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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Simple Tomy toy DT timer. Improved technique for weighing the governor.
AERO MODELLER #653 Jun 1990 (v.55) pg. 348

Tips on selecting and using VIT (variable incidence tail) timers on free-flight models.
AERO MODELLER #664 May 1991 (v.56) pg. 299

Lightweight and simple device which provides engine run timing, auto rudder or VIT, and dethermalizer using straight forward fuse type devices.
AERO MODELLER #666 Jul 1991 (v.56) pg. 424

Tip on constructing a perfectly balanced governor (weighted wire) used to slow down modified Tomy motors.
AERO MODELLER #669 Oct 1991 (v.56) pg. 602

Make a safe and simple D/T (dethermalizer) fuse lighter that operates on nicad batteries.
AERO MODELLER #681 Oct 1992 (v.57) pg. 45

Simple start/hold switch for a Snoopy timer.
AERO MODELLER #713 Jun 1995 (v.60) pg. 48

Tips on converting (1) plastic "Tomy" motors and (2) lid dampers into lightweight timers for free-flight model aircraft.
AERO MODELLER #723 Apr 1996 (v.61) pg. 6

Scrolls and discs. Some aspects of Tomy timer construction. Suggested modifications for multi-function use.
AERO MODELLER #732 Jan 1997 (v.62) pg. 21

Model building basics for the beginner. (1) Landing gear. (2) Dethermalizers.
AERO MODELLER #734 Mar 1997 (v.62) pg. 16

Tip on modifying the D-T timer used on towline gliders so that the timer does not start until the towline is released.
MODEL AVIATION Feb 1992 (v.18#2) pg. 60

Tips on avoiding problems with conventional pop-up-stabilizer DT systems.
MODEL AVIATION Apr 1994 (v.20#4) pg. 100

Advice on the selection, mounting, and maintenance of timers and dethermalizers.
MODEL AVIATION Jun 1998 (v.24#6) pg. 132