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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to save seeds. Selection, harvesting, cleaning, treating, storing and testing. Includes tips on hand pollinating to develop your own strains of vegetables. Includes a seed viability list (maximum storage under optimum conditions).
COUNTRYSIDE Jan 1978 (v.62#1) pg. 46

How to save your own garden seeds and store them for next year.
COUNTRYSIDE Oct 1979 (v.63#10) pg. 55

Eight articles on seeds, including what to plant and how to save and store seed.
COUNTRYSIDE Mar 1981 (v.65#3) pg. 16

How to save and harvest seeds. Part 1. Some tips for saving your own seeds.
COUNTRYSIDE Jun 1982 (v.66#6) pg. 36

How to save and harvest seeds. Part 2.
COUNTRYSIDE Jul 1982 (v.66#7) pg. 29

Some tips on saving seeds.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1991 (v.75#2) pg. 23

How to save seeds. A few basic rules.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1999 (v.83#2) pg. 70

Seed saving techniques.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 2000 (v.84#5) pg. 68

Tip: Use a flour sifter to separate seeds from flower chaff.
FINE GARDENING #4 Nov-Dec 1988 pg. 6

Storing seeds. Describes the effects of moisture and temperature, the use of desiccants, storage container options and drying techniques.
FINE GARDENING #5 Jan-Feb 1989 pg. 57

Tips on how to select the best seeds for saving.
FINE GARDENING #8 Jul-Aug 1989 pg. 8

Tip suggests using empty 35 mm film canisters for airtight seed storage.
FINE GARDENING #17 Jan-Feb 1991 pg. 8

Tip describes an easy way of separating chaff from seeds collected in the garden.
FINE GARDENING #27 Sep-Oct 1992 pg. 8

Tip on making seed packets from glassine photo-negative envelopes.
FINE GARDENING #33 Sep-Oct 1993 pg. 8

Tip on using empty seed packets to store your own harvest of seeds.
FINE GARDENING #36 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 10

Tip on making a greeting card with a picture of a flower and a packet of seeds, both from your garden.
FINE GARDENING #44 Jul-Aug 1995 pg. 10

Tip on saving seeds in a three-ring binder using plastic sleeves designed for trading cards.
FINE GARDENING #46 Nov-Dec 1995 pg. 8

Tip suggests using empty spice jars for storing and sprinkling seeds.
FINE GARDENING #48 Mar-Apr 1996 pg. 10

Tip describes how to collect seeds without constantly watching the plants.
FINE GARDENING #50 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 8

This year's seed, next year's garden. How to perpetuate your favorite flowers with a well-timed harvest.
FINE GARDENING #57 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 31

Tips on storing seed packets. How to make your own desiccant packet by using tissue and powdered milk for seed storage in a jar.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1985 (v.29#3) pg. 6

An introduction to the saving and storing of seeds.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1985 (v.29#6) pg. 4

Saving seeds. The basics on saving seeds and some specifics on tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, lettuce, corn, cucumbers, melons, squash, and pumpkins.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1993 (v.37#5) pg. 40

A weed seed collection project for children and tips on what they can learn about the seeds they collect.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1996 (v.40#5) pg. 41

Collecting seeds. Which seeds to collect, how to do it and information on seed cleaning, drying and storage.
GARDEN GATE #11 Oct 1996 pg. 36

How to make a seed-sorting sieve.
GARDEN GATE #15 Jun 1997 pg. 6

Tips on labeling saved seeds to eliminate confusion later.
GARDEN GATE #22 Aug 1998 pg. 4

As you reap so shall you sow. How to save your own seeds for vegetable gardening.
HARROWSMITH #45 Oct-Nov 1982 (v.7#3) pg. 85

How to store leftover packets of seeds so they remain cool and dry. Guidelines on potential longevity of well-stored seeds for some common vegetables. Includes instructions for a simple germination test to determine if stored seeds are still worth planting.
HARROWSMITH #76 Nov-Dec 1987 (v.12#4) pg. 27

Seed-saving terms and techniques the beginner needs to know.
HORTICULTURE Aug-Sep 1991 (v.69#7) pg. 30

Origami seed saver. How to fold a scrap of paper into a package for holding seed.
HORTICULTURE Jul-Aug 1998 (v.95#7) pg. 18

Heirloom seeds and their contribution to diversity noted.
KITCHEN GARDEN #1 Feb-Mar 1996 pg. 18

Save today, sow tomorrow. How to establish seed-saving goals, harvest, dry and store seeds.
KITCHEN GARDEN #11 Oct-Nov 1997 pg. 56

How to save and share seeds in homemade packets. A list of seeds that are easy to save and a germination test. A pattern for a seed packet that can be photocopied is included.
KITCHEN GARDEN #18 Dec 1998-Jan 1999 pg. 44

How to grow your own vegetable seeds the professional way. Covers hand pollination, caging, alternate planting and roguing.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #53 Sep-Oct 1978 pg. 77

A guide to collecting seeds. Covers the easiest seed-saving crops and other commonly saved vegetables, herbs and flowers.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #107 Sep-Oct 1987 pg. 58

Tip: Save vegetable seeds by storing them in powdered milk.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1979 (v.26#8) pg. 18

How to store leftover seed for use next year.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1980 (v.27#7) pg. 32

Saving your own seeds. Choosing parent plants and storing seed are simple tasks.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1981 (v.28#6) pg. 58

Tip: Save seeds in plastic 35mm film containers.
ORGANIC GARDENING Sep 1981 (v.28#9) pg. 4

Tip on using a blender to seperate tiny seeds from tight seedpods.
ORGANIC GARDENING May-Jun 1990 (v.37#5) pg. 76

Tips on storing seeds in the freezer.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1991 (v.38#8) pg. 24

Saving seeds from self-polinating crops. An explanation of isolation tactics, collecting and drying the seed.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1992 (v.39#3) pg. 37

Make handmade packets filled with seeds gathered from your garden to give as gifts.
ORGANIC GARDENING Sep-Oct 1995 (v.42#7) pg. 78

Advice on storing seeds to extend their life expectancy.
ORGANIC GARDENING Sep-Oct 1996 (v.43#7) pg. 21

Tip on using plastic food containers for refrigerated seed storage.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1997 (v.44#3) pg. 76

Tip for organizing seeds based on planting schedule.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1997 (v.44#4) pg. 55

Tips on collecting and saving your own vegetable seeds.
SUNSET Aug 1978 (v.161#2) pg. 156

Tips on saving vegetable seeds.
WORKBASKET Aug 1983 (v.48#9) pg. 46