Guidelines to help you get the most for your money when you buy jewelry. Covers the 4 C's of gemstones (color, clarity, cut, and carat weight), gold, Indian jewelry, and knowing your jeweler BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Apr 1977 (v.55#4) pg. 108
Ways to use gemstone balls to make earrings, stick pins, pendants, etc. Tips on mounting the balls and making decorative gold or silver leaves to accompany the balls. GEMS & MINERALS #491 Sep 1978 pg. 32
How to make jewelry that combines wood and gemstones. GEMS & MINERALS #512 Jun 1980 pg. 8
Designing jewelry for malachite. GEMS & MINERALS #514 Aug 1980 pg. 8
Channel jewelry. Make decorative mosaic jewelry by fitting colorful gem materials into sterling silver channel strips. (The technique is similar to forming stained glass pictures using lead channel). JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #519 Jan 1981 pg. 32
Setting faceted stones. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #521 Mar 1981 pg. 42
Tip: Use cement to aid in centering and aligning faceted stones during setting. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #525 Jul 1981 pg. 35
How to make jewelry with tumble polished gemstones. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #535 May 1982 pg. 38
Making jewelry and decorations with rose-shaped crystal aggregates of barite from central Oklahoma (called "rose rocks"). JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #547 May 1983 pg. 24
Jewelry pieces made from slices cut from walnut shells, chips of gem material, and plastic resin. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #549 Jul 1983 pg. 64
Making specialty jewelry for a Shriner. Tips on making pin, cuff links, tie clasp, and collar corners out of silver and featuring gemstone emblems using the channel method. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #554 Dec 1983 pg. 16
Tip: Remove stones from cement-on findings by soaking in vinegar overnight. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #555 Jan 1984 pg. 20
Gem of fashion. Lois Pippert comments on role of "fashion" when selecting the color of gem materials for use in jewelry. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #568 Feb-Mar 1985 pg. 8
An ancient art. How to make Indian arrowheads from obsidian and regular glass using a chipping and flaking technique. The resulting arrowheads are used for decorations and jewelry. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #569 Apr 1985 pg. 16
Tip: Assemble a domed setting for seven stones from seven individual 4-prong low-base head findings. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #574 Sep 1985 pg. 52
Desert rose jewelry. Barite crystals find a multitute of uses in jewelry and artworks. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #577 Dec 1985 pg. 16
Tip: Use silicon rubber for the filler when mounting a stone or cabochon in a setting. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #582 May 1986 pg. 37
Chip inlay. Crushed up bits of decorative gemstone or rock can be glued into recesses to form decorative jewelry LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1978 (v.31#12) pg. 2516
Tips on making simple frames for gemstones from pieces of wire or flat plate. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1978 (v.32#5) pg. 1074
Wood, metal and gemstones. Small rectangles of exotic wood, cemented to a metal backing, serve as settings for gemstones. Use as pins or pendants. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1978 (v.32#6) pg. 1256
Collecting Minerals, a Handbook..." Part 5. A summary of ways to produce gemstone jewelry. Tips on tumbling, cutting, cabochons, lapping and carving. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1979 (v.33#2) pg. 538
How to adapt basic papier-mache techniques, scrap materials, and small gemstones to make broaches, pendants, etc. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1979 (v.33#8) pg. 1720
Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 1. Roughing out a stone and dopping the stone. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1980 (v.34#2) pg. 490
Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 2. Design and design transfer and sawing. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1980 (v.34#3) pg. 696
Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 3. Filing and soldering. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jul 1980 (v.34#4) pg. 900
Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 4. Setting turquoise and shaping wire, rings, and bracelets. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1980 (v.34#5) pg. 1098
Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 5. Finding and chain. Finishing. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1980 (v.34#6) pg. 1316
Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 6. The jewelers workshop and four simple projects. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1980 (v.34#7) pg. 1540
Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 7. Project 5: Eight-petaled lotus necklace. Project 6: Flamingo pendant. Project 7: Wire earrings. Project 8: Fish pendant. Project 9: Inlaid ring. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1980 (v.34#8) pg. 1736
Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 8. Project 10: Inlaid broach. Project 11: Flower braclet. Project 12: Elk bola tie. Project 13: Turquoise maiden buckle. Project 14: Hopi Indian buckle. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1980 (v.34#9) pg. 1962
Easy mountings for free form cabochons, natural crystals, uncut stones, trilobites, arrowheads, etc. A project for beginners. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1981 (v.35#9) pg. 1878
A method used for assembly of fine, delicate jewelry in which the design is composed of a center stone surrounded by many small accessory stones. Plasticine and gypsum are used to hold the stones for soldering. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1982 (v.35#10) pg. 2100
Tip: Use graphite shavings to darken epoxy used to hold dark stones. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1986 (v.39#12) pg. 16
Tips for the beginning jewelry maker on setting a stone in sterling prongs. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1986 (v.40#5) pg. 64
No stone unturned. A goldsmith offers amateurs stone-setting suggestions for creating professional-looking finished jewelry. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1988 (v.41#10) pg. 35
Crystal capping. How to use wire wrapping to incorporate crystals into pieces of jewelry. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1989 (v.42#10) pg. 63
Tip on using paraffin to hold stones in place while they are being set. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1990 (v.44#2) pg. 82
An adhesive for tumbled gem jewelry is suggested. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1990 (v.44#5) pg. 102
So you wanna make jewelry. A blueprint for getting started in jewelry making, stone setting, gem cutting, and/or gem carving. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1994 (v.48#1) pg. 119