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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Special candles for a special day. (1) Two-tone trio of candles for a wedding are made using wax crystals and honeycomb sheets and decorated with silk flowers. (2) Golden centerpiece candle is decorated with latticework, pressed flowers and a rub-on saying, "To have, to hold, to love, now and forever."
CRAFTS Jun 1996 (v.19#6) pg. 60

Floral candle rings are created from twisted paper.
CRAFTS Feb 1999 (v.22#1) pg. 57

Holly and berry motifs to paint on candles using acrylic paint. Also includes a decorative border to paint on a "candle follower" lamp shade.
DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Nov-Dec 1989 (v.16#6) pg. 88

Mastering the rose. Five-step method for painting a rose, plus instructions for painting buds and leaves in either oil or acrylic paints. Includes instructions for painting rose motifs on candles and a follower shade.
DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Jan-Feb 1990 (v.17#1) pg. 36

Tip on how to prepare the surface of a candle for painting.
DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Mar-Apr 1994 (v.21#2) pg. 8

Gifts from the kitchen, garden, and heart. (1) Citrus curd. (2) Family photo ornaments. (3) Simmering spice potpourri. (4) Southwest bonsai. (5) Chili chocolate truffles. (6) Personalized maps. (7) Fresh foliage rings to decorate candles.
SUNSET Dec 1994 (v.193#6) pg. 82

Tip: How to prepare the surface of a candle for painting.
TOLE WORLD #110 May-Jun 1991 (v.15#3) pg. 32

Turkey napkin or candle rings to needlepoint on plastic canvas.
WORKBASKET Oct-Nov 1993 (v.59#1) pg. 52

Tatted birthday candle cozies are made from metallic braid.
WORKBASKET Oct-Nov 1995 (v.61#1) pg. 14