Skunk control ideas. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1990 (v.74#5) pg. 56
Trapping skunks. Some tips. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1990 (v.74#6) pg. 38
How to build a live trap for skunks from a 35 gallon barrel. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL May-Jun 1991 (v.75#3) pg. 5
Three tips on how to remove skunk odor from a dog. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1993 (v.77#5) pg. 43
Tips on removing skunk odor from animals and clothing. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1994 (v.78#1) pg. 62
Recipe to wash away skunk odor. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1995 (v.79#2) pg. 21
Recipe for removing skunk odor from dog's fur. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1996 (v.80#4) pg. 10
A skunk odor remedy that works. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1997 (v.81#5) pg. 66
Tip suggests cayenne pepper and oyster shells to deter raccoons and skunks from digging up bulbs. FINE GARDENING #64 Nov-Dec 1998 pg. 8
How to protect flower bulbs from damage by squirrels and skunks. FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1981 (v.25#5) pg. 58
Recipe for a bath solution for removing skunk odor from pets. HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #133 Apr 1997 (v.21) pg. 12
The big stink. An overview of the habits of the North American skunk. Includes advice on skunk control, eliminating the odor, etc. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #121 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 80
Recipe and instructions for a non-toxic solution to remove skunk odor from a pet. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #150 Jun-Jul 1995 pg. 10
Suggestions for ways to relocate a trapped skunk. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1996 (v.24#5) pg. 12
Added Info OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1996 (v.24#6) pg. 12
Hot peppers recommended as skunk repellant. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1997 (v.44#3) pg. 74