Tip on making a bike stand from a small stepladder. DIRT RIDER #100 Mar 1991 pg. 88
Tip on relocating the spring on a kickstand to the inside so it won't get knocked off by brush. DIRT RIDER #144 Nov 1994 pg. 22
Make a stand that fits your axle from a piece of rebar. DIRT RIDER #148 Mar 1995 pg. 45
Lightweight, collapsible, portable bike stand is made from a hinge and 1"x12" steel stock. DIRT RIDER #160 Mar 1996 pg. 125
Motorcycle workstand made from PVC pipe fittings. Est. cost: $10. DIRT RIDER #165 Aug 1996 pg. 132
Removable rod allows a motorcycle's centerstand to be removed (for looks), but easily replaced when servicing. MOTORCYCLIST #1115 Mar 1990 pg. 118
Tip on making a front wheel support from PVC pipe. This supports a cycle while the rear-wheel swingarm stand is leveraged into place. MOTORCYCLIST #1117 May 1990 pg. 113
Added Info MOTORCYCLIST #1124 Dec 1990 pg. 91
Pipe stand to get the rear wheel of a CBR900RR off the floor easily (without loading the shock). MOTORCYCLIST #1190 Jun 1996 pg. 120
Tip on leaving a cycle in first gear when parking so that it can't be accidentally rolled off its sidestand. MOTORCYCLIST #1229 Sep 1999 pg. 84