Tricks and demonstrations that are both music and magic. (1) Sounds you can see, (2) a disappearing coin, (3) a melting coin, (4) a glass that hums, and (5) musical bottles. BOYS' LIFE Dec 1972 (v.62#12) pg. 56
How to do the "Fade-away Penny" trick. BOYS' LIFE Jan 1975 (v.65#1) pg. 18
How to do the "Penny for your thoughts" trick. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1975 (v.65#8) pg. 12
The "Flying Quarter" trick. BOYS' LIFE Oct 1975 (v.65#10) pg. 10
"Silver Lining" trick involves sleight-of-hand to pull a quarter from a facial tissue. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1976 (v.66#8) pg. 12
A trick with three hands (palming a penny in a "third" hand). BOYS' LIFE Apr 1977 (v.67#4) pg. 12
How to make three of six coins disappear. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1977 (v.67#7) pg. 18
The Unspendable Quarter trick that "disappears" when dropped into an envelope. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1978 (v.68#7) pg. 12
"Guess and Guess Again" coin trick makes a quarter and a penny disappear. BOYS' LIFE Feb 1979 (v.69#2) pg. 9
Lucky money match. How to have a card picked that will match a coin in a matchbox. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1979 (v.69#6) pg. 12
The twenty-eight cent trick. How to make pennies "grow" a quarter. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1979 (v.69#8) pg. 12
Fly-across coins, that vanish in thin air and reappear in a cup. BOYS' LIFE Oct 1979 (v.69#10) pg. 12
Magic in slow motion. How to "find" a quarter in a folded piece of paper. BOYS' LIFE Nov 1979 (v.69#11) pg. 12
Three coin tricks. (1) Mister money pockets. (2) Lost and found. (3) The money stretcher. BOYS' LIFE May 1981 (v.71#5) pg. 8
Pulse beat trick. Find a coin hidden under one of three cups by feeling the pulse of a volunteer as he points to each cup. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1981 (v.71#8) pg. 12
The spooky tapping pencil trick. Tapping pencil "counts" the number of pennies in a cup. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1982 (v.72#7) pg. 10
The see-saw nickel and pennies. A pile of five pennies and five nickels are covered with a napkin. They appear to have changed places when the cover is removed. BOYS' LIFE Oct 1982 (v.72#10) pg. 6
Magic money jar. How to make a quarter move from a paper envelope into a closed glass jar. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1983 (v.73#6) pg. 17
The magic money maker. With a little practice you can easily change a penny into a dime. BOYS' LIFE Sep 1984 (v.74#9) pg. 6
A vanishing-coin envelope. This magic envelope will make small items disappear. BOYS' LIFE Dec 1984 (v.74#12) pg. 19
Money catch trick. Four quarters are "plucked" from thin air and dropped into a paper bag. A $1 bill is then retrieved from the bag. BOYS' LIFE Feb 1985 (v.75#2) pg. 18
The topsy-turvy penny. You place a penny on top of a quarter in the palm of your hand. Turn your hands over, and the penny is still on top. When you take the penny and place it in your pocket, it ends up on top of the quarter again. BOYS' LIFE Jan 1988 (v.78#1) pg. 13
Penny hanger. Drop the pennies into a tube, and make them disappear. BOYS' LIFE Apr 1989 (v.79#4) pg. 6
Magic bank. Make money vanish from this coin purse without spending it. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1989 (v.79#6) pg. 6
Changing five dimes in a cup into a dollar bill. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1990 (v.80#6) pg. 6
The go and stop quarter trick. Two coin envelopes with red and green dot labels are used when the magician commands a quarter to vanish and then reappear. BOYS' LIFE Feb 1991 (v.81#2) pg. 12
Pop goes the quarter vanishing-coin trick. BOYS' LIFE Nov 1992 (v.82#11) pg. 9
Coin-vanishing envelope trick. BOYS' LIFE Jan 1993 (v.83#1) pg. 6