Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #40 May-Jun 1983 pg. 8
This shop made steady rest can be set up to support the middle of a long, thin spindle, or it can be used as a tailstock for center-boring.
FINE WOODWORKING #44 Jan-Feb 1984 pg. 8
Lathe steady rest for turning baseball bats.
FINE WOODWORKING #66 Sep-Oct 1987 pg. 12
Two styles of lathe supports (steady rests) used when making long, slender turnings in order to keep the piece from deflecting. Both supports are adjustable and made from wood. One features rollers.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1980 (v.154#2) pg. 109
Great woodworking jigs for your shop. Part 2. (1) Lathe semaphore jig to help when making repetitive (duplicate) turnings. (2) Lathe steady rest for thin, wobbly stock. (3) Drum and disk sanding on a lathe.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1983 (v.160#6) pg. 106
Build a lathe steady rest from three ball-bearing races, a piece of scrap wood and some miscellaneous hardware.
POPULAR SCIENCE May 1981 (v.218#5) pg. 144
How to turn long thin spindles on a lathe using simple shop-made accessories, extended tool rest, and a steady rest.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #57 Nov 1990 (v.10#3) pg. 68
Lathe steady rest incorporates ball bearings to help keep a thin spindle from flexing. Constructed mostly of wood.
SHOPNOTES #43 Jan 1999 (v.8) pg. 26
Tips for turning small-diameter spindles without having them break. Includes a homebuilt steady rest.
WOOD MAGAZINE #13 Oct 1986 (v.3#5) pg. 18
Steady rest for thin turnings keeps small-diameter work from wobbling. Built mostly of wood.
WOOD MAGAZINE #77 Feb 1995 (v.12#2) pg. 76, Insert
Tip on adapting a floor-standing drill press for use as a steady rest for outboard turning on a lathe.
WOOD MAGAZINE #115 Jun 1999 (v.16#4) pg. 29
How to turn yellow cedar into a tall dry-flower vase. Includes plans for making an adjustable steady rest, a boring bar support box, and a boring bit extension bar.
WOODTURNING #21 Apr 1994 pg. 42
How to build the Walter Last steady rest that makes hollow turning easier.
WOODTURNING #46 Oct 1996 pg. 63
Jig for giving adequate support when turning a small-diameter, thin-walled wooden tube.
WOODTURNING #54 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 77
Home-made back-steady is constructed mostly of wood. Helps eliminate chatter (flexing vibration) when turning long, slender spindles.
WOODTURNING #59 Jan 1998 pg. 36
How to make a heavy-duty three-point lathe steady which can extend the scope of your turning projects. Built from wood and non-swiveling casters.
WOODTURNING #67 Sep 1998 pg. 45
Added Info WOODTURNING #73 Mar 1999 pg. 6
Make a support for the back edge when turning a large tray or dish. The support is an in-line skate wheel attached to an adjustable brace.
WOODTURNING #70 Dec 1998 pg. 82
Make a center steady rest from MDF, fiberglass, three sealed bearings and miscellaneous hardware.
WOODTURNING #73 Mar 1999 pg. 82
Added Info WOODTURNING #75 May 1999 pg. 5
Hold fast with foam. Part 2. Using expanding foam to custom-fit one or more steady rests to prevent whipping of thin shafts when turning between centers.
WOODTURNING #74 Apr 1999 pg. 53
Rugged steady rest features an octagonal frame made of 1"x1" box steel. It is attached to the bed of the lathe with a simple wooden frame.
WOODTURNING #80 Oct 1999 pg. 79
Shop-made steady rest.
WOODWORK #37 Feb 1996 pg. 12
Clarinets and how to make them. Part 2. Plans for the clarinet in A. Includes a useful lathe steady rest with a ball bearing center.
WOODWORKER #1015 Jun 1978 (v.82) pg. 266
Turning staircase spindles. Rotating steady rest is used to make spindles from 1" square pine 32" long.
WOODWORKER #1055 Oct 1981 (v.85) pg. 668
Two simple designs for a lathe "steady rest" for use when turning long, thin spindles.
WOODWORKER #1107 Feb 1986 (v.90#2) pg. 101
Added Info WOODWORKER #1110 May 1986 (v.90#5) pg. 439
Lathe steady rest is built from wood, ball bearings, and ordinary hardware.
WOODWORKER Apr 1989 (v.93#4) pg. 336
Adjustable wood lathe steady rest is a useful accessory for turning long and thin spindles that deflect under the pressure of turning tools.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1980 (v.4#6) pg. 26
Lathe steady-rest for turning long slender stock.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1968 (v.24#6) pg. 61
Plans for making a lathe steady-rest to support slender turnings. Unit is made from double thickness 3/4" plywood and has three adjustable support arms.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1975 (v.31#2) pg. 34
Quilting frame has poles turned on a lathe. Includes instructions for extending the tailstock of your lathe several feet away from the head and using a steady rest built from wood and skate wheels.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1982 (v.38#5) pg. 84
Modify a standard tool rest to be a steady rest.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1985 (v.41#3) pg. 106
Useful steady rest for a lathe uses adjustable ball bearings (or skate wheels) to bear on the work piece.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1986 (v.42#6) pg. 39