Trailer designed to be pulled by a bicycle will hold two small children. Built from wood and two bicycle tires. Trailer weighs only 30 pounds. Includes a lockable storage compartment large enough for groceries. CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1984 (v.7#8) pg. 10, 28
Build a canoe trailer that is designed to be towed with a mountain bicycle. The trailer, hitch and bicycle can all be carried in the canoe for use on portages. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jun 1994 (v.17#9) pg. 63
Two-wheel cart for towing behind a bicycle. Built from plywood. Uses 2 bicycle wheels. Carries 100 pounds or more. Est. cost: $20. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #70 Jul-Aug 1981 pg. 132
Two-wheeled bike cart is towed behind a bicycle. It is capable of carrying one or two small children and/or groceries. Built from PVC plastic pipe. Estimated cost: $75. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1980 (v.153#5) pg. 132
Build a 2-wheel carry-all cart to pull behind your bicycle. Made from PVC pipe and bicycle tires. Weighs only 20 lbs., but will carry 50 lbs. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1984 (v.161#5) pg. 64
How to build a trailer to haul a surfboard behind a bicycle. SUNSET Jun 1978 (v.160#6) pg. 140
Cycle truck. A two-wheel trailer that attaches to a bicycle can haul up to 100 pounds. WOODWORKER May 1987 (v.91#5) pg. 370