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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   PLANT

Tip on making a planting tool for dropping seeds into a furrow without stooping is made from PVC pipe and a plastic soda bottle.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1994 (v.78#1) pg. 47

Tip on using bulb planters for planting annuals grown in cell packs.
FINE GARDENING #31 May-Jun 1993 pg. 10

Tip describes using an empty plug from a cell-tray to make holes for seedlings.
FINE GARDENING #54 Mar-Apr 1997 pg. 12

Tip suggests using a potato peeler as a miniature dibble when transplanting tiny seedlings.
FINE GARDENING #67 May-Jun 1999 pg. 8

Make a planting stick to uniformly space plants.
GARDEN GATE #1 Feb-Mar 1995 pg. 5

Tip offers shortcut for keeping garden rows straight and the spaces between them even.
GARDEN GATE #13 Feb 1997 pg. 4

Garden tools you can make for digging furrows and punching planting holes.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO May-Jun 1980 (v.5#3) pg. 79

A dibble and its uses described.
KITCHEN GARDEN #3 Jun-Jul 1996 pg. 21

Tip suggests using a sharpened soup can to cut planting holes in plastic.
KITCHEN GARDEN #5 Oct-Nov 1996 pg. 10

How to make an adjustable planter gauge.
KITCHEN GARDEN #8 Apr-May 1997 pg. 10

The garden-thing. A homemade tool used to rake, hoe, drive stakes, press a furrow for seeds, or make holes for small transplants.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #37 Jan 1976 pg. 17

A trio of do-it-yourself garden tools. (1) Triple-duty cultivating implement. (2) Hand-tool caddy. (3) Seed starter.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #80 Mar-Apr 1983 pg. 98

How to make a trio of garden helpers. A hose guard, dibbles and cord, and a kneeling bench.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #87 May-Jun 1984 pg. 152

How a Dixon hand imprinter can be used to form funnel-shaped depressions for planting seeds while improving the water-holding ability, aeration and fertility of a garden, lawn or small pasture.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #98 Mar-Apr 1986 pg. 68

Tip: Make a wooden row marker with prongs 32" apart on one side and 18" apart on the other side.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1979 (v.26#3) pg. 23

A look at mechanical seeders.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1980 (v.27#3) pg. 105

Tip: Make a planting board from corks, plywood, and a door handle. It will punch 50 evenly-spaced holes all at once.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1980 (v.27#6) pg. 19

Tip: Make a row marker from two sticks and a carpenter's chalk line reel.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1981 (v.28#3) pg. 22

Tip: Build this "multiplanter" to punch multiple onion holes in the ground.
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1982 (v.29#2) pg. 24

Tip: Build a rake-like device for marking parallel rows.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1983 (v.30#1) pg. 22

Planting board punches 32 holes at a time into the soil.
ORGANIC GARDENING May 1983 (v.30#5) pg. 16

Build this adjustable planting board. Golf tees are pushed through the holes in a piece of "Pegboard" to locate seed holes as desired.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1983 (v.30#7) pg. 4

Tip: Make this tool for transplanting seedlings without damaging roots.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1983 (v.30#12) pg. 20

Stand-up planting tube made from a funnel and a length of conduit.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1985 (v.32#8) pg. 23

How to build an adjustable planting guide.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1985 (v.32#8) pg. 52

Tip shows how to make a "widget" for planting carrots. It punches 24 holes at a time.
ORGANIC GARDENING May-Jun 1994 (v.41#5) pg. 68

Tip tells how to make a device for planting seeds without stooping.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1997 (v.44#3) pg. 76

Tip on marking a hoe handle for varied planting depths.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1997 (v.44#4) pg. 79

Tip: Make a sturdy planting dibble from a broken shovel handle.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1981 (v.155#3) pg. 102

Tip: Use an electric drill to make holes for planting bulbs.
SUNSET Oct 1989 (v.183#4) pg. 194

Tools for gardeners to make from scrap wood include dibbles, tamper, transplanting stick, and mud scraper.
SUNSET Feb 1991 (v.186#2) pg. 122