Build a light box to illuminate large-format plate negatives so that they may be copied in slide format. Also includes instructions for building a device to align the copy camera film plane exactly parallel with the negative being copied. CAMERA & DARKROOM Jun 1993 (v.15#6) pg. 14
Tips on using the Kaiser Copy Lighting System which consists of four special fluorescent tubes in two fixtures. DARKROOM & CREATIVE CAMERA TECHNIQUES Jan-Feb 1990 (v.11#1) pg. 62
Lighting reflection control. Part 1. Lighting and reflections, surface reflections and how to use them, and direct light. DARKROOM & CREATIVE CAMERA TECHNIQUES Sep-Oct 1991 (v.12#5) pg. 61
Lighting reflection control. Part 2. Light source and size, reflections from glass surfaces, and color saturation. DARKROOM & CREATIVE CAMERA TECHNIQUES Nov-Dec 1991 (v.12#6) pg. 54
Lighting reflection control. Part 3. Reflection intensity, polarizers, common conversions (sprays, etc.), windows and glass, using mirror images, red-eye, and using creative reflections. DARKROOM & CREATIVE CAMERA TECHNIQUES Jan-Feb 1992 (v.13#1) pg. 38
How to use one light source plus a mirror to produce uniform illumination on both sides of a document (or other item) being copied. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1989 (v.11#4) pg. 7
Tips on removing unwanted reflections when photographing a glass-covered print. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1989 (v.11#4) pg. 12
Illumination for copying. A review of good reproduction lighting techniques for graphic arts and copy cameras. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1977 (v.26#2) pg. 29
Illuminating your copyboard mathematically. A system to measure light distribution pattern on a graphic arts process camera with lighting that travels with the copyboard. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY May 1978 (v.27#5) pg. 26
Polarized light for high fidelity reproduction. The use of polarized light can be especially useful in solving some copying problems. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1978 (v.27#10) pg. 23
Tips on avoiding reflections when copying subjects under glass or glossy photos. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.51#1) pg. 14
Tip on making sure that copy lights give even illumination. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.51#1) pg. 16
Tips on positioning and lighting wall-hung paintings for copying. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.51#1) pg. 30
Using a small, hand-held electronic flash unit and multiple exposure to copy artwork which is hung in places that make the placement of lightstands impractical. PHOTO ELECTRONIC IMAGING Aug 1993 (v.36#8) pg. 12
Tips on adjusting a copy lighting setup consisting of two 150-watt floods. PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1984 (v.13#8) pg. 64
Stop reflections from copystand post by covering it with a stocking. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1971 (v.68#3) pg. 104
Build this "daylight" color copy unit. Simple wooden copy stand for making color pictures on Kodachrome or black and white film uses plant-grow fluorescent lights instead of hot incandescent lights. Est. cost: $40. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1976 (v.79#2) pg. 86
How to improve a Polaroid MP-4 copy camera by adding tungsten-halogen lamps for accurate color. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1981 (v.88#3) pg. 110
How to use four "A.C. Slave" screw-in strobe units for illumination on Polaroid's MP-4 copy camera system. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1981 (v.88#11) pg. 26
Tips on eliminating reflections when photographing glass-covered artwork. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1988 (v.95#3) pg. 140
Tip on metering the light on a copyboard using an incident light meter. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1988 (v.95#11) pg. 162
Tip: Eliminating equipment-reflection hot spots when copying photographs. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1989 (v.96#3) pg. 6