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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Mounting a 6" Tri-Schiefspiegler reflector telescope. Includes description of a mirror cell which uses a groove around the edge of the mirror for attaching mounting brackets.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1979 (v.58#3) pg. 270

A new concept for tilted-component telescopes. A German amateur's solution to the problem of central obstruction in reflecting telescopes.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1997 (v.94#5) pg. 113

New twist on tilted-mirror telescopes. Design and construction information for a three-mirror reflector that can approach the image quality of a 6" refractor.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1999 (v.98#1) pg. 128

Making a 3" Schiefspiegler. Scaled drawings, photos, and text describe this "tilted component" telescope.
TELESCOPE MAKING #1 Fall 1978 pg. 4

Constructing a 10" Kutter Schiefspiegler reflecting telescope. Complete optical specifications and instructions for fabricating and mounting the wooden framework for the TCT (tilted component telescope).
TELESCOPE MAKING #4 Summer 1979 pg. 8
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #7 Spring 1980 pg. 32

How to build a Kutter 3-mirror tri-schiefspiegler, a type of Tilted Component Telescope (TCT). Separate article tells how to collimate the Kutter tri-schiefspiegler.
TELESCOPE MAKING #16 Summer 1982 pg. 10, 18
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #40 Spring 1990 pg. 5

Building a 12.5" three-mirror Tri-Schiefspiegler telescope. Based on the equal radii design by Dick Buchroeder. Also known as a tilted-component telescope.
TELESCOPE MAKING #28 Fall 1986 pg. 32
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #40 Spring 1990 pg. 5

Notes on the construction of a 10" f/20 Buchroeder trischiefspiegler.
TELESCOPE MAKING #35 Winter 1988-89 pg. 40

A simple unobstructed telescope with high performance. Design data for a 6" aperture f/8 catadioptric Herschelian tilted-component reflector. Includes advice for making the corrector lenses.
TELESCOPE MAKING #41 Summer 1990 pg. 4

Variations on the Schiefspiegler. Specifications given for 5 versions of this reflecting telescope which uses two spherical mirrors.
TELESCOPE MAKING #43 Winter 1990-91 pg. 18
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #44 Spring 1991 pg. 5

A simple procedure for producing a Yolo telescope (a two-element tilted-component telescope in which the tilt of the secondary mirror is adjusted to cancel the coma of the primary mirror).
TELESCOPE MAKING #45 Summer 1991 pg. 34