Build your own ring light from 40-watt tubular bulbs. Use it to eliminate shadows when shooting small objects close up. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jan-Feb 1985 (v.7#1) pg. 78
Macro-flash-lighting systems: Ringlights and beyond. Lighting equipment for closeups. What is available and tips on its use. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.36#1) pg. 25
Homemade ring light flash for good close-up photographs. Est. cost: $20. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #639 Aug 1981 (v.77) pg. 96
Build your own ring light for macro photography out of an inexpensive strobe unit. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1976 (v.40#6) pg. 108
Build your own fluorescent ring light from a Sears circular fluorescent fixture. Est. cost: $12. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1979 (v.43#11) pg. 84
How to construct your own ringlight from a spun-aluminum ring mold and an ordinary electronic flash. Tips on taking pictures with a ringlight and establishing guide numbers for a ringlight. PHOTOGRAPHIC Aug 1978 (v.7#4) pg. 43
Build a ringlight. Uses a fluorescent conversion kit as the light source. Est. cost: $15. PHOTOGRAPHIC Nov 1982 (v.11#7) pg. 19
Lens axis lighting. An inexpensive alternative to a ring light consists of a simple bowl-shaped reflector and a light source. PHOTOMETHODS Nov 1986 (v.29#11) pg. 38
How to use a circular flash tube that fits around the lens. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1971 (v.135#2) pg. 84
Build this fluorescent ring light for close-up photos. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1981 (v.156#5) pg. 24
Tips on using rubber erasers, tongue depressors and other gadgets to hold objects at just the right angle for close-up photography. Also, how to make your own circular fluorescent light which rings your camera lens. Other tips on lighting and positioning included. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1977 (v.80#2) pg. 16