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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Make your own beanbag camera supports from old denim pant legs.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1978 (v.42#2) pg. 100

Easy-to-make camera supports consist of cloth bags filled with beans or rice.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1985 (v.49#9) pg. 32

How to make a beanbag tripod.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #93 May-Jun 1985 pg. 66

Using a beanbag to steady telephoto lenses. Other methods also discussed.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1970 (v.66#3) pg. 38

Other means of camera support. A look at monopods, gunstocks, and beanbags.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1987 (v.94#11) pg. 62

Homemade accessories for outdoor photography. Ideas include a sturdy gunstock, reflectors, beanbags, etc.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1988 (v.95#8) pg. 40

Tripod-mounted beanbag is used to support a long telephoto lens.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1994 (v.58#2) pg. 132