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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   MASK

Greenware masks and fan are decorated with non-firing stains, ribbon, feathers, flowers, etc. to form a wall decoration.
CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Jul 1990 (v.35#11) pg. 55

Indian masks. Using non-firing stains allows greenware masks to be finished in a very realistic fashion.
CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Dec 1990 (v.36#4) pg. 85

Ceramic mask is outfitted with the beaded headdress of an Oriental dancer. Painted with underglaze, glaze, and overglaze.
CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Nov 1994 (v.40#3) pg. 27

Tips on painting and decorating a porcelain mask.
CERAMICS Mar 1990 (v.25#6) pg. 60

Pearl mask. Adding a string of pearls and a plume (feather) to a painted greenware mask gives it an air of sophistication.
CERAMICS Apr 1990 (v.25#7) pg. 62

Lace draping. SPECIAL SECTION on applying slip-coated lace to a ceramic object. Projects include lace draping several ceramic dolls (figurines), a ceramic box, ceramic egg box, and ceramic mask.
CERAMICS Jul 1990 (v.25#9) pg. 37
Correction CERAMICS Oct 1990 (v.27#2) pg. 29

Masque a mask. A list of materials and photographs convey ideas for decorating ceramic masks.
CERAMICS Oct 1990 (v.27#2) pg. 56

The desert in design. Carve a Southwestern scene into a large ceramic mask and decorate it with texture glazes. Pattern included.
CERAMICS Jun 1994 (v.30#10) pg. 14, 82

Native American wall masks are painted with nonfiring stains. The man features a wolf headdress.
CERAMICS Nov 1994 (v.31#3) pg. 18

Exotica. Ceramic masks are decorated with roses and leaves which have been coated with setting agent.
POPULAR CERAMICS #493 Aug 1990 (v.41#1) pg. 88

Mardi Gras ceramic mask is painted in multi-colors using brush-on glitter paint.
POPULAR CERAMICS #534 Feb 1994 (v.44#7) pg. 32, 41