Added Info DOLLHOUSE MINIATURES Apr 1998 (v.28#4) pg. 11
Portable light stand is made from PVC pipe and fittings.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #60 Apr-May 1990 pg. 26
Tip: Make a simple light stand for holding clamp-lights anywhere needed. Stand is made from 2x4 and 1x4 lumber.
FINE WOODWORKING #21 Mar-Apr 1980 pg. 17
Photographing your woodcraft projects. Selecting camera, lens, lighting, location, etc. A companion article describes a shop made lighting boom with reflector umbrella, plus tips on lighting.
FINE WOODWORKING #36 Sep-Oct 1982 pg. 92, 94, 96
Pole holder for photofloods made from aluminum tubing and pipe clamp.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #453 Feb 1966 (v.62) pg. 126
Heavy-duty, adjustable, telescoping spotlight stand made from galvanized plumbing pipe.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #489 Feb 1969 (v.65) pg. 18
Simple stand for clamp-type flood lights built from scrap wood, curtain rods and C-clamps.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1972 (v.36#10) pg. 91
Ideas for light and camera supports made from plumbing pipe and fittings.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1976 (v.40#9) pg. 39
A gooseneck flexible shaft from an old desk lamp, mounted on a base, holds an electronic flashgun for off-camera or slave use.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1976 (v.40#12) pg. 112
Tip: Large alligator clips that are replacements for auto jumper cables can also serve to hold small electronic flash units for slave or off-camera use.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1977 (v.41#4) pg. 112
Tip: A toilet float rod uses a standard tripod thread. It can be used as a short stand for small flash units. Especially good for close-up work at ground level, where rod is pushed into the ground.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1977 (v.41#7) pg. 98
Tip: Modified C-clamp holds two small flash units anywhere, even at the bottom of a tripod.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1977 (v.41#8) pg. 94
Tip: Modify an ordinary C-clamp so that you can attach it to a tripod. Then the clamp can be used to hold a variety of items, including the shaft of a bounce-light umbrella.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1978 (v.42#11) pg. 132
Adjustable wooden extension arm for your electronic flash allows you to aim and position the flash almost anywhere you want it. Very useful for close-up photography.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1980 (v.44#4) pg. 122
Tip: Use adjustable gooseneck lamp bases to hold small flash units, magnifying glass while retouching, etc.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1982 (v.46#6) pg. 109
Build your own sturdy, simple, adjustable light stands from wooden dowel, PVC "T" joints, C-clamps, and wood. Est. cost: $30 for three stands.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1983 (v.47#4) pg. 70
Tip: Built an extension rod for a light stand to increase its height to 10-ft.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1983 (v.47#4) pg. 71
Tip: How to get a light stand tight into the corner of a room.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.51#1) pg. 12
Tip to prevent light stand from falling over if electrical cord is accidently pulled.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.51#1) pg. 28
Tip: Combine two 9-ft. extension-style light stands to reach 14-ft. high.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.51#1) pg. 38
Wooden block equipped with a swivel joint holds both a flash and umbrella reflector on a tripod or light stand.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1988 (v.52#6) pg. 51
Tip: Make an adaptor to attach a small flash unit to a tripod head.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1979 (v.7#11) pg. 104
How to build a light boom from PVC plastic pipe. Counterweighted boom for locating clip-on floodlights exactly where you want them. The boom attaches to a tripod.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Aug 1980 (v.9#4) pg. 93
How to build a versatile triple-duty camera stand from ordinary 2x4 lumber. The stand also doubles as a pair of sturdy light stands or as an overhead bridge for lights, background drapes, seamless paper, etc. Est. cost: $12.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1982 (v.10#11) pg. 87
How to build dolly bases for your light stands.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1982 (v.11#8) pg. 101
Build a sturdy light stand with a telescoping pole. Built from electrical conduit, a dowel, hose clamps and wood. Est. cost: $7.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1983 (v.11#11) pg. 75
A look at both commercial and improvised devices for rigging lights.
PHOTOMETHODS Apr 1976 (v.19#4) pg. 33
Light stand for floods from pipe fittings.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1963 (v.120#1) pg. 146
Four-ft. boom light. Adjustable. Est. cost: $3.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1968 (v.130#3) pg. 151
Wooden block clamped to tripod leg is a good place to attach a spring clamp type photoflood holder.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1972 (v.137#5) pg. 46
Build a rolling dolly for your photofloods. Center pole upright, set on a castered base, with adjustable booms, holds floodlights. Built of pipe fittings and wood.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1972 (v.138#2) pg. 14
How to convert bases from old fans, heaters, clamps, etc., into stands for floodlights or cameras.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1974 (v.141#5) pg. 63
Build a lowboy light stand on casters.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1984 (v.161#12) pg. 71
Studio in an attache case. How to pack 24 essential studio items into a portable case for on-location jobs. Includes three each of umbrella reflectors, electronic flash units, modeling lights, etc. How to modify light stands to fold smaller and how to convert a standard attache case.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1977 (v.80#1) pg. 104
Paint-can lighting system. Sturdy poles for supporting lights, backdrops, etc. are made by installing lengths of electrical conduit in 1-gallon and 2-gallon paint cans filled with concrete.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1980 (v.87#6) pg. 134
Both lighting and background stands are made from PVC pipe fittings.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1988 (v.95#9) pg. 122
Sturdy stand on casters for ganged photo reflectors.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1965 (v.186#2) pg. 165
System of wooden disks and tightening knobs lets you hang anything (camera, lights, etc.) at any angle from a light stand.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1967 (v.190#2) pg. 128
Triangular-shaped plywood on casters with a 4" side serves as a rollaround stand for tripod lights and holds extra cords, bulbs, etc. In the center of the base.
POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1971 (v.198#4) pg. 122
Wooden stands with adjustable arms are designed for use with inexpensive clamp-on style photoflood reflectors.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #53 Mar 1990 (v.9#5) pg. 60
Use PVC pipe and fittings to build light stands.
SUPER-8 FILMAKER Mar-Apr 1981 (v.9#2) pg. 14