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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Tip on unsoldering joints in antique radios.
AUDIO AMATEUR 5/1984 [Oct 1984] (v.15#5) pg. 57
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1985 [Jul 1985] (v.16#3) pg. 56

Modification for a soldering iron tip to remove multi-pin ICs from printed circuit boards.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1990 [Aug 1990] (v.21#3) pg. 47

Modify a desoldering iron to quickly remove the melted solder using a shop vacuum.
AUDIOXPRESS Jan 2003 (v.34#1) pg. 72
Added Info AUDIOXPRESS Jun 2003 (v.34#6) pg. 68

Tip: Liquid flux improves the wicking action of desoldering wick.
BYTE Dec 1979 (v.4#12) pg. 78

How to unsolder.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #547 Dec 1973 (v.69) pg. 62

Super solder sucker desoldering tool. Vacuum-type desoldering tool emulates costly commercial units. Built around a foot-operated bicycle tire pump.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1986 (v.3#11) pg. 60

Tip: Unsoldering multi-pin components using braided shielding.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1979 (v.16#4) pg. 85

Tip: Use a wet toothpick to clean holes of solder.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1980 (v.153#5) pg. 32

Tricks of soldering and desoldering for the electronics experimenter or technician.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1978 (v.49#1) pg. 40

All about desoldering. Correct desoldering involves five easy-to-master steps. Particular attention is given to removing DIPs.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1979 (v.50#11) pg. 67

Tip: Use heated darning needle to remove solder from PC-board holes.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1980 (v.51#6) pg. 80

Tip on using springs to "pull" on components when desoldering and removing them from circuit boards.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1984 (v.55#2) pg. 14

Tip on desoldering IC's (integrated circuits).
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1991 (v.62#1) pg. 10

Tip on using a hot oil bath to desolder ICs from circuit boards.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1991 (v.62#5) pg. 15