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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Cords and piping for handwoven clothing. How to make cord and then turn cord into piping.
HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1997 (v.18#4) pg. 56

Bias bindings, piping and tubes as edging and embellishment for handwoven garments.
HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1997 (v.18#5) pg. 68

Crocheted silk cords. Step-by-step instructions for crocheting an oval cord.
SPIN-OFF Winter 1999 (v.23#4) pg. 74

How to make cords from fabric for loop and button closures.
THREADS #30 Aug-Sep 1990 pg. 10

Tip on a lashing method to bind covered cording and finish off tassels.
THREADS #31 Oct-Nov 1990 pg. 14

A fast, easy way to make seamless piping.
THREADS #31 Oct-Nov 1990 pg. 16

How to make tie closures for a shirt, jacket or vest.
THREADS #53 Jun-Jul 1994 pg. 18

Piping, the basics and beyond. Describes covering filler cord to make piping, the basics of stitching piping, and how to achieve several piping variations.
THREADS #56 Dec 1994-Jan 1995 pg. 40

Design with knitted cord. How to create complex-looking textures such as faux cables by applying the cord. Includes knitting instructions for I-cord and for tube stitch. Diagrams show how to sew cord in place and how to knit an I-cord border and garment together.
THREADS #59 Jun-Jul 1995 pg. 44

Winding welts around a curve. The secrets of shaped pocket openings.
THREADS #62 Dec 1995-Jan 1996 pg. 44

A technique for creating a delicate, polished-looking piped edge.
THREADS #69 Feb-Mar 1997 pg. 14

Precision piping. The anatomy of a piped edge and step-by-step details of the process.
THREADS #72 Aug-Sep 1997 pg. 44

No more wobbly welts. Techniques for creating a welt pocket or bound buttonhole.
THREADS #72 Aug-Sep 1997 pg. 62
Added Info THREADS #75 Feb-Mar 1998 pg. 12

How to create faux piping along an edge without installing regular piping.
THREADS #75 Feb-Mar 1998 pg. 18

Cording as trims. How to use it to make ties, for button loops, to attach buttons and as trims. Step-by-step instructions for covering a cord with a bias strip of fabric.
THREADS #76 Apr-May 1998 pg. 30