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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


A thermal primer. An overview of the concept of "thermal resistance" caused when transistors are combined with heat sinks.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1978 [Nov 1978] (v.9#4) pg. 13

Homebuilt heat sinks. How to fabricate heat sinks from metal sheet, tubing, wire, etc.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1981 [Feb 1981] (v.12#1) pg. 18

Heat sink for small TO-92 transistors is make from a glazier's clip.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1983 [Jun 1983] (v.14#2) pg. 36

Tip on using copper micro-clips as heat sinks when installing heat-sensitive components.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1985 [Oct 1985] (v.16#4) pg. 44

The heat's off. A description of heat transfer principles via conduction, radiation, and convection and how it affects electronic circuit design.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1993 [Sep 1993] (v.24#3) pg. 28

Proper heat management techniques that ensure a long life for electronic components.
ELECTRONICS NOW Oct 1993 (v.64#10) pg. 62

How to select the right heat sink.
ELECTRONICS NOW May 1996 (v.67#5) pg. 41

Thermal calculations. Learn how to do the math that will keep your electronic project from overheating.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1994 (v.11#12) pg. 55