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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   HINGE

Four shop-made router jigs. (1) Plunge router mortising jig. (2) Hinge mortising jig. (3) Adjustable dado jig. (4) Centerline dado jig.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #29 Nov-Dec 1992 pg. 58

Hinge-mortising router jig.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #64 Feb 1998 pg. 16

Replacing a door the old-fashioned way. Includes instructions for cutting hinge mortises using a chisel.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #307 Apr 1990 (v.40#4) pg. 64

Use a simple template to locate the hinge holes on both the door and door jamb prior to cutting hinge mortises.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #351 Sep 1994 (v.44#8) pg. 87

Jig for positioning cabinet doors while attaching hinges.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #3 Jun-Jul 1981 pg. 6

Door butt gauge is used to mark the cutting slots for hinges on both the door and the jamb.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #8 Apr-May 1982 pg. 10

Wooden jig guides a router when mortising a door for hinges.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #16 Aug-Sep 1983 pg. 12

Hinge butt mortising templates. What is available in commercial router templates and tips on their use.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #31 Feb-Mar 1986 pg. 28

Tip on hand cutting mortises for door hinges.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #78 Dec 1992-Jan 1993 pg. 28

Diagram of a tool to make the slots for "fiche" hinges.
FINE WOODWORKING #9 Winter 1977 pg. 24

How to rout European-hinge mortises.
FINE WOODWORKING #47 Jul-Aug 1984 pg. 10

Hanging a cabinet door. Step-by-step procedure for installing brass butt hinges. Also includes instructions on router mortising for "Soss" invisible multi-leaf hinges.
FINE WOODWORKING #58 May-Jun 1986 pg. 37

Installing butt hinges is facilitated by the hinge-recess routing jig described in this article.
FINE WOODWORKING #72 Sep-Oct 1988 pg. 65

Routing hardware mortises (for locks, hinges, strike plates, ... etc.). Making and using templates and guide bushings to get mortises that are exactly the correct size.
FINE WOODWORKING #91 Nov-Dec 1991 pg. 91

A plunge-router mortising fixture that is versatile enough to cut hinge mortises in edges of door stiles or assembled doors as well as in the face of wide cabinet sides.
FINE WOODWORKING #92 Jan-Feb 1992 pg. 55

Hanging a cabinet door. Installing butt hinges carefully for a precise, non-binding fit.
FINE WOODWORKING #119 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 68

Jig for cutting hinge mortises in kitchen cabinet doors using a router.
FINE WOODWORKING #121 Nov-Dec 1996 pg. 24

Template routing basics. (1) Three bits for routing with templates. (2) Cutting multiples. (3) Template for butt hinge mortises. (4) Routing small pieces. (5) Making precise templates. (6) Routing a through mortise.
FINE WOODWORKING #125 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 48

Cutting a mortise for a hinge leaf on both an overlaid plywood door and a solid-lumber flush door.
HOME MECHANIX #732 Apr 1989 (v.85) pg. 24

Cutting hinge mortises with a router. Includes instructions on making a hinge-routing template from wood.
HOME MECHANIX #738 Oct 1989 (v.85) pg. 29

Simple jig and a Forstner bit is used to make the 35mm hole for use with European hinges.
HOMEOWNER Jul-Aug 1988 (v.13#6) pg. 18

Table saw jig for cutting kerf hinge gains.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1963 (v.120#6) pg. 156

What to do when you mistakenly chisel a hinge mortise in the wrong place.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1982 (v.157#5) pg. 120

Hinge-mortising for the table hinges used to join the two halves of a rule joint (like those found on drop-leaf tables).
POPULAR WOODWORKING #81 Nov 1994 (v.14#3) pg. 22

Mortising and installing Soss Invisible Hinges.
SHOPNOTES #2 Mar 1992 (v.1) pg. 30

Adjustable hinge mortising jig for use with a router.
SHOPNOTES #4 Jul 1992 (v.1) pg. 4

Easy way to find the exact depth of cut when routing a mortise for a hinge.
SHOPNOTES #6 Nov 1992 (v.1) pg. 29

Chisel techniques. Using the correct grip and a few simple techniques to make precise, controlled cuts with a chisel. Shows how to cut a mortise, tenon, hinge mortise, and groove.
SHOPNOTES #15 May 1994 (v.3) pg. 24

Tips on using a router to cut a mortise for a hinge.
SHOPNOTES #25 Jan 1996 (v.5) pg. 14

Guide for drilling the round mortise needed for European-style cabinet door hinges.
SHOPNOTES #26 Mar 1996 (v.5) pg. 28

Tip shows how to steady a router when cutting hinge mortises.
TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #816 Jun 1997 (v.93) pg. 30

Tip on setting butt hinges.
WOOD MAGAZINE #7 Oct 1985 (v.2#5) pg. 22

Tip: Use double-faced tape to hold hinges securely when marking for stock removal.
WOOD MAGAZINE #14 Dec 1986 (v.3#6) pg. 16

Hand-cutting the perfect mortise (gain) for hinges.
WOOD MAGAZINE #24 Aug 1988 (v.5#4) pg. 37

Shop-built jig for hinge-mortising with a router. Formulas show how to calculate the correct size for the jig.
WOOD MAGAZINE #72 Sep 1994 (v.11#6) pg. 24

Table saw jig for cutting pivot-hinge mortise in cabinet-door frames.
WOOD MAGAZINE #110 Dec 1998 (v.15#8) pg. 36

Technique for installing barrel hinges on a box cover which guarantees proper alignment.
WOOD MAGAZINE #139 Feb 2002 (v.19#1) pg. 30

Drop-leaf hinges. Tips on installing and aligning mortised hinges for a drop leaf table equipped with a rule joint.
WOODSMITH #14 Mar 1981 pg. 8

Butler's table hinges. How to cut mortises for a round-edge hinge.
WOODSMITH #14 Mar 1981 pg. 16

Tip: Make a routing template for cutting the mortises for butler's table hinges.
WOODSMITH #16 Jul 1981 pg. 3

Tip: Cut the mortise for flush cabinet door hinges with a dado blade BEFORE the cabinet is assembled.
WOODSMITH #18 Nov 1981 pg. 3

Tips on cutting the mortises for hinges without damaging surrounding wood.
WOODSMITH #32 Mar-Apr 1984 pg. 23

Guide for hand cutting hinge mortises with a chisel.
WOODSMITH #62 Apr 1989 pg. 3

Cutting mortises for a hinged top so that they align correctly.
WOODSMITH #85 Feb 1993 (v.15) pg. 17

Jig for cutting a shallow hinge mortise on the edge of a door using a router.
WOODSMITH #121 Feb 1999 (v.21) pg. 34

Using the hinge-mortise plane to smooth the mortise to the uniform depth of the hinge.
WOODWORK #28 Aug 1994 pg. 52

A simple jig for dead-accurate hinge recessing (mortising) using a router.
WOODWORKER Oct 1987 (v.91#10) pg. 893

The proper method for marking, mortising, and installing good-quality butt hinges.
WOODWORKER Aug 1993 (v.97#8) pg. 80

Hinging cabinet doors and boxes. Part 2. How to cut hinge recesses and cure some common hinging problems.
WOODWORKER Mar 1994 (v.98#3) pg. 80

Hand and router techniques for cutting butt-hinge mortises.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1989 (v.13#6) pg. 21

Tip on using a motorized laminate trimmer with an edge guide to mortise for hinges.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1992 (v.16#6) pg. 12

How to cut hinge gains.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1996 (v.20#3) pg. 28

How to use a router and a hinge mortising template to simplify the job of hanging a wooden door.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1981 (v.37#3) pg. 78

Door hinge mortise routing jig.
WORKBENCH Jun 1997 (v.53#3) pg. 10