Outdoor speaker enclosure starts with a redwood planter box from a garden store. Est. cost: $16. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1973 (v.13#1) pg. 31
Put a music speaker outdoors. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #424 Sep 1963 (v.59) pg. 109
Build a permanent weatherproof speaker for porch or patio. Has built-in tone and volume controls. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #507 Aug 1970 (v.66) pg. 76
How to make your own outdoor speaker. Build cabinet of marine plywood and weatherproof the speaker cone by spraying it with varnish. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #565 Jun 1975 (v.71) pg. 73
Wire your patio for sound. A look at the new outdoor speakers and how to install them. POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1971 (v.136#2) pg. 142
What's new in outdoor speakers and tips on placing them so they don't bother neighbors. SUNSET Aug 1989 (v.183#2) pg. 76