Added Info FINE GARDENING #69 Sep-Oct 1999 pg. 4
Tip: How to make a heavy-duty hoe from the blade of an old horse-drawn disc cultivator.
HARROWSMITH #86 Jul-Aug 1989 (v.14#2) pg. 17
How to choose and use garden tools. Tips on using a trowel, shovel, and hoe.
HOME MECHANIX #719 Mar 1988 (v.84) pg. 62
Combination garden hoe-digger is bent from sheet metal and uses a wood handle.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Jan 1978 (v.67#1) pg. 31
A description of how to use oscillating and swan-neck hoes.
KITCHEN GARDEN #2 Apr-May 1996 pg. 20
The Asian hand cultivator and how to use it.
KITCHEN GARDEN #6 Dec 1996-Jan 1997 pg. 18
Essential tools for working the soil. How to use a level-head rake, a deep spader, a cultivating fork, a D-handle fork and a D-handle spade.
KITCHEN GARDENER #23 Oct-Nov 1999 pg. 18
Convert the rear end of an ordinary bicycle into a push cultivator featuring one large wheel and tines.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #70 Jul-Aug 1981 pg. 160
A trio of do-it-yourself garden tools. (1) Triple-duty cultivating implement. (2) Hand-tool caddy. (3) Seed starter.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #80 Mar-Apr 1983 pg. 98
How to make the "Burkholder" cultivator from an old bicycle frame.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #87 May-Jun 1984 pg. 90
A look at the Warren hoe, a useful gardening aid.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1977 (v.24#6) pg. 166
A look at all the benefits to your garden from cultivation with a hoe.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1979 (v.26#4) pg. 101
Tip: Convert your regular hoe into a "scuffle" hoe.
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1981 (v.28#2) pg. 25
Tip: Make a "one-finger hoe" from a screwdriver.
ORGANIC GARDENING May 1981 (v.28#5) pg. 16
Tip: Make your own garden hoe from a section of an old disk blade and a wooden handle.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1981 (v.28#8) pg. 24
Tip: Weeder/cultivator made from a two-pronged meat fork and a length of dowel.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1982 (v.29#7) pg. 16
How to choose a hoe to suit your weeding style.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1983 (v.30#4) pg. 62
Tips on how to hoe without injuring your back.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1984 (v.31#8) pg. 66
Tip: Cut and sharpen a V-notch in one side of a garden hoe to cut tough weeds.
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1988 (v.35#2) pg. 106
How to select the right hoe for you. Seven very different gardeners test 10 different hoes.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul-Aug 1994 (v.41#6) pg. 42
Tip explains how to handle a hoe so the work is easier on your back.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul-Aug 1994 (v.41#6) pg. 76
A guide to help choose the correct garden hoe.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul-Aug 1996 (v.43#6) pg. 70
How to use a hoe without straining your back. Several styles of hoes are shown.
SUNSET Jul 1984 (v.173#1) pg. 86
How to sharpen any hoe.
SUNSET Jul 1984 (v.173#1) pg. 220