drip irrigation systems.
FLOWER & GARDEN Feb 1980 (v.24#2) pg. 44

One man's garden. How drip-irrigation greatly increased the yield.
FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1982 (v.26#2) pg. 80

No-waste watering systems utilize drip irrigation techniques.
FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1983 (v.27#5) pg. 33

Homemade drip irrigation system uses ordinary garden hose, drip emitters and standard connectors. Author made a 500-foot system for an orchard of 40 dwarf fruit trees for less than $30.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1986 (v.30#3) pg. 73

Irrigation techniques for the garden. Covers drip systems and underground irrigation.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jun-Jul 1987 (v.31#4) pg. 48

The liberated flower gardener. Tips on installing and using soaker hose (leaky pipe) to water a traditional English-style garden.
FLOWER & GARDEN Mar-Apr 1990 (v.34#2) pg. 49

An old-fashioned rain barrel is equipped with a faucet and drip irrigation tubing to water nearby plants.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jul-Aug 1990 (v.34#4) pg. 41
Added Info FLOWER & GARDEN Nov-Dec 1990 (v.34#6) pg. 4

Irrigation options. Part 1. Install an underground lawn sprinkler system and drip irrigation system for gardens and planting beds.
FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1992 (v.36#1) pg. 42

Drip irrigation. The trickle-down theory of watering. How to demonstrate the benefits of drip irrigation and install a simple system.
GARBAGE May-Jun 1991 (v.3#3) pg. 52

Water wise. Advice on watering lawns and plants (how much, how long, how deep). A look at in-ground irrigation systems, hoses, sprinklers and how to install a drip irrigation system.
GARDEN GATE #10 Aug 1996 pg. 30

Tip describes a drip-irrigation system for outdoor hanging baskets.
GARDEN GATE #15 Jun 1997 pg. 4

How to cut water use with common sense and new equipment. Includes information on drip irrigation systems.
HANDY ANDY Feb 1978 (v.2#5) pg. 23

Drip irrigation, a system of perforated hoses and tubing, delivers very small amounts of water over a long period of time. Looks at components, system design, installation and maintenance.
HARROWSMITH #80 Jul-Aug 1988 (v.13#2) pg. 86

How to make a drip/trickle watering system for garden, trees or shrubs.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #6 Summer 1977 (v.2#2) pg. 105

Tip: How to make your own drip irrigation system using a 1-gallon plastic jug to supply water and/or fertilizer.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1981 (v.6#2) pg. 41

Tips on how to install and use a trickle irrigation system in your garden.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO May-Jun 1982 (v.7#3) pg. 10

Slow water, great garden. How to get better yields using drip irrigation. A description of a system, the use of in-line emitters and an adaption for raised beds.
KITCHEN GARDEN #3 Jun-Jul 1996 pg. 35

How to turn 1-gallon plastic jugs into drip watering system in the garden.
KITCHEN GARDEN #4 Aug-Sep 1996 pg. 12

Gardening close to home. A combination deck and vegetable garden that incorporates raised beds to compensate for problem soil. Also uses a cistern that collects and stores rainwater from house roof and is connected to a drip irrigation system.
KITCHEN GARDEN #5 Oct-Nov 1996 pg. 33
Added Info KITCHEN GARDEN #8 Apr-May 1997 pg. 6

How to make a drip or trickle irrigation system.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #590 Jul 1977 (v.73) pg. 113

Tips on installing and using drip irrigation systems.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #82 Jul-Aug 1983 pg. 32

Special 24-page spring gardening section. Covers early-maturing vegetable varieties, transplanting seedlings, "skimming" weeds, a guide to tackling garden pests, growing buckwheat, and six beginner's kits for drip irrigation systems.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #99 May-Jun 1986 pg. 61

Easy watering. A good drip-irrigation system can save time and water in your garden. 14 drip-irrigation garden kits are compared. Includes tips on selection and use.
NEW SHELTER Sep 1984 (v.5#7) pg. 68

How to build your own drip irrigation system for a garden from aluminum tubing, vinyl tubing, and plastic jugs.
ORGANIC GARDENING May 1977 (v.24#5) pg. 56

Tips on how to reduce water loss in a garden and how to make the best use of existing water supplies. Includes a drip irrigation system and saving previously wasted water.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1977 (v.24#7) pg. 74

A look at a drip irrigation system for an orchard. Includes a list of commercial suppliers of drip irrigation equipment.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1977 (v.24#7) pg. 90

A guide to drip irrigation techniques.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1979 (v.26#6) pg. 46

Tip: Trickle-irrigation system incorporates an old tub filled with compost. Water drips through compost and trickles to plants through holes around the base of the tub.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1980 (v.27#7) pg. 22

A drip irrigation system to service a 50x25-ft. garden. Estimated cost: $200.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1980 (v.27#7) pg. 70

A drop of rain insurance. How to use drip irrigation to water your garden.
ORGANIC GARDENING May 1981 (v.28#5) pg. 52

Easy ways to water. Build a sprinkler, furrow or drip system to do the work for you.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1982 (v.29#7) pg. 50

The nuts and bolts of drip irrigation. How to put together the system that's right for your garden.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1983 (v.30#7) pg. 53

Tip: How to make your own "drip irrigation" system from an ordinary garden hose.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1983 (v.30#8) pg. 22

Tips on a flexible, drip watering system.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1984 (v.31#6) pg. 88

How to use drip irrigation for gardening and landscaping.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1985 (v.32#6) pg. 66

Convert 2-liter plastic soda bottles into drip irrigation bottles for water or fertilizer.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1985 (v.32#8) pg. 23

Capillary system to water greenhouse plants for long periods of time, a month or more.
ORGANIC GARDENING Oct 1986 (v.33#10) pg. 24

A look at the components of a drip irrigation system and tips on installing one.
ORGANIC GARDENING Oct 1987 (v.34#10) pg. 63

Tip: Make drip irrigation lines from plastic hoses.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1988 (v.35#7) pg. 81

Installing a basic drip irrigation watering system.
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1990 (v.37#2) pg. 26

Tip on making your own drip system and emitters using polyethylene tubing.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1990 (v.37#8) pg. 8

Tip shows how to make a soaker-hose watering system that delivers water only to the plants that need it.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1994 (v.41#4) pg. 78

How to install a trickle irrigation system for a garden.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1979 (v.151#3) pg. 140

Drip irrigation, the no-waste route to automatic watering. A look at some of the basic components.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1983 (v.223#1) pg. 90

A look at the design and installation of a drip-irrigation system for a small orchard.
SUNSET Apr 1977 (v.158#4) pg. 292

A guide to a drip irrigation system for your yard and garden. Instructions for designing, installing and maintaining your own.
SUNSET May 1981 (v.166#5) pg. 117

How to rig up drip irrigation tubes in your garden.
SUNSET Jun 1982 (v.168#6) pg. 94

Tip: A small (10x15-ft) garden is watered by drip irrigation using buried emitters and main lines.
SUNSET Apr 1983 (v.170#4) pg. 250

Cleaning and other maintenance of a drip irrigation system described.
SUNSET May 1986 (v.176#5) pg. 268

How to convert an existing underground sprinkler system to drip irrigation.
SUNSET Aug 1987 (v.179#2) pg. 148

Drip irrigation. A state-of-the-art report. Looks at emitters, piping, layout, etc.
SUNSET Jul 1988 (v.181#1) pg. 68

Drip irrigation system troubleshooting and maintenance.
SUNSET Aug 1988 (v.181#2) pg. 118

Taking the guesswork out of drip irrigation. Figure out how much to water each plant using the charts provided.
SUNSET Sep 1988 (v.181#3) pg. 172

Tips on concealing drip irrigation tubing for watering patio pots and wall-hung planters.
SUNSET Aug 1989 (v.183#2) pg. 58

Tip: Inexpensive, drip-like watering system is made from PVC pipe drilled with small holes.
SUNSET Aug 1989 (v.183#2) pg. 109

Maintaining the porous tubing (ooze tubing) irrigation system.
SUNSET May 1990 (v.184#5) pg. 238

Irrigate closely planted perennial borders with this combination of low-volume mini-sprays and drip emitters.
SUNSET Jun 1990 (v.184#6) pg. 182

Drip systems for hanging planters.
SUNSET Jul 1990 (v.185#1) pg. 166

Taking the mystery out of drip irrigation. Designing and installing a small system.
SUNSET Jul 1991 (v.187#1) pg. 94

Straight talk about selecting and installing drip irrigation systems from a panel of experts.
SUNSET Jul 1992 (v.189#1) pg. 52

Converting an existing underground sprinkler system to drip irrigation.
SUNSET Jul 1993 (v.191#1) pg. 58

Drip irrigation for lawns. A look at the advantages and how to set up a system.
SUNSET Jun 1995 (v.194#6) pg. 74