Convert slides to video tape. Both do-it-yourself equipment and commercial services are viewed. DARKROOM & CREATIVE CAMERA TECHNIQUES Nov-Dec 1985 (v.6#6) pg. 27
Video inverter. Invert your camcorder video output to view backlit photographic negatives as positive, color-corrected images. ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1995 (v.66#7) pg. 41
Converting film to videotape. Chart describes six basic methods. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1980 (v.29#10) pg. 36
Viewing slides on your VCR. Advice on preparing a slide collection for conversion to video tape. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1991 (v.40#2) pg. 20
How to convert old 8mm motion pictures to video tape. Some tips. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1984 (v.48#7) pg. 20
Transfer slides to video and create your own photo stories on tape. Some tips. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1986 (v.50#2) pg. 12
Tips on converting slides or home movies to videotape using the "CopyKit" rear-projection screen and a video camera. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jan 1987 (v.15#9) pg. 18
Make your own "still videos" with a video camera slide duplicator. A simple way to integrate photography with video. PHOTOGRAPHIC Feb 1989 (v.17#10) pg. 14
Convert your family movies to videotape using a videocamera, VCR and a simple, inexpensive "telecine converter". POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1985 (v.162#6) pg. 66
Put your family album on videotape. How to combine your photos, films, and slides on tape ready to show on TV. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1985 (v.92#4) pg. 71
Changing media. Equipment and techniques for transfering slides and movies to video tape. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY May 1988 (v.95#5) pg. 66
(1) How to photograph TV images. (2) How to transfer slide images to videotape. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1991 (v.98#10) pg. 59
Put your still pictures on video. Overview of several devices and techniques for transfering both slides and prints to videotape. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1992 (v.99#1) pg. 59
Transfer your home movies to videotape by using a camcorder to film the projected images. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1999 (v.63#10) pg. 82
Video still proofs. Save time and money by converting the 600 negatives photographed at a typical wedding into a videotape from which the couple and their families can select the desired photos for final printing. A description of the technique, typical costs and benefits. PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER #2138 Jul 1990 (v.117) pg. 54
Techniques for incorporating still pictures or slides into videos. SHUTTERBUG #260 May 1992 (v.21#7) pg. 154
Technique for removing the raster lines from photographs taken off video monitors. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1992 (v.84#5) pg. 579
A look at film-to-video transfer. SUPER-8 FILMAKER Jul-Aug 1980 (v.8#5) pg. 36
Photos on video. How to save your memories the easy way by transfering your still photos to video and distributing copies to family members. VIDEOMAKER Feb 1995 (v.9#8) pg. 116
Tips for transferring film, slides and photos to videotape. VIDEOMAKER Jan 1996 (v.10#7) pg. 103
Transferring photos to video. Describes how to copy photographic prints onto videotape by reshooting them with a camcorder. Includes instructions for making an easel to support the photos while filming them. VIDEOMAKER Jun 1996 (v.10#12) pg. 14