Happy Holidays twig greeting. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Dec 1993 (v.71#12) pg. 72
Jolly ol' St.Nick. Intarsia Santa Claus wall plaque. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1991 (v.15#3) pg. 48
Teddy's Christmas. Intarsia plaque made from a variety of woods is in the shape of teddy bear hanging in a stocking and holding a candy cane. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1992 (v.16#3) pg. 59
Greenware cherub "card" is painted with non-firing stains to give it a "mystical" appeal. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Dec 1990 (v.36#4) pg. 143
Ceramic plaque features the heads of the three wise men with Bethlehem and the star in the background. Painted with nonfiring stains. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Oct 1994 (v.40#2) pg. 49
Nativity lamp. A ceramic plaque features the Nativity scene. A light-socket in the back causes the stars to shine. Painted with nonfiring stains. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Dec 1994 (v.40#4) pg. 31
Ceramic door or wall decoration combines a greenware crate lid, deer, and letters to spell out "MERRY CHRISTMAS." Painted with nonfiring stains. CERAMICS Oct 1994 (v.31#2) pg. 58
Three wisemen ceramic plaque is painted with nonfiring stains. CERAMICS Nov 1994 (v.31#3) pg. 66
State-flower Christmas tree plaque to carve. Forty-one flowers (along with a bee, butterfly and ladybug) are carved in low relief on a 14"x19" panel. CHIP CHATS Nov-Dec 1991 (v.38#6) pg. 10
Heart-shaped plaque with a painted wreath and "Jesus is the heart of Christmas" message. CRAFTS Dec 1994 (v.17#12) pg. 24, 45
Tin punch the greeting "Merry Christmas" and the profile of Santa into the bottom of a metal pie tin. Paint the Santa and hang on the wall as a decoration. CRAFTS Dec 1994 (v.17#12) pg. 35, 45
Wooden reindeer face with twigs as antlers is attached to a small plaque reading "Merry Christmas Deer Hearts". CRAFTS Dec 1995 (v.18#12) pg. 30, 41
Plaque consists of wooden letters spelling "CHRISTMAS". A painted string of lights is winding through the letters. CRAFTS Dec 1995 (v.18#12) pg. 58
Cross-stitched Merry Christmas greeting has an arch of flower motifs and pine boughs and rows of poinsettias. CRAFTS Nov 1997 (v.20#11) pg. 58, 67
Lodge-look Christmas plaques. A trio of blackboards to paint with red and black buffalo plaid borders and Christmas themes. (1) Santa. (2) Snowman. (3) Tree. CRAFTS Jul 1998 (v.21#7) pg. 16, 37
Cross-stitched Christmas greeting has a poinsettia, "Noel" and a border of glass beads as holly berries. CRAFTS Nov 1998 (v.21#11) pg. 38, 53
Santa's key door plaque. Slate painted with a message to Santa that tells how to deliver gifts to a home with no chimney to slide down. Slate's frame is decorated with a Santa head and mittens, holly leaves and berries and a gold skeleton key hanging from a ribbon. CRAFTS Dec 1998-Jan 1999 (v.21#12) pg. 52, Insert
Christmas door plaque. Circle of leather is stamped and painted with three candle motifs. Painted leather holly leaves and a leather banner stamped with "Happy Holidays," frame the bottom and sides. LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1998 (v.8#6) pg. 5, Insert
Nutcracker stocking stretcher. Wooden stocking stretcher is painted with acrylics. Features Ivan Nutcracker, a banner reading "We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year," and decorative floral sprays in the stroke flower style reminiscent of Nuremberg folk art. Intermediate to advanced painting level. TOLE WORLD #107 Nov-Dec 1990 (v.14#6) pg. 28
Christmas Remembered fraktur (17"x 12") has a central figure of St.Nicholas, a pair of angels across the top and a pair of swans across the bottom. Intermediate skill level. TOLE WORLD #119 Nov-Dec 1992 (v.16#6) pg. 6, Insert
Christmas plaque (11"x16") features a head and shoulders view of Santa with a bag over one shoulder and the words "Merry Christmas". TOLE WORLD #129 Jul-Aug 1994 (v.18#4) pg. 6, Insert
Wooden "NOEL" plaque combines scroll sawing with light-duty carving. WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #18 Nov 1990 (v.3#6) pg. 6
Victorian wall plaque for the holidays. A scroll saw project features a design of carolers, a sleigh, church in the snowy hills beneath the Christmas star. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1996 (v.20#6) pg. 28
Kitten and puppy holiday pictures (6"x6") to cross stitch. (1) Terrier pup, wearing a belled bow, has a background stitched with "Merry, Merry, ..." (2) The kitten wears a Santa cap and plays with a ribbon. "Jolly, Jolly, ..." script forms the background. WORKBASKET Oct-Nov 1991 (v.57#1) pg. 38