Cloth tool bag for your bike straps to the frame. BOYS' LIFE Apr 1965 (v.55#4) pg. 41
How to make your own pannier bags for a bicycle. Pattern included. BOYS' LIFE Sep 1977 (v.67#9) pg. 76
A look at the various types of packs used for bicycle touring. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1978 (v.68#6) pg. 22
Points to consider when selecting racks and packs for carrying stuff on a bicycle. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1986 (v.76#8) pg. 8
Make bicycle bags and duffle bags from old denim trousers. CREATIVE CRAFTS #89 Oct 1982 (v.8#5) pg. 29
Bicycle back pack, pennant and ankle bands to sew from bright yellow canvas trimmed with reflective ribbon. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Sep 1979 (v.10#7) pg. 15
Roomy bike bag made from waterproof nylon pack cloth. Bag straps onto a bike and also has a carrying handle at the top. HANDMADE #15 Jul-Aug 1984 pg. 91, 76
Build a lockable carrier for your bicycle, moped or motorcycle from two wire baskets hinged together. POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1981 (v.219#5) pg. 121
Sew a bicycle bag with twin giant pockets that slip over the back of a two-wheeler. WOMAN'S DAY Mar 27 1978 (v.41#8) pg. 89, 124